Harry Potter and the Dark Moon

She went out of the room.
" Hermione she smart maybe she can look up some spells for us," she said walking around trying to figuring out why no one else was coming in the room.
Kathryn walked away shaking her red hair How juvenile she picked up the book she was reading out of her cloak Then she heard a big noise she grabbed her wand out of her cloak and dropped her book
Emily ran back in.
" Ok keep clam every thing be OK," she said to herself looking at Kath,
she walk over to her with a half smile on her face.
" OK we need to get into a gourp ofthrees," she told them picking up her wand.
Group of three Em what are you trying to do we need to find out how to fight this thing together and not fight among ourselves We are all here to learn about magic and be freinds Out houses are just our titles EMily if you say so but i don't like this one bit
She grabbed Draco's hand.
" yes goup of three," she said picking her wand up,
she look at the others for awhile.
" Harry you think you the boss you put us in a group," she told him with a half smile on her face.
Kathryn Rolled her eyes and was about to say something mean to Emily but she held her tongue Then she saw Ron walk over to Harry and looked at Ron

"Care to Share you idea with us weasley "
Emily was writing in her book about what was going on so far there is no teachers coming to look for them at that time. She was getting worried about them not like the other slytherins are. She got up and put her book down.

" Are we find out how to fight this or just stand around Harry do want to be the boss or not Potter,?" she said playing with her wand for awhile watching Kathlan and the others for awhile.
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Kathryn Rolled her eyes and was about to say something mean to Emily but she held her tongue Then she saw Ron walk over to Harry and looked at Ron

"Care to Share you idea with us weasley "

Emily was writeing in her book about that's going on so far there is no teachers comeing to look for them at that time. SHe was getting worryed about them not like the other slytherins are. She got up and put her book down.

" Are we find out how to fight this or just stand around Harry do want to be the boss or not Potter,?" she said playing with her wand for awhile watching Kathlan and the others for awhile.

"Harry maby if you be 'The Boss' things will turn out good like they always do," Ron whispered to Harry.
Emily put her wand between her ear.
" OK Potter I hope you have some Ides because I don't think you know what this thing is," she said walking over to Draco.
Kathryn: stood in the center of the room arms crossed

If Harry is not going to lead us I will this thing that is threatened to end magic forever i think us as the future of Magic should fight for it. We cannot let he who must not be named succeed again so Harry we are listening if your a friend of Weasley I will trust you and you have save Hogwarts quite alot Harry so its your move Harry if not I will lead this little party even though I do not believe what Emily is saying is true. Until i see this for myself.
Emily rolled her eyes.
" well if it isn't real why do you think no one is here this place is empty I look every were and didn't spot no on," she said crossing her arms .
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Its late at night Emily we are up past curfew anyway that is why someone should notify McGonagell or someone that is a teacher at Hogwarts so this threat could stop

Kathryn stopped and thought about it if its is someone or something there and if Emily was indeed right There would be no one except them to stop it. Kathryn think she said to herself she could just be messing with your mind
She open the map to see if anyone else was coming.
" no it's eight AM right now and by now the teachers well wonder were we are right did you ever think of that?," she said closing the map her hands where shaking she grabbed Draco hand to relex.
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Kathryn cocked a eyebrow and walked away she has had enough of this she said a spell and changed herself into a cat. She walked around quickly on four feet She walked threw the halls and indeed Emily was right there was no one.

She found herself back in the Ravenclaw common room she changed herself back no one not Luna not even the prefects of Ravenclaw was around She set down in the room and picked up her books hoping to find a spell that she could use to prove Emily right or wrong.
Luna was watch everyone while they all talk.

Emily layed her head on Draco shoulder then there was a loud noise coming behind them.Emily jump were she was then look around" what was that? that not funny Kath what ever you doing please stop it now," she said walking backward the in the mirror she saw someone standing right in front of her. She scream so loud everyone could hear her.
Now suddenly Kathryn found herself in the hallway again the stairwells were moving directing Kathryn back to where the others were. She pulled out her wand when she looked and saw EMily screaming then she saw a reflecing in the mirror she pulled out her wand and said Ridecklus tai pei and the room fell in a peaceful silence and the image in the mirror vanished
Emily look around not moveing were she was.
" I told you he real but none of you listen to me do you now?," she said walking over to Potter with her hands on her hips.