Corrupt a Wish Game (Please Do Not Delete)

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Granted, but of course you're eaten and the person who eats you happens to be me. I chew very, very hard, then decide meatballs are diskusting and spit you out in the trash. A dog dumps over the trash can and upon finding a chewed-up meatball, proceeds to play with it. You vetry unfortuetly end up in a fresh pile of horse manure. Congrats. ;)

I wish I had a horse. A GOOD onme that nobody kills. Whatever happenms to me happens to you.
Granted but then it turns into an evil mutant beast that simply loves almost-but-not-quite killing you for the rest or your life.

I still wish I had a horse.
Granted but it tastes like rotten meat with strong matallic tint in it.

I still wish I had a horse that dfidn't run away, didn't get killed in any way, shape, or form and I could ride it. A chestnut Arabian/Saddlebred/Gelderlander/Thouroughbred/all of the above mare, about 6 years old so it's still fairly young but trained at least enough to know how to be ridden, and 15.2-16 hands high. Pretty-or at least will be- good at three-day eventing, espescially show jumping.
GHranted but it goes so fast it starts going to whatever sites it feels like, of COURSE the most boring ones on the face of the planet. You get mad and wish the computer would slow down. It's now for times as slow as it was.

I wish I could ride better. *groans* So pathetic...
Granted, you can ride better, but the horses are more difficult to ride so you end up on the ground anyway

I wish for a pet migraine.
I actually haven't fallen off since I either went unconcious or fell asleep(I know it's ridiculous but true-I fell off then, and whatever caused it I don't remember) on Mac and I think my lesson horse(Yeah, Frog, the one I'm always talking about. And for those who don't know, Frog is NOT a frog. He's a horse, and the crankiest one there but I love him.) is the hardest one so...:rolleyes:
Granted, but it eats you. Sorry it's lame but I g2g NOW

I wish IO didn't have to go.
Granted, but it commands you to blow yourself up. So of course, wnating to please somebody, do so. Only the bomb won't blow up. The whole thing's on fire and you gradually burn to death.

I wish I weren't bored....
Granted, you are now a part of the un-bored. Neither bored, nor entertained. Simply existing and doing things...yes, like the un-dead...but

I wish for giant guppy.
Granted, but the giant puppy slobbers all over you. You go to take a shower, and the puppy-slobber gets sprayed off onto the shower curtain, which becomes stiff as a board. To makematters worse, it hits the faucet, turns it up to maximum heat, and sticks it there. So you're now trapped in a shower with scalding water going full blast from above you.

I wish that RF weren't using up all the hot water! :mad:
Granted. The reason, however, that you feel better is because a giant anvil just fell out of the sky and landed on you... so you don't feel anything at all. But hey, that's better than hurting, isn't it?

I wish RF would give back the water... *bambi eyes*
Granted but now it's all muddy and linty because you sucked it up out of the yard with a vaccuum.

I wish I wasn't squished by an anvil. :rolleyes:

Granted... you're not squished by AN anvil.... Twenty-million of them suddenly come falling from the sky, right above where you are.... Too bad.... :D

I wish the person on TV wasn't laughing so evily.... :D
Granted, but although the PERSON on TV is no longer laughing, there are several evil MONSTERS laughing, which is way creepier.

I wish I had enough money to go the O.A.R. concert
Granted but then when you got the money the concert was cancelled due to sudden illness O.o And since the concert was cancelled you had to give back the money. But when you gave it back The concert was postponed without your notice and the concert went on :p You wanted to use the money again but there was a policy "once you give it back you could not take it back" rule. (Is that even possible in real life XD?) So the concert went on without you, while you're stuck at home sulking since you didn't get the money.

I wish my puppies would never grow up to be adult dogs :p
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