
I love Enchanted! The rest of my family didn't really, but I did! It was PERFECT. It had a cheerful happy princess, and 2 handsome men, and lots of singing and sunshine and happiness ('cept for at the end), but it had a happy ending!
Loved it! :)
Alright in order to spice this thread up a bit, how about a quiz?

Quiz Question 1:

Who is the comrade that aids the Prince?
Hint: His name rhymes with tip.
Answer 1: It's Pip SirG, that was a bit too easy mate! :p

Quiz Question 2: A variation of which vocal song plays as an instrumental when the "Girls go shopping"?

Off topic: Who is that in your sig pic?
Maybe he'll dane to come and give us an answer! :p

Yay! It comes out on DVD tomorrow!!! :D
*sings*"I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss!... That's how you know, he loves you! That's how you know it's true!... Ever, ever after!..." * :p
I don't have the answer to that quiz question.

I do have answer for the pic in my sig. It is Romeo and Juliet from 1968 film Romeo & Juliet. :)

I picked up my copy of Enchanted today!

*Sings "How does she know that you love her?"
I don't have the answer to that quiz question.

I do have answer for the pic in my sig. It is Romeo and Juliet from 1968 film Romeo & Juliet. :)

I picked up my copy of Enchanted today!

*Sings "How does she know that you love her?"
Oooh those two just look PERFECT together!!! :)

I can't wait to see Enchanted again! That is if my family can sit through it one more time. I know I can but them. . .
I don't have the answer to that quiz question.
It's "Ever, Ever After" and "True Love's Kiss" (but mostly Ever, ever after"). :)

I do have answer for the pic in my sig. It is Romeo and Juliet from 1968 film Romeo & Juliet.
Oh okay, thanks. :)

I picked up my copy of Enchanted today!
Great! I ordered mine and they shipped it yesterday... I'm hoping that it will get here on friday! :p (Hey, I can hope can't I!?)

Have a nice time at your group... I have prayer meeting tonight. :)
YAY! I'm SOOOOOO happy 'Enchanted' has finally been released on DVD. My Dad ordered it from Netflix yesterday and it just came in the mail today. I'm planning on buying it too. :D I just love that movie. It's too cute. :)
I watched Enchanted again with my niece. She seemed very fond of Giselle and got upset when she seemd hurt after falling from The Palace bill board and landed on Robert.
That's really sweet SirG! How old is your niece? My sister is six and I can't wait to watch it with her. Incidentally, the UPS man didn't bring it today! :( *cries* Oh well! Maybe tomorrow.
I came home from my friend's house tonight to my sisters jumping up and down and telling me that we got "Enchanted". :p LOL, my dad must've picked it up on his way home from work or something. Anyway, we just watched it again. Loved it even better the second time! :D
I have question of everyone.

Do you like Pre-Fallen for Robert Giselle or post fallen for Robert Giselle?

I prefered pre-fallen for Robert Giselle, she seemed more joyful, innocent, kind, happy, and she wasn't afraid to sing aloud. :)