Attention-Deficit Roleplaying

Porky showed up wearing a kilt and playing a lively tune on the bagpipes, and whilst the pipes played on, several grouchy highland men began chasing Buckwheat through the hills. Buckwheat frantically threw apples at the men chasing him.
Belatedly realizing that he was responsible for the Little Rascals being transferred in time, Doctor Who comes back to round them up, including Buckwheat, and returns them to their own time.
Once upon a midnight dreary
While I posted, bored and weary
Pouring over thousand threads I'd seen before-
While I typed, fingers flapping, suddenly there came a rapping
It was someone, loudly tapping, tapping at my bedroom door.
It was my father, and he said:
Meanwhile, Doc and Marty use the flying time train and manage to find the DeLorean in the medieval Scottish highlands. They then take the DeLorean and the train Back to the Future (1986) after discovering that the child who hijacked their time machine had been returned to his own time by The Doctor. Marty and Doc soon realize that time HAS been altered, however, in that Biff Tannen is now king of the United States of America!! :eek:
Doc's son Vern, who had stowed away in the time train, stepped out and said, "Boy, dad, I'd give anything to get out of this bogus time line..." he then noticed a sign for Candy for kids Charity that read, "FREE chocolate bunnies! HAPPY EASTER!!!!" Vern quickly corrected himself and said, "On second thought, I'll stay for some candy, first!!!"
Doc quickly scolded his son for caring more about candy than saving the space-time continuum, and also gave him a brief lecture on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, why we celebrate it, and why it's important. Vern then appologized and reluctantly agreed to help fix history.
Big Bird began tap-dancing and singing. But then a team of poachers, unseen, crept up in the bushes.

Just as they took aim, the old man from a few posts above limps through the scene and beats the snot out of them.

Big Bird tap dances on, unnoticed.
You could not tell if the members of Smerdyakov's posse were rough Mafiya thugs or just plain cavemen. If you were to observe them long enough (if you were lucky to stay alive long enough and near enough to observe them long enough) you could not tell the difference between the these two. If they were not slapping people around every 2 minutes, they would just mill about doing manly things like spitting and making noises with their armpits.
"I have been ignored for several posts," said Smerdyakov, "I really MUST do something evil soon, or I'll lose all credibility."

He vowed that next post, he would do something.

In the meantime, he gathered his materials.

Which included:

1. A typewriter.
2. A rubber duckie
3. a hardcover copy of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare
4. a bust of Martin Luther
5. string cheese.

"With these," he cackled, "I shall put my secret plan into action. Secretly."
Merlin, who was in the neighborhood, noticed the bust of Martin Luther and mistook it for Friar Tuck. He grabbed the bust and ran it back to his secret wizard's lab in Camelot, where he added the Martin Luther bust to his collection of Friar Tuck memorabilia.
Meanwhile, TWO thirteen-year-old girls were riding horses on lonely quests which no adult could understand. They both converged upon a fence with a gate. A hundred people were standing around staring at the fence. The gate had a sign saying: "This gate can only be opened by the GREATEST of all Mary Sues."

Both girls dismounted, and began arguing over which of them was the greatest Mary Sue. Then they took a step toward each other, intending to have a fight. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you feel about such things), the nearby spectators all happened to be people who had worked as movie extras. They had worked as extras for catfight scenes, and their instruction was ALWAYS to encircle the fighters, yelling and gesturing, so that the camera would see NOTHING BUT them yelling and gesturing. And so it was now: before the rival Mary Sues could strike one blow or clinch one clinch, they were totally hidden from view by the crowd. Thus, this reporter is unable to report which of them won, or indeed if they even DID really fight.
Meanwhile, there's a space dogfight going on between a squadron of Arwings, otherwise known as "rust buckets" and a squadron of Cadillac class fighters lead by none other than dumb old Cayman. The Arwings are piloted of course by the good guys, Fox McCloud, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, and Falco Lombardi.

On this scene, Cayman gets the drop on the Arwing commander Fox McCloud. Cayman is now on Fox's six:

[FONT=&quot]"...were you looking for ME Fox?"[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

Fox: "Cayman? What's going on Cayman? By the way, could you fly in front of me for a sec please? I have another missile I want to test. Be a good boy won't ya?"

"Actually Fox, it is YOU who is in front of me, ha ha ha ha!"

"Oh no you didn't!"

Cayman: "Oh yes I diddy!"


Fox: "Peppy, thanks for telling Cayman how I'm going to get out of his trap and take him out."

Peppy: "Oops...'re welcome?" [/FONT]

Fox: "No problem Peppy. Try to keep your intercom silenced next time?"

Peppy: "And how I'm I supposed to talk to you then?"

"Talk to me when there's no one on my tail next time, OK?"

Cayman: "Are you guys done? I'm still behind Fox, you know? Nothing can stop me."

Falco: "Except me, lizard boy! FOX ONE! FIRE!


I didn't have to miss, Cayman, you know that right?"

Cayman: "Eeeeeeeeehhhh! Time to go!! Se you later, gators!"


Falco: "Is that Arwing ok, Fox?"

Fox: "Yes, Falco, I'm fine."

"I'm talking about the ship! This time it ain't coming out of my paycheck."

Fox: *sigh*
And the Grey Eagle was glad for that outcome, since he always despised TV shows which glamorized criminals (noting that Edie Falco first became famous for being in such a show).
A. Wolf filed a complain in Federal Court against evil brick making corporations for ruining his happy life and causing undue hardship upon his nice persona. Apparently, he was upset that these businesses had sold bricks to the smart pig to build his house with and A. Wolf couldn't blow the house down and eat the pig. Course the darn bricks! Naturally, the ones to blame for him going hungry for a full 3 hours had to be those evil corporations that made a profit on the bricks.
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