Homeschoolers in Highschool, Part Three

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Summer had already gone indoors; Alipang was alone with Chilena. So he simply stood there holding her, stroking her hair, and intermittently kissing her, until she was ready to tell him something.
" Al I want to go look for my birth parents, but I-I want someone to come with me," she told him, still with her head in his chest.
Alipang made her look him in the eye. "When we've heard the rest of what Mom and Dad have to tell, we'll know better what to do." He kissed her soundly, like an exclamation point. "Now let's go home."
"Works for me."

"Great. Let's head up, and I'll turn it on". He had previously convinced his mom to allow a small couch to be placed in his room, so it was perfect for both of them to sit on. He put in the movie, and they both sat down as it started.
"Great. Let's head up, and I'll turn it on". He had previously convinced his mom to allow a small couch to be placed in his room, so it was perfect for both of them to sit on. He put in the movie, and they both sat down as it started.

ooc: im going to have to go soon, because my sister wants to go online, but i might be back..

ic: Jen opened her Dr. Pepper and sat back in the couch.
ooc: im going to have to go soon, because my sister wants to go online, but i might be back..

ic: Jen opened her Dr. Pepper and sat back in the couch.

ooc: thats perfect place to leave it then, right at the movie

ic: Just as the movie started, he reached for Jens hand..
"Then let's go, Chil-Chil, but don't get a ticket."

Meanwhile, at the Katon house, Isobel Stetzer was askng Kaitlyn what sort of thing she might feel at ease doing at the festival on Monday.
Kaitlyn climbed down the stairs, and stood beside Jason. "Face painting would be my thing, especially for little kids." She said enthusiastically.

ooc-I might be headed out soon.
"Then facepainting is yours, you own it," Isobel assured Kaitlyn. "There will be at least one other facepainter; but if business gets slow, I'll let you do ME."


"What I said about the ticket was a JOKE, sweets," Alipang softly told Chilena.

But it was as well that Chilena was not at the wheel of a car when she heard the climax of her birth family's history. Her birth father's sales business had been genuine enough to become part of something international....and, as soon as the Havens had been persuaded to adopt Chilena (formerly called Elizabeth), he and the rest of his family had moved to Morocco.

He was sure.

Having told her the facts previously described, Eric Havens put an arm around Chilena and said, "Now here's the good news, such as it is. Your birth father mentioned more than once that he had relatives in Richmond. I'll give you the adoption documents, which tell the full names of your birth parents and their last address prior to moving overseas. With that much information, it should be possible to track down your aunts and uncles or whatever; they in turn may know how to contact your biological family in Marrakesh."
Alipang sat unmoving and unspeaking. Chilena was on alien territory to him now. His birth family had never been a mystery to him; his mother and little sister were angels from Heaven, summoned back there too soon, while his father was on the other team, and not summoned back to his camp soon enough. He found himself thinking about Dan; would Dan's promising relationship with Chilena survive the new obsession?
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