I just finished watching all the season two episodes. I really can´t help but feeling soo bad for the Cybermen. Really, they were once people, and then some evil person turns them all into those... things. I always get so sad when the humans are ´upgraded´, i can´t help it :(

Anyway, the season was great!! I didn´t watch two episodes of it because they freaked me out too much (and i´m not brave and such, and i love sleeping at night, and that´s not going to happen if i watch them :eek:). But it was brilliant :D. But now *SPOILERS* Rose´s gone, which makes me very sad! I loved Rose, Rose is awesome. So i´m very curious about Martha (who appeared by another name in the finale, i´m curious how they are going to solve that, since *SPOILERS* she died). I missed Captain Jack during this season, i believe he´s there in the third, so i hope so! David Tennant is great as the Doctor. Love it! The ending was so sad (and weird, the last part).

So that´s basically what i thought of it:D
Season four finale is rally really really wierd. Seasons one, two, and three finales are just plain cool. But I wouldn't watch them over and over aposed to Classic Who stuff where I'll watch them 100 times and not get bored.
I was sad when Rose left too. Really sad... No, I was also angry, just as the ending of the past season. I was angry that they got rid of Rose, I did not watch any episodes with Martha for a long time. Still haven't.
I did get over my anger now, so I will watch Martha episodes soon.
Martha episodes are good, but not as good as DOnna episodes.

The season 4 finale wasn't so much a finale as a cast of thousands with a lot of CGI. Story line seemd to be somewhat lacking beyond lets kill people nad then save people from being killed by having a reunion and hugs all round.
Donna is probobly the best New Who companion. Rose was good but I liked it better when there wasn't all the romance. Martha is good in the same way Rose is.
I think Donna works well because she is essentially the same sort of personality as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. Her strength and steady forthright tell-it-like-it-is makes the perfect foil for the Doctor. The relationship between Ten and Donna has moments that are quite reminiscent of Three and the Brig.
Donna was alot more like the Classic Who comanions in a way. Less of the "Doctor I love you." and more of the "let's go have adventures!" I really appriciate that they didn't make Donna into another person to just fall in love with Ten.
Donna was good, but she seemed a little "forceful" to me. I did not like it at times that she would tell (not ask, mind you) the Doctor what to do.
I don't know. I just did not like that too much.
I don't really care for compaions that just say "what do I do?" and then follow instuctions. I prefer it when they think about it even tell the Doctor what to do sometimes. As Prim said, she's alot like the Brig.
I am so annoyed there is no fifth series next year.
OK fair enough to take a break and go off and be Hamlet but still...no Doctor Who!! No david tennant to grace our screens for a year, and =( no chance of seeing him in the flesh for another year =(
I thought we were gonna get a new Doctor come Christmas time... well, that's what I heard anyhow. To be honest, I'm getting tired of Ten's...well...Ten-ness.

I'll probably become more fond of him when the fandom moves on, since it's really not the show itself but all the hype that bugs me. I absolutely adore the show by itself. Especially the creepy standalone eps like "Blink" or "Midnight".

Still, ever since my mom introduced me to Patrick Troughton episodes I've been hooked on Classic. It's probably Jamie's fault. ;)
We just got our first set of episodes all but one are for Three. Spearhead from Space, Inferno, The Claws of Axos, The Three Doctors, The Time Warrior, and The Five Doctors. I watched part of The Three Doctors yesterday. I absolutely love Classic Who. I got started in on Four so I guess I can blame Tom Baker and his amazingness for getting me hooked on Classic Who.
I still haven't gotten any!:( I need to get them soon. Before the Christmas season starts or I won't have money then.;)

I'm almost through season 3 (new series that is), LOVE IT! I thought it would take me some time to get used to Martha, but it didn't, and she's great. I think i like Rose better, but not that much, Martha's cool. There were seriously many great episodes in this season. The Daleks in Manhattan and following was really neat. The HumanDalek looked so creepy, and the way he talked... love it:D And i was so sad they killed him. Oh, and Human Nature and Family of Blood, the human Doctor, that was kinda weird, but cool. Poor Martha, the only one who knew who 'John Smit' really was. Great! And we just saw the return of... the master! Yeah! He's cool, and evil... But i'm currently watching the Sound of Drums, though i already know the ending, it's still great. The Doctor not being the last of the Time Lords... for a while...

Oh, and i forgot to mention one thing about why Utopia and Sound of Drums are such cool episodes...


JACK's BACK!!! Martha replaced Rose (more or less), but no one replaced Jack. Seriously, i love Jack, he's funny, and cool, and immortal :D And every time he says 'hello' to someone, the Doctor goes like: STOP IT! Great:D
If you watch Classic Who it's normal for companions to switch around. I really liked Martha. Did you see Gridlock? That's a really fun episode.

And we just got our next two lots of DW episodes. A lot of Four, and a lot of Two and Three. They stil have to get here but my mom(Primsong) won the bid on it on Ebay.
I still have to watch season 3. I must admit that I was very despondent when Rose was left in that other universe and refused to watch the Martha season. I think I'm over now and I will watch the Martha episodes as soon as I get them.
I didn't watch Martha for a while because my sister was acting like she was a horrible character because she felt that she replaces Rose. But as soon as she got over that fase she watched her and I watched her and we both loved her. She's a really good characters and the season finale is amazing.
For Martha...I like her, but I didn't like her at first because it did feel like she replaced Rose, and then she had to go and fall for the Doctor who was still getting over Rose leaving. I really started liking her in season 4 when whe saw her and that she was over him and only saw him as a friend.