another harry potter rpg but its different

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"today we shal turn crows into owls" professor mcgonall said as caged crows appered one for each student stella really didnt feel like transforming crows to owls she really didnt like the fact that gretchen was going to hogsmeade with bradley
ooc: *gasp*:eek:

Bradley looked at the crow. He always found this subject very interesting. He payed very close attention to the professor as she spoke.
stell tryed to change the crow into an owl but she couldint her consentration was off in transfiguration she usually was on of the first people to get the assignment finished
Bradley turned his crow into an owl. He noticed Stella was having a hard time, which seemed odd. He whispered, "Stella, what's the matter?"
Bradley watched her leave. He picked up his things to leave. "Stella's acting really weird."

ooc: Guys are sooooo clueless sometimes. LOL
stella looked around making sure gretchen and bradley werent around "bradley is going with gretchen to hogsmeade need i say more" stella said
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