Well-known member
Have you ever laid down in the middle of a road?
Were there cars coming at the time?
Why do dogs have such cold wet noses?
'Cause warm, dry noses would feel weird.
Have you ever laid down in the middle of a road?
Were there cars coming at the time?
Why do dogs have such cold wet noses?
Do it all.
All at once?!
Should I put a link to my blog in my signature?
Oh, that was helpful.
Aren't Telmarines who answer questions always supposed to be helpful?
Do they understand sarcasm?
Is it wrong for Stellar Kart to have done covers of Disney songs?
How can I still respect Relient K since they did a Justin Bieber song?
Should I break my sister's mini hour glass to get at the sand just because I am bored?
Should I do hw, make a game, or read first?
Should I eat French Bread Pizza or Mac and Cheese?
Do Telmarines snore?
Does Toodles snore?
Read, first, second, and last.
Lol xD.
Does Toodles read?
What books does Toodles read?
Can Toodles read Pig Latin??
Should I buy a Kindle or a Nook?!?!
Do Telmarines despise numbers used in a mathematical way?
How many fingers is Sushi holding up?
Shh. You're not supposed to give hints to Tellies. *donates GG to GG*
Will I have time and an internet connection to watch Doctor Who tonight?
How many fingers is Sushi holding up?
How many fingers does Sushi have?
Shh. You're not supposed to give hints to Telmarines. *donates GG to GG*
*Eats self in penalty*
Should I take a nap?
What's your favorite color?
What is the strange blue thing up near the ceiling?
How do you feel about being called the Telly?
Do need a therapist for that?
Does anyone need a therapist for anything?
What is Dr. Byrne?
Why isn't Dr. Byrne Dr. Burne?