Ultra uber-awesome, especially getting more Troughton. We lined them up in order (geeks that we are) and they filled one of my bookshelf shelves.

Of course, we're already trying to figure out how we can get some of the 'missing' ones in the lineup, back to ebay we go. Some folks with more money than we have are converting their collections to dvd, so if you watch you can sometimes find nice bunches of vhs tapes at a more affordable level. I would especially love some of One's episodes, like the Romans or The Keys of Marinus, but it looks like I'll have to spring for dvds on his.
Dr Who in Brisingr

Arya makes a poetic reference to the good Doctor in this book.

I'll quote the relevant passages here:

Adrift upon the sea of time, the lonely god wanders from shore to distance shore, upholding the laws of the stars above.

The trickster, the riddler, the keeper of the balance, he of the many faces who finds life in death and fears no evil, he who walks through doors.

And Christopher Paolini confirms this is a reference to the Doctor in the afterword.
Je suis confused! There's going to be a new Doctor!? On Children in Need tonight they said that Tennant is finishing and a new guy's taking over... but we won't find out til the Christmas special...
I thought Primsong mentioned Dr. 3's son as somewhat of an interest...or maybe that was what she wanted. >.>...hmm...Well either way, it'll be interesting to see what new personality the Doctor is going to have and who he picks up along the way.
We'll all have to just wait and see! Yes, Sean Pertwee has said he is interested in the part - but he's only one of a long list of possibilities.

There was some buzz for James McAvoy too :D ...But alas, he's said he has not been contacted and it was most likely just wishful thinking on the part of some folks.
David Morrissey (sp?) has made a cameo appearance in the teaser-trailer for the Christmas Special - I think I would be just fine with him, he might be a bit like Sylvester McCoy in his approach, and I always enjoyed Sylv.

The question does remain if he is a 'red herring' as it seems unlikely they would announce the new Doctor through a leaked preview... Or maybe whether or not he 'stays' or is a fluke of some kind in the plot depends on how the public reacts to that teaser.

It's on youtube, if any of you would like to see it - search for "Children in Need Christmas Special 2008"
But one would have to wonder if David is going to be in the first ep, because the Christmas Special is usually placed right after the end of the season, and the Doctor hasn't met River yet. He was supposed to be really old when he meets her too, so I'm curious as to how they'll play that out.

Of course they could play that River knew the David Doctor from an old picture or something, or just knew that it was him, but then she would have known that he hadn't met her yet....hmm....
Hard to say! Doctor Who is rife with unresolved bits and snatches laying around, thanks to the time-travel aspects.

I'm still really hoping Morrissey is the real-deal, I do like him - but at the same time I know he's been filming and directing and who-knows-what... seems unlikely he would be willing to drop everything else for one role. If he is the red-herring we sadly suspect, we're back to square one - a long laundry list of possibilities under consideration.
The guy who played Obi Wan Kenobi.... darn. I forget his name.. but he is a little older now...

Ewan McGregor, there! I don't know. He looks to me that he could've made a good Doctor.
Paterson Joseph is the black actor that is in the top running - plenty of rumors, still nothing confirmed. I'm not sure what I think of it, I'm not familiar with his work at all and he'll have to peg the personality really well to help viewers get used to the disparate appearance. Some who have seen his shows have expressed concerns that he might have the 'mania' part down but not be able to be 'likeable', which the Doctor needs as well.

Still hoping for Sean Pertwee, but I expect there's not much chance...