
I know that when I listen to a song, *and on my radio, they play the same song at least three times or more each day* it gets stuck in my head and I have to listen to something else. The same thing goes for movies. and I have to agree; I like the old, classic, clean films because they're so enjoyable and you can watch them without any fear of being covered with innuendos, language, etc....
I'm afraid Aravis that your going to have to adjust. Clean movies are rarity and even though I find them to be wonderful, I cannot aviod every movie for the sake of trying to keep away from bad scenes. In the Bible it tells us to be in World not of it. So you have to be able to be amongst such flith and not be affected. Am I saying go see a movie that full of junk, no. But many of these films have more than a bad scene or two. They have deep genuine teachings. Teachings that are obviously come from the Bible. Yes it is said that there arn't as many clean movies. But we live in world were things have changed and to see a movie that does teahc good lessons, even though it may have innaproariate scenes or lanague is in actuality is that bad. C onsidering how far the world hass fallen. Now I do not condone the garabage on Tv on movies, but I don't rule out great movies that have some innuendo, or inapporperate scenes. Sure I may not like those scenes or langauge, but I liek the rest of the film as a whole. Sometimes you have to overlook things. Minor things. Adn see the Film for what it realy is. Not what one outook is on it.

I conclusion I don't think it's good to see films that have heavy langauge, sex, and etc. Adn I don't reccomend horror flicks. But I do think moviesl ike Atonment should be seen for what they really are. A master piece, that does have soem flaws. Every movie will have flaws, adn you have to be able to overlook them.
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You know what I call that thinking? Rationalization. Or as Elizabeth put it in PIrates 3, "Some men offer desire as justification for their crimes."

I believe there's a verse in teh Bible that clearly says, "finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is pure, whatever is noble...think on these things."-Phillipians 4:8

applies don't you think? the kind of thinking you demonstrated in your post is exactly that of the world: "Oh, it's got some stuff in it that's bad but since it has a good message, I'll see it anyway." do you think that reflects the verse I typed up above? not in any way. And as a Christian, should we recommend any movie *regardles of the message* that has innapropriate scenes or language? ARe you standing up for Christ, or are you giving excuses for wanting to see something you're interested in? I will be very honest, I want to see some movies that star Ewan McGregor and Natalie POrtman. But frankly, I have to ask myself: "do I want to sit through something that is wrong and innapropriate for me as a Christian to be seeing in order to see my favorite actor or actress?". Maybe I'll see them one day; who knows? By that time, I'll probably have lost interest.

oh, and when you say, "overlook" the flaws, you're basically contradicting the Bible, like it or not.

Example of being "in the world but not of it:" for myself, I love Pirates of the Caribbean and STar Wars, and recently STar Trek: Voyager. However, I know that the messages are false, but they sometimes make me uncomfortable. Pirates 3 to me, really all the trilogy, has no good message that I can see, and frankly, I don't really understand why I like them so much. *and no, it's not 'cause of Depp or Bloom; I was over that way long ago :rolleyes:*. Star Wars, well, I probably would've been better off w\o seeing them. They have good messages, sure, but I have to admit, the Force stuff makes me squirm a bit. I fast-forward different parts of the films to avoid the heavy force talking junk. I try not to watch much of STar Trek, STar Wars, or Pirates because of the content. I have all six SW, and all 3 Pirates but I am pretty much not watching SW as often as I used to. I know what is in it, I've been exposed to it, but I laugh at it saying that, "it's all fantasy." I RP using the Force, and I've been convicted about it lately. I've covinced myself that it's simply "fantasy" and I won't get hurt but you know what? I am being hurt by it in ways unseen.

so you clearly misunderstood my posts and as of this one, I'm saying aloha. want to discuss this with me further? PM me for I am not visiting this thread even if I do see Enchanted. *which looks sillier and sillier to me each day*
I watched Enchanted with my parents and loved it. :) It's been a long time since I saw such a "pure" and feel-good movie. Mum said that she saw me smile throughout the entire movie. I like the Disney-atmosphere in it and the genuine good heart of Giselle really lifted my own spirits. This movie makes you believe that life is wonderful and that love can be found everywhere.

Movies like this one are pretty rare nowadays, I think.
You know what I call that thinking? Rationalization. Or as Elizabeth put it in PIrates 3, "Some men offer desire as justification for their crimes."

I believe there's a verse in teh Bible that clearly says, "finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is pure, whatever is noble...think on these things."-Phillipians 4:8

applies don't you think? the kind of thinking you demonstrated in your post is exactly that of the world: "Oh, it's got some stuff in it that's bad but since it has a good message, I'll see it anyway." do you think that reflects the verse I typed up above? not in any way. And as a Christian, should we recommend any movie *regardles of the message* that has innapropriate scenes or language? ARe you standing up for Christ, or are you giving excuses for wanting to see something you're interested in? I will be very honest, I want to see some movies that star Ewan McGregor and Natalie POrtman. But frankly, I have to ask myself: "do I want to sit through something that is wrong and innapropriate for me as a Christian to be seeing in order to see my favorite actor or actress?". Maybe I'll see them one day; who knows? By that time, I'll probably have lost interest.

oh, and when you say, "overlook" the flaws, you're basically contradicting the Bible, like it or not.

Example of being "in the world but not of it:" for myself, I love Pirates of the Caribbean and STar Wars, and recently STar Trek: Voyager. However, I know that the messages are false, but they sometimes make me uncomfortable. Pirates 3 to me, really all the trilogy, has no good message that I can see, and frankly, I don't really understand why I like them so much. *and no, it's not 'cause of Depp or Bloom; I was over that way long ago :rolleyes:*. Star Wars, well, I probably would've been better off w\o seeing them. They have good messages, sure, but I have to admit, the Force stuff makes me squirm a bit. I fast-forward different parts of the films to avoid the heavy force talking junk. I try not to watch much of STar Trek, STar Wars, or Pirates because of the content. I have all six SW, and all 3 Pirates but I am pretty much not watching SW as often as I used to. I know what is in it, I've been exposed to it, but I laugh at it saying that, "it's all fantasy." I RP using the Force, and I've been convicted about it lately. I've covinced myself that it's simply "fantasy" and I won't get hurt but you know what? I am being hurt by it in ways unseen.

so you clearly misunderstood my posts and as of this one, I'm saying aloha. want to discuss this with me further? PM me for I am not visiting this thread even if I do see Enchanted. *which looks sillier and sillier to me each day*

Your reading to much into things, I'm talking about movies with mild flaws. Humans have flaws yet we overlook them because of love, especially if they are trying to get over them. So I guess in your opinion we should just avoid every human being that likes these kind of movies or better yet just because they have similar flaws like the movies. That doesn't sound very Christian to me. Besides you misinterpruted my entire post, I was trying to point out with movies you can't always detirmin if they are bad or good by their flaws, espeically when they are minor or very few. Anyways I must say you decision to just not post in the thread anymore seems a little immature, and bit controlling. Anyhow prehapes on this subject we should just leave it to agree to disagree. I don't agree with you view point, but I will be respectful and end this discussion.

As for Enchanted I look foward to it's release on March 18th.
no, when I said, "I'm going to stop posting in this thread" it means I am leaving the discussions, be it about Enchanted or anything else; that isn't immaturity. It's knowing when to get off the stage. Immature is getting into a pointless shouting or debating match with no good reason. Immature is name-calling. Immature is so many other things I could say and won't. don't you think it's better to know when to leave rather than stay and stir up the waters anymore? That's not immaturity, btw, when you recognize when to stop.
I have question you attack the movies I mentioned I like. You spout your rightiousness yet you yourself are the same. How can you judge when you yourself do the same. POTC has flaws like every other movies, infact so very notable ones that most Christians woudln't watch. and they have that right. So isntead of pushing you agenda and point the wrongs, jsut accept that peopel have diffrent views and beleifs on what they shoudl be allowed to watch. Immatuity is the fact you opend this discussion again.
and in fact, by accusing me, you've accused yourself. I never said I was more righteous than anyone. You have made that accusation yourself, and as I said, have accused yourself of the same thing.
I'm going to step out and say We have diffrent opinions, I aplogize if I hurt you and I agree to disagree. I don't want ot continue this pointless conflict. Me and you are diffrent, we think diffrent, adn you coudl argue forever who is right to wrong. So lutes just both do the right thing and end this fight.
They're pretty minor,but still..........

Thanks!Found it on photobucket..I love the movie.
I can't get to the link because the protector blocked, but I appreciate your stand (even though I don't know what it is).
I love Emma too! :D I'm hoping that I'll get it for my birthday!

To SirG and Aravis, well done on keeping your disagreement friendly and for the most part mature. I've seen so many arguments that get blown way out of proportion! :)

Quite frankly, I see both of your points. SirG, you're saying that some movies have great moral lessons, even if it's the example of the consequences of doing the wrong thing. It's importaint to see these kind of films and walk away with a determination to learn from the mistakes of the characters. Right?

And Aravis, you're saying that we are not to watch these because we're to keep our minds pure. I agree with that. I am nearly 19 years old and I am very careful of what I watch(at least, I try to be). To this day, I close my eyes at certain parts of movies!

Using your examples; I watch, and enjoy, Star Wars and Pirates of the Carribean. I see them as good flicks and ignore the junk that comes along with them (curses, Tia Dalma and The Force). I own Curse of the Black Pearl, but because of a 'good guy' also being a witch and the whole raising the dead thing in the next two, I don't know if I would own them. It's something that I would pray about before doing. Same as you, it's something that's between an individual and God. No one can dictate what you're supposed to be convicted about.

I do however have a history of misguidence due to ST and Indiana Jones as well as some Disney cartoons. When I was about three I was greatly misguided in my spiritual thinking as a result of watching these kinds of films. My parents made the decision (it was very hard for them, they love SW and IJ) to get rid of all movies that had magic. Yep, all of them! We didn't see them again until we were much older, and far better grounded in our beliefs. Children are very impressionable and it takes a great deal of wisdom for parents to discern what they can and can't watch. Sounds like your parents might have raised you with the same thoughts in mind. (Am I right?)

I don't feel that in these kinds of situations, one person can be right and the other wrong. It goes beyond that. It comes down to the individuals answering to God for their choices. We'll all face that, and it sounds like the both of you have your convictions down pretty well! :)

Love in Christ,
I can't get to the link because the protector blocked, but I appreciate your stand (even though I don't know what it is).
I love Emma too! :D I'm hoping that I'll get it for my birthday!

To SirG and Aravis, well done on keeping your disagreement friendly and for the most part mature. I've seen so many arguments that get blown way out of proportion! :)

Quite frankly, I see both of your points. SirG, you're saying that some movies have great moral lessons, even if it's the example of the consequences of doing the wrong thing. It's importaint to see these kind of films and walk away with a determination to learn from the mistakes of the characters. Right?

And Aravis, you're saying that we are not to watch these because we're to keep our minds pure. I agree with that. I am nearly 19 years old and I am very careful of what I watch(at least, I try to be). To this day, I close my eyes at certain parts of movies!

Using your examples; I watch, and enjoy, Star Wars and Pirates of the Carribean. I see them as good flicks and ignore the junk that comes along with them (curses, Tia Dalma and The Force). I own Curse of the Black Pearl, but because of a 'good guy' also being a witch and the whole raising the dead thing in the next two, I don't know if I would own them. It's something that I would pray about before doing. Same as you, it's something that's between an individual and God. No one can dictate what you're supposed to be convicted about.

I do however have a history of misguidence due to ST and Indiana Jones as well as some Disney cartoons. When I was about three I was greatly misguided in my spiritual thinking as a result of watching these kinds of films. My parents made the decision (it was very hard for them, they love SW and IJ) to get rid of all movies that had magic. Yep, all of them! We didn't see them again until we were much older, and far better grounded in our beliefs. Children are very impressionable and it takes a great deal of wisdom for parents to discern what they can and can't watch. Sounds like your parents might have raised you with the same thoughts in mind. (Am I right?)

I don't feel that in these kinds of situations, one person can be right and the other wrong. It goes beyond that. It comes down to the individuals answering to God for their choices. We'll all face that, and it sounds like the both of you have your convictions down pretty well! :)

Love in Christ,

NarnianPrincess I am so pleased and over joyed that you got my point. I also now see Aravis' point a newer light, and understand better what she was trying to convey. I think balence between both is the best option when it comes to watching movies. Weighing the good and bad justly. Anyways thank you for have such a keen prespective.
Alainea:Enchanted has a "few winks to immorality",and 1 misuse of God's name.:(

The Bible's words "Be in the world but not of it" means we are in the world-we live here.Even the Amish are "in the world".But not of it means we don't do all the wicked things of the world.

The Bible also says "I will set no evil thing before my eyes",and "Whatever is pure..think on these things".

I heard a story recently about a man whose 2 teenagers wanted to see a film.It was a great movie,lots of action,popular actor,good plot,special effects..but it had lots of profanity,and sexual cotent.So they asked if they could go,and just overlook that part,as all their friends were.Their father sent them out of the room,then brought them back in a while later."You can go" he said."But first I'd like you to have a brownie.Now these brownies are home-made by me.They have the best ingredients,the richest chocolate.They taste wonderful.But..when I made them,I added just a little bit of dog dirt.But I'm sure if you overlook that,you will find they are still perfect".

In other words,I believe that a little bit of "dirt" ruins anything,whether a film,a video game,a book,a magazine,or even what we say.It influences us in ways we may never even realize untill years later.
And is it really necessary to do that to ourselves,when there is so much good stuff out there..hundreds of clean great films,books,and games?I heard about a teenage girl who refuses to become a Christian because it "wasn't worth it,when her Christian friends were no different from her".

Anyway,thats just my opion...No offence ever meant.:)
Alainea:Enchanted has a "few winks to immorality",and 1 misuse of God's name.:(

The Bible's words "Be in the world but not of it" means we are in the world-we live here.Even the Amish are "in the world".But not of it means we don't do all the wicked things of the world.

The Bible also says "I will set no evil thing before my eyes",and "Whatever is pure..think on these things".

I heard a story recently about a man whose 2 teenagers wanted to see a film.It was a great movie,lots of action,popular actor,good plot,special effects..but it had lots of profanity,and sexual cotent.So they asked if they could go,and just overlook that part,as all their friends were.Their father sent them out of the room,then brought them back in a while later."You can go" he said."But first I'd like you to have a brownie.Now these brownies are home-made by me.They have the best ingredients,the richest chocolate.They taste wonderful.But..when I made them,I added just a little bit of dog dirt.But I'm sure if you overlook that,you will find they are still perfect".

In other words,I believe that a little bit of "dirt" ruins anything,whether a film,a video game,a book,a magazine,or even what we say.It influences us in ways we may never even realize untill years later.
And is it really necessary to do that to ourselves,when there is so much good stuff out there..hundreds of clean great films,books,and games?I heard about a teenage girl who refuses to become a Christian because it "wasn't worth it,when her Christian friends were no different from her".

Anyway,thats just my opion...No offence ever meant.:)

the analogy is a good one.
Alainea:Enchanted has a "few winks to immorality",and 1 misuse of God's name.:(

The Bible's words "Be in the world but not of it" means we are in the world-we live here.Even the Amish are "in the world".But not of it means we don't do all the wicked things of the world.

The Bible also says "I will set no evil thing before my eyes",and "Whatever is pure..think on these things".

I heard a story recently about a man whose 2 teenagers wanted to see a film.It was a great movie,lots of action,popular actor,good plot,special effects..but it had lots of profanity,and sexual cotent.So they asked if they could go,and just overlook that part,as all their friends were.Their father sent them out of the room,then brought them back in a while later."You can go" he said."But first I'd like you to have a brownie.Now these brownies are home-made by me.They have the best ingredients,the richest chocolate.They taste wonderful.But..when I made them,I added just a little bit of dog dirt.But I'm sure if you overlook that,you will find they are still perfect".

In other words,I believe that a little bit of "dirt" ruins anything,whether a film,a video game,a book,a magazine,or even what we say.It influences us in ways we may never even realize untill years later.
And is it really necessary to do that to ourselves,when there is so much good stuff out there..hundreds of clean great films,books,and games?I heard about a teenage girl who refuses to become a Christian because it "wasn't worth it,when her Christian friends were no different from her".

Anyway,thats just my opion...No offence ever meant.:)

Your opinion is noted.
NarnianPrincess I am so pleased and over joyed that you got my point. I also now see Aravis' point a newer light, and understand better what she was trying to convey. I think balence between both is the best option when it comes to watching movies. Weighing the good and bad justly. Anyways thank you for have such a keen prespective.
You are welcome SirG! I'm really glad that I understood, and was perhaps able to help a little.:)

Alainea:Enchanted has a "few winks to immorality",and 1 misuse of God's name.:(
Hmm, okay I think I know what they were getting at. I am sorry.

the analogy is a good one.

Your opinion is noted.

Well done you two! :)
Who is you favorite character in Enchanted?

Mine is Giselle. :)

Assuming that you're talking to me, mine is Giselle too! :)
Aside from being a really endearing character, I think that she's also a great example of child-like faith. I loved where she talked that couple out of getting a divorce! And where she fixed things between Robert and Nancy. That was so sweet!

*starts singing* "How do I know he loves me!? How do I know, he's mine?!" :D