Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

liked to salsa...but alas, his mangoness got him INTO salsa one day, and thusly the knight had to try it. After munching some mango salsa he decided to go bungee jumping with his friend, the paint ball-splattered Can...:D
The chosen duffers (whoever they may be:rolleyes:) huddled together in a tight group, poring over the strange map composed primarly of lines, squiggles, C's, W's, and asterisks, but couldn't make heads OR tails of it. That's when Lady of Lorien opened her trusty "C, W and Asterisk" decoder book -:D
"Turn thou not unto the Jelly Bean; for all those who turn from me shall have their Cook Books taken beyond the great blue Moon Mountains, and far away...." And LoL woke suddenly from her daydream with the terrifing image of her cookbook glideing over the Moon mountains and into the black hole at the center of the galaxy running through her mind.