Duffer Boot Camp!

Thou wishest both of us to be on? And if thou dost wish so, thou shalt wait for a long time.

now, where did the nearly famous dualest lauren go? Lauren! LAUREN!

No need to shout, oh Ferny, for I stand before thee.

lauren (that's olorin isnt it ) come baaack! you're gonna miss your own duel!

:rolleyes: And hast thou too been corrupted, oh Nightfire? For to be sure 'twas Rhyanidd who started that, but Ferny and Slp pickéd it up.

oh. cool!! im talking to a plant-dog!! =]

Nay, thou art speaking to the white padded wall in front of thee. Is thy cell in that asylum a comfortable place?

*licks you on the hand and then brings slippers and drops it at lauren's feet in hopes that he will chuck it for me*

Nay, I canst not, for my hands be full.

they are scary...they are talking slippers...

:eek: *GASP* *is shocked out of Shakespeare* Are you chewing on SLP???

sure....*grabs slippers from lauren's feet and brings them over and drops them at your feet*

Just wait until Slp catches you.

*notices Lauren's jelous look since he didnt get to throw the Slippers, fetches them, leaves Slippers 1 at Lauren's feet and takes slippers 2 back to Nightfire to be thrown again*

Nay, I canst not, for as I said before, my hands be full. And if thou dost not notice this, thou must be blind, and thou shalt be given a guide-dog, wich would seem passing strange, for thou art a dog thyself, but 'tis the law. Furthermore, thou has misspelt jealous. O.o

yes, i wish they would stop just standing there and start dualing!!!

It is spelléd dueling. :p

*brings SLp to Lauren, puppy licks him on the hand* i dont want a guide dog!

*GASP* Touch not the mighty Can with thy foul and unclean hands, lest thou be destroyed, oh Ferny! For 'tis a Can of great might and majesty, and all Duffers do worship at his feet.
But thou art not a one of the Can's beloved! For surely if thou didst belong to the Can Clan, or the Brotherhood, then thou wouldst know not to use the mighty Can for such uses as playing catch. And since thou art not among the Can's beloved, no amount of washing can remove that taint from thee. :D
In a manner of speaking, it does. Verily, however, a more precise meaning would mean a request, an attempt to prevail upon, etc...

In other words: petition=ask. PM Derny. ;)