another harry potter rpg but its different

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"Ooh. Except I just got you! You just said you were rich and had all the stuff I do, but that you weren't snobby about it. I've heard many girls say they wish you would have never told them about your house....I mean houses! They call you snobby, bighheaded, and braggish." he said, with a smug smile appearing across his pale face.
Draco saw some of the girls try to hide their smiles. He blushed and sat down in the nearest seat. He coughed and people took this as the last word and started to dance again.
ooc: lol ok

ic: Draco couldn't take it. He followed after Stella. He was still angry, but he tried to calm down by the time he finally found her.
ooc: where is this going!?

ic: Draco walked after her and grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. "I'm s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sooorryy." he stammered on sorry, since he'd never said it before and meant it.
Bradley hardly even heard Gretchen. He stared at Stella as she kissed Draco. The tissue fell from his hands. "G-gretchen. Do you...mind if I take you back to the dormitories. I...suddenly don't feel very well." Without an answer he grabbed her wrist and led her out of the courtyard.
Her eyes got wide.
" ah, yea sure of course," she said looking back to see why he was actting like this,
she turn to look at him.
" are you all right Bread?," she ask looking at him odd.
"I'm sorry Gretchen." He rubbed his eyes. "I just suddenly felt a little...nautious. There must have been something wrong with the pumpkin juice or something. I'm really sorry about this." He really felt bad for what he was doing. He wanted to keep dancing with Gretchen, but he couldn't. They got to the Slytherin dormitories. "Again, I'm sorry. I hope you had fun." He half smiled.
She shook her head.
" no you saw Stella and you got mad because of Draco am I right," she said with a half smile on her face then kiss him on the cheek.
" you are ever nice guy Bread if Stella dosen't know that by now I do," she told him putting her hair down.
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