Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

...The last mice broke into a complete route, the lions persued for no more than one-hundred fathoms, before all lay slewn, the dead left for the carrion birds...
...the handsome knight answered "fair lady, I am a knight and captain of two realms...come only to bring peace to this war-torn area.what qualms have these bebothered californians against your loveliness?" and began singing of cheese while performing tricks on his steed...
..."cheesecake and chimneysweeps!"came the knights response."wouldst thou deny that thee would rather have a handsome king?" the knight lets out a tremendous sneeze,tipping the mumakil like dominos into...
...the knight looks around at the many, many lions and angry californians.slowly he approaches the blue lady, looks straight into her eyes and quickly gives her a big kiss!the knight turns his steed around and dashes off to a nearby mountain laughing all the way...
...the mumakil struggle for twenty minutes or so,once on their feet they give chase towards the mountain hallooing all the way!the lions and californians stare at each other a moment, and...
...then a californian says to the dwarves and lions, "I don't know about you dudes, but I would be totally stoaked if we chased them." And they started to chase them...
...The chase continued through a gap in the mountains, into a grassy and lush dale, sorrounded by mountains. When the knight and all that persued him where in the dale,
the pass behind them closed up; there appeared to be no way out...
...all looked around, the blue lady looked indignant, having been kissed by the knight and having caught up with him-but seemingly no way back to the world she wished to conquer!"it seems..."said the knight, "we have been watched..."...
as a large grizzly bear came dropping from the sky at a very fast speed,he seemed to be headed for the middle of the group gathered there, in classic cannon-ball style, everyone cleared a large ring for him...