Glorious Food II (Please Don't Delete)

But the Can heard LoL's cries, and caused the dragon to vanish, leaving LoL to drop four feet; from where the dragon's stomache used to be.
Sparky hadn't relized that the Can could do such things from a distance, and so was easily fooled. :p

Where they melted all the ice, built an aqua-rocket ship, and flew back, saving the Can and destroying Sparky once and for all.

Alas, it was only a stuffed Sparky. They'd never left the ice mines...they'd meerely been put in a simulator. Sparky,meanwhile,watched the duffers think they'd escaped laughing amusedly whilst they polished a dented old tin can...:D
Until Sparky found out that it was all an illusion, and that there was a cardboard Dernhelm sitting next to him, and the Duffers really had escaped with the Can. Enraged, he...
But his button was a fake, showing only a recorded video of the Duffers dooing such to a clone of the Can. The REAL Can was being venerated on the high altar of the Duffers...
But his button was a fake, showing only a recorded video of the Duffers dooing such to a clone of the Can. The REAL Can was being venerated on the high altar of the Duffers...

which was all a computer-generated illusion. The REAL Can was being splattered by Derny's paintball gun.:D LoL meanwhile decided she didn't like the Can anymore and joined Derny in pasting him...:D