Duffer Boot Camp!

(ooi: Consider it practice for your English. :D I'm sure your teacher would be delighted. ;) oh, and - you sig-quoted me! :eek:)

Indeed, Lady of Freckles. For truly though I wished to aid thee in thy plight, I had no chance. Indeed, the constraints of education hold me as firmly as they hold to thee, and thus am I powerless to help thee, however much I may wish it. Therefore the extent of what I may do is to give thee advice, and thus: thy plan seemeth good. Do thou, then, use that brain of thine, which hath been thy last resort, and mayhap it shall chance that good might come from it, for who knows when thou shalt find a use for the knowledge thou mayst gain thereby?
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(ooi: Consider it practice for your English. :D I'm sure your teacher would be delighted. ;))

Indeed, Lady of Freckles. For truly though I wished to aid thee in thy plight, I had no chance. Indeed, the constraints of education hold me as firmly as they hold to thee, and thus am I powerless to help thee, however much I may wish it. Therefore the extent of what I may do is to give thee advice, and thus: thy plan seemeth good. Do thou, then, use that brain of thine, which hath been thy last resort, and mayhap it shall chance that good might come from it, for who knows when thou shalt find a use for the knowledge thou mayst gain thereby?

Gentlemen adn ladies the two people above me are weirdos.. like any other duffer.
Yet they come from teh 17th century. Thus showing that our duffer history goes back far.
You know, maybe you two should publish this. :D

And I was wondering, when do you use "thine" and when do you use "thy"? Or is there no exact rule?
i think (but whb will probably know this better than me) you use it parallel with "my" and "mine" / "thy" and "thine", as meaning "your". also, before a word that starts with a vowel, you use "thine" to make it easier (like "an elephant", "thine eyes")
Yeah, I think it's the vowel thing that MF was talking about. To a certain extent. However, it's not completely rigid. That's the great thing about Shakespearian - there are so many ways to say the same thing, so it never gets boring. :D


Truly, oh Freckled One, am I honoured by the knighthood which thou hast bestowed upon me. And thus have I put into my siggy that title which thou didst grant to me: Sir Olorin of Dufferland, Wall-climber, Sword-swinger, Cork-puller, Milk-pourer, Beast-slayer. And thus is my gratitude to thee that I am thy champion forevermore, do guard thee and defend against all ills thy royal person, until I do pass from this mortal life, whether't be in combat for thy life or in my bed.
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Yeah, I think it's the vowel thing that MF was talking about. To a certain extent. However, it's not completely rigid. That's the great thing about Shakespearian - there are so many ways to say the same thing, so it never gets boring. :D


Truly, oh Freckled One, am I honoured by the knighthood which thou hast bestowed upon me. And thus have I put into my siggy that title which thou didst grant to me: Sir Olorin of Dufferland, Wall-climber, Sword-swinger, Cork-puller, Milk-pourer, Beast-slayer. And thus is my gratitude to thee that I am thy champion forevermore, do guard thee and defend against all ills thy royal person, until I do pass from this mortal life, whether't be in combat for thy life or in my bed.

aye, thou hast done well, sir oly of dufferland, wall-climber, sword-swinger, cork-puller, milk-pourer, beast-slayer, e'en though thou hast adorned my speech with capital letters. for generally, i am a stranger and a fiend to these letters, but i will grant thee to keep them, for they fit in thy siggy, along with all of thy other speech whcih is to be found there.
and thus, for thy noble purpose of guarding my life, which shall last long if the Lord wills it so, i give to thee a steed of thy choice from my well-filled stables, to be thy companion, and i give thee the dlf to be thy stable-boy. if thou needest anything else of which i know not, speak one word and it shall be granted thee.
Truly, oh Lady of Freckles, doth my heart now overflow with gratitude. And this steed shall I cherish, and I shall name him Surpulus, after that great mount whereupon I first espied mine ancient enemy. And Surpulus shall be the swiftest of all steeds, who tireth not, and the DLF shall I most strongly charge to care for him well. And I shall guard the gates of thy castle well, no man or beast which doth intend thee harm shall pass within, lest it slay me first. For never will I, as thy champion most pure, allow harm to come to thee while I still live.
aye, 'tis a noble cause, but if thou pop'st thy head into th'insane asylum thread, thou might find this task not as easy as thou take it to be, for i am gone barmy, and most deplorable is my state...

EDiT: i was thinking about reviving this thread, but... no. no. i am not going to do this to myself. *waldo*
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I was wrong, Shakespearian does kill threads:p

it's all oly's fault. since he is the only one who is willing to read + talk shakespearean, he should have replied. which he didn't. which killed the thread.

but let's move on to happier subjects, like... like...

okay, oly, you killed the thread, let's face it. now how are we going to punish him for this?
I'm not sure, you see, pushing him off a cliff, that happened like a gazillion times before. We could of course cut off his beard, but i doubt he'd mind, since it's bright pink. He's already on the first floor second wing third room to the right in the IA, so that can't be much worse... Hmm...
I'm not sure, you see, pushing him off a cliff, that happened like a gazillion times before. We could of course cut off his beard, but i doubt he'd mind, since it's bright pink. He's already on the first floor second wing third room to the right in the IA, so that can't be much worse... Hmm...

we could move him to my cell, of course, while i'm having my bassoon lessons...
Because piano players are the best typests? Or because everyone in 'real life' shuns us because they are afraid we will drop our pianos on them . . . MUHAHAHAHA!