hmm I didn't really like the season 3 finale. Except when the *spoilers* the master died and the doctor was upset - that was actually quite moving.

The problem is that RTD wrote it and he relies on special effects and mass murder. Very little plot.
I love Donna! Although..yeah..she did get a bit...ehhh...yeah, pushy as you said it, but when she wasn't pushy she was great. She was a real breath of fresh air in ways of companions for the Doctor with the new series for me.
Donna was really awesome. She reminded me of the Brigadier. =D

hmm I didn't really like the season 3 finale. Except when the *spoilers* the master died and the doctor was upset - that was actually quite moving.

The problem is that RTD wrote it and he relies on special effects and mass murder. Very little plot.

Really? I liked that three parter. I personaly don't think the Master is dead.
You think he might have had a sly regen when everyone had left? That would be typical russel t davies... see i reckon they'll work out a way to write donna back into it. They got billy back from an alternate universe where she was stuck forever...
Yaaaaay! We got "The Invasion" dvd - Patrick Troughton wonderfulness (Second Doctor with Jamie, Zoe, UNIT and Cybermen!) Must go snuggle it.

I think it's given me a new favorite quote - 'Look Jamie. Sandwiches!'


This has the two missing episodes redone with a passably good animation by the BBC, thank heavens they didn't lose the audio too. (the old VHS version just had Nick Courtney (the Brig) summarizing what happened). Excellent - I highly recommend this one!
You think he might have had a sly regen when everyone had left? That would be typical russel t davies... see i reckon they'll work out a way to write donna back into it. They got billy back from an alternate universe where she was stuck forever...

True, but I heard that since there's going to be a writer replacing davis, davis wrote off everyone but the doctor so the new writer doesn't have to worry about writing the characters the same. So who knows what he's going to do with donna.
I know what was done with Donna. Those who also know, will know what I mean when I say that I liked the gesture Donna's father made, for which the Doctor thanked him.
why are you being so cryptic Copperfox?

and Donna's father was dead so do you mean her grandfather?

RTD has resigned (woop woop) and Stephen Moffat is taking over as head writer and execeutive producer. I love his stuff.
I'm totally looking forward to whatever Moffat comes up with - high hopes for better storytelling ahead. Also nice that Moffat is a fan of the 'classic' who and interested in keeping the storyline/character consistent between Nuwho and OldSkool, a huge point in his favor in my eyes.
yeah, it's been said that he was leaving for a long time. everyone who heard the news thought that Dr. 10 was going to change in the last ep, glad he didn't though. although, I wonder how he does change....>.>...hmmm...
Lots of speculating going on who might be number Eleven.

I'm hoping for Sean Pertwee, myself - he's interested in it and it would be so fun to have him follow in his father's footsteps.
Oh, that definitely would be! Although, I'm more interested in what 11 will be like, since that's the great thing about the Doc: he always changes when he changes. :rolleyes:
yeah, it's been said that he was leaving for a long time. everyone who heard the news thought that Dr. 10 was going to change in the last ep, glad he didn't though. although, I wonder how he does change....>.>...hmmm...

But he denied the first rumors and said he wouldn't leave. Maybe theater changed his mind?
We just got a Wonderful Box in the mail today - stuffed to the gills with classic Doctor Who tapes, a lot we got off of ebay. Yayyyyy! We are watching Baker's Four tonight, but then we get to dig into the Three and (squeeee!) Two tapes as well. :D
But he denied the first rumors and said he wouldn't leave. Maybe theater changed his mind?

Maybe, but I thought the rumor dealt with him leaving after season 2 when Billie left. Also if the question was asked in a way that he could avoid it without really lying, then maybe he did. :confused:

Primsong: :eek: lucky!! How were they? awesome I bet.