The infamous crazy reporter from Orange County, CA had been chasing Super Duper Man all over town in order to interview him about how it felt (and what was going through his mind, of course) when he was giving Mel Gibson piggy back rides. The reporter also wanted to know what plans Super Duper Man had to make ends meet now that he was poor.
What the reporter didn't know was that Super Duper Man had the bad habit of speaking mostly by quoting lyrics of songs by the 70's band America, a habit that was really weird (if albeit funny) to hear. If the crazy reporter had known this, he wouldn't have interviewed Super Duper Man. However, the reported didn't know, so when he finally cornered him, he began the interview by asking:
"So Super Duper Man, what are your plans to be able to support yourself? Have you been looking for a new job?"
"Well," responded Super Duper Man, "I tried to make it Sunday, but I got so darned depressed, then I set my sights on Monday and I got myself undressed, so I buu buu buu.....
"Woah, woah!" Said the reporter while covering Super Duper Man's mouth with his hand. "You cannot say 'naked' on the air, on a live interview."
"I didn't. I said 'undressed'."
"It's the same thing."
"No it's not!"
"It's too!"
"It's not!"
"It's too!"
"Na ah!"
"Ya ah!"
Needless to say, the interview went downhill from there. Crazy reporter.