Español - Spanish

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giselle said:
But you have the idea, which is excellent. There are persons who just drop it. I'm taking French lessons, and there's one boy who doesn't seem interested, he just goes to the class but I see no effort.

I will help you so much if you begin to read a book in Spanish, a small and simple one.

the only spanish book i could get woul be my sister's Dora book of numbers and i know the numbers 1-100
iluvsk said:

Well, if you can't get a book in Spanish, I know a website where you can download books, you have to register, but it is free. They don't ask you for credit cards or for personal information, just your e-mail adress.

giselle said:
Well, if you can't get a book in Spanish, I know a website where you can download books, you have to register, but it is free. They don't ask you for credit cards or for personal information, just your e-mail adress.

can you tell me what it is
iluvsk said:
i cant register because the registration is in spanish..... even if i click on english, it is still spansih

Yeah, I just noticed that.

Well, I'll translate:

nombre de usuario: username
nombre completo: full name (I think you don't have to give your full name if you don't want to)
email: email
país: country

me gustaría recibir la lista de libros nuevos cada semana: I would like to get the new books listing each week

Por favor asegurese de haber entrado un email valido. Se recomienda no utilizar cuenta de correo de Hotmail/Msn para realizar el registro ya que es posible que no reciba la clave en su correo: Please, make sure you entered a valid email. It is recommended not to use a Hotmail/Msn address because it is possible that you won't receive your password.

Por favor no utilize Nombre de Usuario con espacios: Please, don't use spaces in your username

giselle said:
Yeah, I just noticed that.

Well, I'll translate:

nombre de usuario: username
nombre completo: full name (I think you don't have to give your full name if you don't want to)
email: email
país: country

me gustaría recibir la lista de libros nuevos cada semana: I would like to get the new books listing each week

Por favor asegurese de haber entrado un email valido. Se recomienda no utilizar cuenta de correo de Hotmail/Msn para realizar el registro ya que es posible que no reciba la clave en su correo: Please, make sure you entered a valid email. It is recommended not to use a Hotmail/Msn address because it is possible that you won't receive your password.

Por favor no utilize Nombre de Usuario con espacios: Please, don't use spaces in your username

thank you very much but i have to get off now i will see you later... Adios amiga!
giselle said:
I'm here!! What do you want to learn today? :D

Sorry i had to get off right after i asked you to get on here.... anyway I'll give you something to see when you get back

Hola Giselle! Como esta?
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