Martha is probs the works out of the three but she is good :D:D


I thought the ending was really sad too, like he said well bye then and she just go yeah bue as though she never knew him, as though he's not important i was like :(

I cant wait for the new series of that and Trochwood, love it its brill :D
Then again, it was probably the hardest for Martha too, pulling off a good companion, after two series of Rose, you know, Rose as the new series starter, she was really important, and well-loved, it's difficult to fill such a gap.

Man, i just saw the season two cybermen episodes, that was so incredibly sad :( All those people being transformed into monsters because of one man being afraid to die. Really, i know it´s just fake and all, but that was so incredibly sad! The woman who was going to get married the next day, but turned into a cyber(wo)man, and all of them realizing what they had become. And Jackie as one! Really, i´m sad now because of it! :( You know, the Daleks are horrible too, but they were never ´good´ or anything like it.
The other thing about Martha is that she was a big opposite to Rose. I din't like the change at the beginning and I even stopped watching because I was mad that they got rid of Rose. But then I discovered that you have to give Martha a chance and she can really grow on you.
I like Martha now.
Martha is good, better once her infatuation ends.
But disturbing though with the osterhaagen key. Was she using it as a bluff?
No, I think she figured that what the Daleks were planning would probably result in ex-ter-mi-nating mankind anyway; so at least with the Key, it would be possible to make it cost the Daleks a heavy price. EVEN in the neo-hippie cosmology of the Doctor Who series, the Daleks are one gang you just WON'T persuade to sing "Kumbaya" with you.
Just a newbie sticking her head into this thread to say how much I love finding a thread that starts out with 'who's your favorite Doctor' and goes into so many great permutations and discussion rabbit-trails along the way. 22 pages! Whew!

I'm a total Classic Who fan here - Doctors 1-4 are my faves with Pertwee and Troughton (Three and Two, respectively) completely owning the day, favorite companions being Ian (One), Jamie (Two) and Jo (Three). I'm also of the opinion that no one has ever topped Roger Delgado's original Master. I would love to see NuWho turn back towards some of its roots, and to see an older actor as the Doctor again, personally - less soap opera and CGI, more plot and clever dialogue.
Welcome Primsong!! I am glad you found this thread. Come back and gives some more of your knowledge.

I personally don't know much about the classic Dr. because I really did not get into it until the present series began with Rose et al. But I will try to find the DVD's and buy them soon!
Just a newbie sticking her head into this thread to say how much I love finding a thread that starts out with 'who's your favorite Doctor' and goes into so many great permutations and discussion rabbit-trails along the way. 22 pages! Whew!

I'm a total Classic Who fan here - Doctors 1-4 are my faves with Pertwee and Troughton (Three and Two, respectively) completely owning the day, favorite companions being Ian (One), Jamie (Two) and Jo (Three). I'm also of the opinion that no one has ever topped Roger Delgado's original Master. I would love to see NuWho turn back towards some of its roots, and to see an older actor as the Doctor again, personally - less soap opera and CGI, more plot and clever dialogue.
Hello and welcome to the forums! :) It's great to see another classic fan here. Nice to have you!

I know basically nothing of the classic series, unfortunately. However, i do know what Mr. Russel T. Davies (sp?) said about the soap effect on Dr. Who. It was something like (not the exact quote): 'I didn't add soap to the series, soap would be the Doctor looking at Rose and saying 'i'm your father', what people mean is i added drama, and that's what i wanted to do'.

It was something like that, again, not the exact quote.

I thought it was funny, 'cause i immediately saw the image in my head of the Doctor telling Rose he was her father, and that was sooo ridiculous:D

EDIT: but i'd love to hear more about the classic series, what was the main difference between old and new?
I would say one of the main differences (really) is that he can steer the TARDIS. Seriously. One of the great aspects of earlier Who was the fact he could try all he wanted to get somewhere but his chances of really ending up where he wanted to be or somewhere else were quite random - Barbara and Ian were essentially kidnapped by One and then after *two years* of his trying to get them back to their time in London they finally had to ditch him and use a Dalek machine to get home.

The other goes hand-in-hand with it - that he was a renegade from his own people (bring back Gallifrey...please!) and that he was an enthusiastic, eccentric explorer with an endless curiosity and delight about the universe. He wasn't loaded down with angsty guilty emo baggage or chasing pretty girls - or able to even go to a specific place when he wanted to - he just wanted to see what was out there and have his people not interfere as he enjoyed rolling with the punches. This combined with the erratic operation of his stolen TARDIS made for fine old adventure.
There's so much wonderfulness there - you really ought to consider giving them a try. You can find some on youtube, and the titles for all the episodes with synopsis, etc. can be found at Outpost Gallifrey.

Just don't be discouraged if you decide to watch them in order and get stuck on the first one! "An Unearthly Child" was the first ep with the first Doctor and it's sooooo.....slooooow..... gah. By his third episode things were picking up, though and I am a complete fan of One (Hartnell) now. "The Romans" is among his best, and "The Dalek Invasion of Earth". He was the 'grandpa' but woe to any who underestimated him!

Two (Troughton) had the tragedy of having most of his episodes lost by the BBC - there are a few gems (Mind Robber is excellent) and lots of mourners because he was *so* good. They do still have the audio, so there are reconstructions, animations and other things out there in an attempt to bring back what was lost.

Three (Pertwee) was where the series went to color, and he is still my fave. He was a 'James Bond' sort of Doctor, a scientist/professor and total dashing Edwardian hero, plus a voice you can just listen to all day.

And then there was Four (Tom Baker) - wow, if you've missed him you've missed a *lot*....

Go forth and watch!
Primsong: hearing you talk about those early Doctors REALLY makes me want to watch them. I will budget some dough for the DVDs in the next couple of weeks.
Wow, thanks for all that info.
Sure thing - I'm always happy to share the fun with others.
One other thing that I just thought of might be taking a look at the tribute vids by 'Babelcolour' on youtube - he's done one for each Doctor with professional quality and capture the feel and highlights of each one so very, very well. They might give you a notion of what you would be finding when you see the episodes.
The other goes hand-in-hand with it - that he was a renegade from his own people (bring back Gallifrey...please!) and that he was an enthusiastic, eccentric explorer with an endless curiosity and delight about the universe. He wasn't loaded down with angsty guilty emo baggage or chasing pretty girls - or able to even go to a specific place when he wanted to - he just wanted to see what was out there and have his people not interfere as he enjoyed rolling with the punches. This combined with the erratic operation of his stolen TARDIS made for fine old adventure.

I agree with this compleatly. In New Who they basicly made the Doctor into the Galactic Police when in Classic Who that's exactly what he didn't want to be. If you're going overall plot wise rather than character wise I'd say the main difference is all the time war stuff and Gallifrey being gone. So please bring back Gallifrey! They brought bake the Daleks when they were taken from time and space so I really think they should bring back Gallifrey and the timelords.
Sure thing - I'm always happy to share the fun with others.
One other thing that I just thought of might be taking a look at the tribute vids by 'Babelcolour' on youtube - he's done one for each Doctor with professional quality and capture the feel and highlights of each one so very, very well. They might give you a notion of what you would be finding when you see the episodes.
I will! Thanks. "Babelcolour". I'll remember that!!
a nice change from the classic series though is that the companions do slightly more than stand there goggle eyed and gasp oh doctor and then end up in near death situations. And sometimes save teh day.

(now they say oi doctor, stand there goggle eyed and then up in near death situations =P)

Also, the classic series seem to rely a lot less heavily on mass death. It happens, but it isn;t the driving force for storyline. It is one of the things that really annoys me with RTD's episodes. eg Stephen Moffat manages perfectly well without a mass slaughter, a bloodbath and shed loads of CGI.
The home made tacky feel of the old lot is amazing too.
There's always been a few 'useless' companions along the way - Peri, for instance (wince..ow...) - and Susan had a few clever moments but so often was just a helpless screamer. But then you also have smart, quick ones that give the Doctor a real run for the money, real powerhouse companions that complement him, like Ian, Polly and Jamie - and let us not forget Romana! ;)
Can't forget Ace. She was more than able to look out for herself.... in her own way. =D I thought that Nine was more like a Classic Who Doctor than Ten was. :/ Personality wise.
Most of One and Two is on Youtube. So is Seven. Three and Four were up but now they aren't. Wait a month or so and they might be up again.