
But I can't find the code!!! I used to search the forum for it but now that the DLF ate the search button, I can't do that anymore, now can I?

That being said, I disagree. Anything WS can do I can do more better. I can be way more annoying than hims!
Don't you have the code in your signature?


Okay, fine. You win. Freckles gets the Most Annoying Grim Reaper of the Year award.
But I can't find the code!!! I used to search the forum for it but now that the DLF ate the search button, I can't do that anymore, now can I?

That being said, I disagree. Anything WS can do I can do more better. I can be way more annoying than hims!


Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything better than you!
Freckles said:
But I can't find the code!!! I used to search the forum for it but now that the DLF ate the search button, I can't do that anymore, now can I?

Find any posts by Mike. I'm sure the invisibility code is nearby.
I don't agree with burying pages. I think we should send them off in a Viking ship, like at the beginning of Beowulf.While we're doing Latin, thanks to Freckles, I now have "Carthago delenda est" written on the bottom of my recycling box. It's inspiring.
You have to admit, that was the best scene in the poem.
I don't agree with burying pages. I think we should send them off in a Viking ship, like at the beginning of Beowulf.While we're doing Latin, thanks to Freckles, I now have "Carthago delenda est" written on the bottom of my recycling box. It's inspiring.
You have to admit, that was the best scene in the poem.

I liked the scene where Beowulf killed Grendel.
... Did you replace Soapy's initial S with a lower case s in the quote? It's... a puzzling choice, and yet, undoubtedly, attractive... I don't know what it is about lower case letters... I think I have fallen under their spell...
Umlauts can be capitals, too. And if you don't keep them happy...well.

I will try to watch your funeral when it is streamed over the internet. I expect it too be entertaining.
Okay, that works too. My solo rendition of "ämäzing gräce" will go like this:

"I once was lost, but now I'm dead,
Was blind, but now I rot:
I want to eat a cabbage head,
But can't, since I've been shot."
The Umlauts, of course. You failed to keep them happy. And only you would know what that's about; I have no interest in prying into your private Umlaut relations.
I wouldn't let Umlauts in the door. This is 'Merica. We speak something sort of like English here. Except for when I have to sing songs in German. But only musical Umlauts are permitted entrance. And musicians are trustworthy, right?