
The Doctor Who fandom is pretty much my "home fandom." Many a countless night has been spent with an audio drama or an old Doctor episode or something similar.

It's a very interesting character and concept, and I like how the show has tended to be very sensitive to world events and yet still maintain an "above it all" attitude and appearance.

I for one like what I've seen of Matt Smith, and think he's going to be an excellent Doctor. I suspect we'll see a companion who might be older than Matt.

Steven Moffat, the show-runner, is probably going to twist the show a little darker, much like the 1970s episodes.

One thing to understand about the show is that it is based on change. Every new Doctor is a new refresh, that takes the story in a new direction. There are some things that remain constant about the Doctor, namely that he doesn't really mention religion, he tends to be more of a humanist character (ironic since he's not human) , and he always tends to give the bad guy/monster/etc a choice.

But who knows. Eccleston to Tennant brought about a more hands on Doctor, and it looks like that trend might go even deeper with #11. Funny thing is, over on the Doctor Who forums and endless podcasts, we're already speculating on who #12 may be.

The Doctor Who fandom is pretty much my "home fandom." Many a countless night has been spent with an audio drama or an old Doctor episode or something similar.

It's a very interesting character and concept, and I like how the show has tended to be very sensitive to world events and yet still maintain an "above it all" attitude and appearance.

I for one like what I've seen of Matt Smith, and think he's going to be an excellent Doctor. I suspect we'll see a companion who might be older than Matt.

Steven Moffat, the show-runner, is probably going to twist the show a little darker, much like the 1970s episodes.

One thing to understand about the show is that it is based on change. Every new Doctor is a new refresh, that takes the story in a new direction. There are some things that remain constant about the Doctor, namely that he doesn't really mention religion, he tends to be more of a humanist character (ironic since he's not human) , and he always tends to give the bad guy/monster/etc a choice.

But who knows. Eccleston to Tennant brought about a more hands on Doctor, and it looks like that trend might go even deeper with #11. Funny thing is, over on the Doctor Who forums and endless podcasts, we're already speculating on who #12 may be.

Hello Pardine! And welcome to the forums. I haven't seen you post before.
Where is this Dr Who forum you are talking about? And my request still stands. Can someone post a picture of the new Dr?
Thanks Pardine. I went to that Dr Who forum but I didn't sign in because they require a private e-mail provided e-mail account. I have always used my yahoo account so I couldn't sign in. I do have an e-mail account with my Internet Provider but I have never used it I don't even know what it is. I have to call them and ask, LOL

Thanks for the picture. I hope that dude does good. He doesn't really look like a Doctor from here, LOL but we will see.:)
The Christmas special was really quite fun, even if the ending got a little whacko even for Who. It's no wonder at all entire fan communities and pages have popped up for David Morrissey's character, he was wonderful.:p

I'm pretty firmly entrenched in so-called "Classic" Who myself (first 7 or 8 Doctors) and enjoy writing fic for them while expanding my collection of old episodes whenever I can. Glad to meet more fans.
Yeah, the oldies were and are awesome. My favorites are 2 and 7, lol.

so what does anyone think of Dr. 11? He's like...what...30-33? He also has some rather shaggy hair...0.o....I really do hope that his take on the Doctor will be amazing so that all the 10 fans won't be so dissapointed that Tennant is leaving. I mean, of course they will and are dissapointed, but I really hope the new guy can fill the shoes of all the great actors before him. Ack, I'm so excited to see what he comes up with! >.<
2 & 7 both rock...! :p You have good taste!

As to Eleven, it's even worse than that, he's only 27. :eek: I was seriously, seriously hoping for a return to an older actor who could pull off that authoritative presence he had - I admit I'm afraid of it turning into more soap-opera-in-a-box. Sigh.

I really hope I'm wrong!
I am afraid it will turn out like that too. That's the danger of putting younger actors. I am afraid he will either have a young companion to have soap opera moments with, or an older one who will act like his mother. Either one is bad.
ah yeah. I never thought that. That would really...just...ack......>.<...I don't even want to think about it. Although the new writer should be able to put a handle on that, and he didn't seem one for romance, really. Goodness, no offence, but I hope you're wrong too, Primsong! :eek: >.<

and 2 is just amazing! Dr. 7 won me over with the "Blessed are the pie makers for they shall make light pastry" line. xD! I'm in baking, so that made my day when I heard me say that. lol!
Dr. 7 won me over with the "Blessed are the pie makers for they shall make light pastry" line. xD! I'm in baking, so that made my day when I heard me say that. lol!

LOL! I loved that entire sequence! :D And what I wouldn't give for more of Two's lost episodes to be found, he was sheer genius.
I liked the concept of an older Doctor, but I think that Matthew Smith will do just fine.

I wonder who the companion will be. I'm kind of hoping beyond hope that it might be a male companion.

But not another Adric.
Yeah, I didn't like Adric too much. And I'm pretty sure Adric was a young boy from a parallel universe that Dr. 4 and R....something....darn, I forgot her name, visited and he came along. But he died in an explosion. If I remember all of that correctly.