
we watched again last night. it is so good!:D
lol my sister and i were like "hey, Giselle isnt the next disney princess, nancy is!":D
I have question of everyone.

Do you like Pre-Fallen for Robert Giselle or post fallen for Robert Giselle?

I prefered pre-fallen for Robert Giselle, she seemed more joyful, innocent, kind, happy, and she wasn't afraid to sing aloud. :)
Yea I liked her better before too. So sweet and innocent!!
"You mean she thought we KISSED?"
THat was hilarious! :D I forgot wat she said exactly tho.
I watched it last night too. :D It was amazing as usual. I was also excited to see the Prince Caspian trailer at the beginning. I for sure would have to say I liked the pre-fallen Giselle the best. I loved her innocence. :) And her and prince Edward just fit together. He He. After watching the movie last night I slipped on one of my old dresses and began singing all the songs. Ha Ha. I think it would make a good youtube video to sing all those song from the movie and dress like her out in public. Like I could go to a mall or something. Ha Ha. :D
I just watched this movie for the first time last night (after watching the PC trailer a few...several....times :eek:) and I am in LOVE with it!! It is so different, but with so many Disney princess elements in it! I thought Amy Adams was amazing and James Marsden is just so cute :D. I'm trying to decide whether or not its my new favorite movie, (after Stardust) :confused:
It was cute in a let's make fun of every Fairy Tale on the books sort of way. It is like watching Hoodwinked or Ella Enchanted. I was kind of sad when Giselle lost some of her fairy tale charm, but since she was staying in the real world, she would have gotten swindled by everyone had she kept the trust that she had. But I like the post-fallen for Giselle Robert a lot better. In the end, I think they had a happy medium.
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It was cute in a let's make fun of every Fairy Tale on the books sort of way. It is like watching Hoodwinked or Ella Enchanted.

Except BETTER! :D

My sisters are watching it again today.. I stayed for about half of it, but then I had to watch my brother. :rolleyes:
I watched enchanted last night its one my favorite 10 movies Its so funny picking up the princess elements in it i watched it with my dad he even liked it I liked it before she fell for robert she was more sweet and innocent and funnier.
Here is the total tally of votes thus far:

5 votes in favor of Pre-fallen for Robert Giselle.

1 vote in favor of Post-fallen for Robert Giselle.

I think Giselle should have remained unchanged when falling for Robert. In a way I though she kinda compromsied and became wordly. Allow herself to lose innocence and join the crowd at the expense of being herself. She lost the princess touch and just became an ordinary person in New York City.
I think that after she had fallen for Robert, she had an akward period that kind of ended with the sitting on the roof after the wicked step-mother died, she seemed to regain some of the funny, silly, princess mentality after she and Robert did what ever they did (it doesn't say that they married, though it seems to imply it) Especially when she was running the fasion shop.
I think that after she had fallen for Robert, she had an akward period that kind of ended with the sitting on the roof after the wicked step-mother died, she seemed to regain some of the funny, silly, princess mentality after she and Robert did what ever they did (it doesn't say that they married, though it seems to imply it) Especially when she was running the fasion shop.

I've tried to see if I can find a wedding ring on her hand when she's flinging her hands around at the end. I agree that she seemed a little more like herself at the end.
YAY! My DVD came today! I had almost given up because my whole family kept saying that UPS doesn't deliver on Saturday, but they did today! :D I feel special! Anyway, the whole family finally got to see it and we all really enjoyed it!
I don't care... in my head they got married! I'm just going to believe that! :p
Enchanted Sequel!

I've been reading up on Enchanted and I've learned Disney has possible plans to make an Enchanted sequel or sequels! From what I've read it was planned that Enchanted would be a possible franchise. But before I express my excitment, I must say I have hard time picturing a sequel. What would an Enchanted 2 be about? The Wedding? Giselle having children? What? Any of these could be possiblities. But I think a bigger question should be, Shoudl they make a sequel? [I am curious about everyone's opinion on this, so please speak your mind.]

To tell you the truth I hadn't imagined their being a sequel to Enchanted, I thought it would just be one film period. I thought the ending had good closure and there weren't any cliffhangers. On the otherhand when I think about it, you could do several sequels. There are endless possible plots you coudl contrive. Yuo coudl have Prince Edward and Princess Nancy pay a visit, you could create a new villan, there are so many Disney plots from the classics you could incorperate.

Another question is if they will really make a sequel. From how sucessful Enchanted was, I wouldn't be surpsied if Disney milked it. Afterall classics like The Lion King, Aladdin, Cinderella, Peter Pan, and many others have had sequels (even if the majority of them were straight to video.) Yes I think Enchanted will have a sequel, when is another question.
I hope they don't make a sequel, because we have too many sequels to movies already and I think that Enchanted works best as a stand-alone movie. :) I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't want to see another movie with these characters.
It really depends, was Enchanted from an obscure book series somewhere or did they build it from scratch. If it was a book series before, then, by all means, they should make a sequel. There are some viable plots for a sequel because first of all they never say that Giselle marries Robert, children always make a viable sequel option (too bad Disney spent too much time ruining Cinderella instead of finding the Grandchildren that the king wanted). Robert's daughter could some how end up in Andalasia.

For me, it really depends on the sequel, if they do what Lewis did with Narnia where the series had only one or two connecting factors (either the children, narnia, or both) then it might work as a franchise. Otherwise they will just beat a dead horse to death again like all the other Disney sequels that have been made recently.