There was a Doctor Who marathon today on sci fi channel but I could not watch the entire thing.

So this other day during a training workshop, the presenter said something about "watching dr. who," and I had to laugh at that because I knew exactly what he was talking about. So my coworker next to me leaned over and whispered to me:

"Doctor who?"

me: "Yes."

coworker: "No, what he just said, doctor what?"

me: "Who."

coworker: "that's what I'm asking you what doctor is he talking about?"

me: "who."

coworker: "The man, the presenter, what doctor is he talking about?"

me: "who."

coworker: "MICHAEL! Stop it! Tell me what was he talking about?"


coworker: "Doctor what?"

me: "not what, WHO! DOCTOR WHO!"

coworker: "AAAAAAHHH!"

And of course I was totally laughing so hard at this time, so much so that the presented had to stop the presentation and everyone was staring at me. hahahahaha. But thankfully, the presented took the opportunity to explain about Doctor Who (turns out he's a huge fan from way back in the classics). I haven't stopped laughing mostly because that thing with abbot and costello "who's on first."
Sorry for double post. Just want to show you the back window of my car. I had that decal made just to put it there! :D

dude! that means it's probably on youtube for about a week or so before it gets taken down.....coolness...and no, the bbc player doesn't work in other countries...tried a bunch of times. *sigh*
I was lucky enough to still catch a bit of it. :) Tennant's pretty much my favourite Doctor so I was really pleased to see him for a short while again. However, I'm also looking forward to the new Doctor.
actually, it's really best that David leaves now or else he'll become another Tom Baker...which wouldn't be the best for his career since everyone would only think of him as "The Doctor" and not any of his other work that he has done or will do.
Tom Baker was Dr. 4, and he played that part for about..what....8 years? yeah, and now anyone who knows Tom Baker automatically associate him with Dr. Who.

I'd much rather see David as a blossoming actor that played one of my favorite characters of all time, than see him as someone who got stuck in a rut in the entertainment business because he stayed with Dr. Who too long and now everyone labels him as "Dr. 10" and nothing more.
It wasn't so much that Tennant didn't want to do other things.. it's that he didn't want to leave like Tom Baker did. For those who don't know, Baker was basically fired. The series was going nowhere, and the BBC wanted to refresh it. Baker , at the time, had quite an attitude with regards to the show.. so they basically killed him off in favor of Tom Davison.

The reason Tennant wanted to leave now was , in his words "Because I could see myself doing this forever. I don't want to hate this years down the road." He , in short, didn't want to become another Tom Baker.