Duffer Boot Camp!

Duffers are NOT murderers. :mad: Now, let's find something else to do . . . for instance, where's Fred the Box?
As long as he's not behind a certain fridge in a certain lounge we'll find him...

And if we don't find him because he is behing a certain fridge in a certain lounge, the thing behind it will find him, saves trouble.
As long as he's not behind a certain fridge in a certain lounge we'll find him...

And if we don't find him because he is behing a certain fridge in a certain lounge, the thing behind it will find him, saves trouble.

well said. i'm inclined to forgive you for the horrible adjectives you used on my idea of self-defense before.
if fratricide is too cruel for you, how about fratriinfryingpanunderhammertrollsittingonhammerlaurenannyoingthetrollcide...?
*runs from charge, runs into Matt the Alligator who then tries to eat me, however Jason the Mouse saves me, I then attempted to thank Jason the Mouse, but (Matts buddy) Jack the Blue Flamingo came & picked up Jason the Mouse, taking him to the lair of the black & blue Mushrooms, who then try to kill Jason, but Jason...To be continued...NEVER hahahah....I love cliffhangers...
*runs from charge, runs into Matt the Alligator who then tries to eat me, however Jason the Mouse saves me, I then attempted to thank Jason the Mouse, but (Matts buddy) Jack the Blue Flamingo came & picked up Jason the Mouse, taking him to the lair of the black & blue Mushrooms, who then try to kill Jason, but Jason...To be continued...NEVER hahahah....I love cliffhangers...
I love cliffhangers too, but you know what i love more? That's right, pushing people off cliffs :D *pushes EtM off*:D
Announcer: "& now, Kids, its time for story time with with ETM"

There once was a rabbit named Boo, who loved pink & green dog food, he ate it all the time, but one day, a certain alligator named Dave (who was Matt the Alligators son), found him & told him that he would give him all the Pink & green dog food he wanted if he would find & kill a Jason the Mouse. Boo agreed &, the next day, began searching for Jason the Mouse, He found Jason deep in the Jungles of Dufferland, There he battled Jason long, on the River Island known as "Dreep Creep." But Jason prevailed & threw down his enemy, Boo the Rabbit (but, not before he found out that Dave had hired Boo). He then searched for Dave to punish him for the wrong he had attempted...To be continued, by whomever wants to...:p
Hey, Slp's back! *tackle*

Only during my lunch breaks till the end of school and hopefully this summer!
I know you've missed me...:p and my amazingness! *hugs* I've sure missed dufferland...no one even understand the word 'duffer' in school! I'm outnumbered.
How've you been?

And now, Silly Posts with Slippers, the part of the thread where Slippers posts a Silly Post:

Got you all excited, don't worry, just one of the many new features the Slipper Twins will offer this summer! =P

ANd just remember Mr. Bamboo Lauren!