Homeschoolers in Highschool, Part Three

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Eric Havens drew a deep breath. "The first time your Mom and I ever saw you OR your birth relatives was when you were not quite two years old. We lived in Richmond then, right up to the time we went on the mission field. I did free-clinic dental work there, as I do here; and one family that came in--with HORRIBLE oral hygiene habits--was your birth family. You were the only girl; there were three brothers, all older than you. I suspected that the boys had only a father in common with you, both because of the child-age difference (fitting with your mother being younger than your father) and because you looked and still look exactly like your birth mother, while the boys had no resemblance to her at all.

"Your family came through the free clinic many times. While there was never a sign that you or your brothers were physically abused, it did look as if your health and the boys' education were being neglected..."


We'll fill in more of this later.
Looking back on the conversation.

Alipang squishy-hugged Chilena even more lovingly, to help her get through hearing what he was going to tell their friend Summer.

"Yesterday morning I started for school forgetting that my balisong was still in my pocket. So I slipped it into one of my outdoor stash-places. But someone saw, somehow. Later, on my way from school to work, I found the stash-place empty. Two of them were watching, waiting for that moment; and from what they said, these two were brothers of one of the guys who lay for me Tuesday night. They not only showed me that they had my knife, they also lied that they were holding Sammy Ashford and were going to hurt him. So I had to go after them, for Sammy's sake.

"Sammy _wasn't_ there in the place they led me to; but three more guys were laying for me: two black guys, probably Leopard Man's buddies, plus Rocknose. And your 'friend' Carlos was in on it, though late showing up. Now, I couldn't take _that_ many guys at the same time even if I hadn't been hurt the day before; so, with no Sammy there to worry about, I knocked one down and broke out of encirclement. My only chance was to get to where there could be help before they overtook me.

"And the help was Brendan. Thank God for him--and that he had his lacrosse stick, since two of them had knives counting MY knife. When Carlos showed up, he had a nunchaku. Brendan did most of the fighting, but I was able to knock one creep out and then hold off Carlos until he zapped me in the cracked rib. Their side was already losing by then, and Brendan cleaned up the rest. He called the cops; and Grant, who came by, waved them in to the scene. Before long, a Fire Department ambulance was taking me to the hospital in Shilohsville.

"And now I'm home, and Chil-Chil is making me feel welcome! We and the babies are going to watch some VeggieTales videos shortly."


OOC: We will possibly return retroactively to this point in RP-time, to allow NightcrawlerFan, as Summer, to say more in this conversation.

"You're sure you're ok?" Summer asked concerned.
For anyone reading: this jumps back _before_ the talk with parents

"I'm fine, really, thanks. I've been beaten up much worse in the past, including by my birth father, who's in the eternal frying pan now. What hurts more is being treated like an idiot by a girl who even rewrote the facts to HELP herself believe I'm an idiot--after SHE accepted MY help with trigonometry, not to mention my getting her a job. But I'll get over that, too."


N-F, can we say that you make a separate, later call which comes in "current" time, interrupting the family conference?
speeding things along

Kim walked into work a few minutes late. It was her 3rd day working, but it might have been her 50th. Today was just not her day at all! Not only was she crabby (reasons wont be specified) but she had a horrible day at school. It had been raining and her shoes were wet (her worse pet peeve), she had woken up late and wasn't able to eat breakfast or take her shower (thank God for Victoria' s Secret Desire perfume), parking was a disaster, and when she had backed out of the drive way she was sure she scraped her mom's car.

Oh no, today was a bad day indeed.

She was waiting tables as usual, and was polite and chipper as always, but when she spilled a drink on herself she nearly lost it. She went into the bathroom to clean herself off, but her jeans were soaked through. Sucking it up she went back out and got the drink for the customer.

"Could this day get worse?" She asked herself.
OOC: Now, this is chronologically back at the Havens family huddle, before Summer's expected unexpected interruption with a second call.


Cecilia Havens picked up the story: "We grew more involved with your birth family, loaning money to them which we never expected to get back--and _didn't_ get back. Your birth father was in, not anything outright criminal, but some rather sleazy sales work. It kept your family moving, and had no medical benefits--hence their use of the free clinic your Dad was with at the time. I was pregnant then--" (she looked at her own belly now, obviously in a suppressed agony of hope and fear for _this_ pregnancy) "--and it made me feel especially concerned for any family with small children. Not that your Dad wasn't also generous and compassionate, as witness his _being_ at a free clinic!"

Eric resumed: "The real reason your mother mentions this, is because her second miscarriage happened _during_ that period of acquaintance with your birth family. Hardly a month passed after we sent another baby to Heaven ahead of us, before your birth parents began hinting at the idea of our adopting you and giving you a better life than they could give you."


You can interrupt anytime now, N-F! If I post this and find you _have_ written an overlapping entry to that effect, we will still say that the above speeches occurred just before Summer phoned again.
Maria Ramos whispered to Kim: "I have a pair of jeans I wore coming here before I changed into this dress. I'm near enough to your size; you'll find them in the storage room, on top of a carton of spices."


Summer's second phone call interrupted the Havens family conference; but the parents were glad of the chance to postpone the rest of the history. Alipang, with Chilena sticking close to him, went into his room, gave Summer a brief idea of what was going on, and asked Summer to tell more of how things were with herself and at school.
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Maria Ramos whispered to Kim: "I have a pair of jeans I wore coming here before I changed into this dress. I'm near enough to your size; you'll find them in the storage room, on top of a carton of spices."

"Oh thanks girl," Kim said, then got the pants and went into the bathroom. The pants were one size bigger than she, but Kim had a belt so it was all good. She went back out and continued serving the customers.
Summer's second phone call interrupted the Havens family conference; but the parents were glad of the chance to postpone the rest of the history. Alipang, with Chilena sticking close to him, went into his room, gave Summer a brief idea of what was going on, and asked Summer to tell more of how things were with herself and at school.

"I'm pretty good. My necks a little sore and I've got some interesting bruises. And my mom won't let me out of the house except for school. It's driving me nuts. But I don't really want to get jumped. But it's still hard to sit in the house all day." Summer said laying on her bed.
Pitik Imada, brother of the boss, came in with his wife, already aware of the reason for Alipang's absence. Meeting Kim, he extended his hand. "You must be the youngest daughter from the new family at Redemption! I'm Alipang's Escrima instructor, and this is my wife Dolores."

Dolores shook Kim's hand next, saying, "We'll talk later; I'm sure you're busy."


Meanwhile, Alipang said to Summer, "It's not awfully late yet. I'll bet our parents would let me and Chil-Chil come over and visit with you if you'd like." // Since CF is controlling those parents, it's a sure thing! (-:
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Pitik Imada, brother of the boss, came in with his wife, already aware of the reason for Alipang's absence. Meeting Kim, he extended his hand. "You must be the youngest daughter from the new family at Redemption! I'm Alipang's Escrima instructor, and this is my wife Dolores."

Dolores shook Kim's hand next, saying, "We'll talk later; I'm sure you're busy."

She shook their hands, "Nice to meet you, and I hope so." she said as a customer called for her.
Meanwhile, Alipang said to Summer, "It's not awfully late yet. I'll bet our parents would let me and Chil-Chil come over and visit with you if you'd like." // Since CF is controlling those parents, it's a sure thing! (-:

"If you feel up to it Alipang. I'd love to have you." Summer replied.
Soon Alipang and Chilena were in Chilena's car. Before starting the engine, Chilena hugged her brother's neck once more, thanking him for supporting her request. Then they were on their way, with Alipang appointing himself as lookout to make sure Chilena was aware of all other traffic around them.

Arriving at Summer's house, the two siblings walked up to the door unconsciously holding hands.
Having heard them pull up Summer was at the door. "Hi guys. Thanks for coming over. My mother is convinced that every time I go outside a mob will be waiting to kill me." She rubbed her neck.
While Chilena was cautiously hugging their friend, Alipang said, "What I was told by that cop was confidential; but it'll become public knowledge soon enough. Once your Mom hears from the news media that there've been extensive arrests of local crooks, I bet she'll be less worried."
"Maybe we can take an _intellectual_ journey," replied Alipang. "Let me see your notes for any classes you _were_ at, that Chil-Chil and I _weren't_ at."
Summer grinned. "Ok, They're in my room. This way." She said leading them up to her room. Her room was kind of crazy. The walls were covered with posters and pictures. Her bed was covered in books and papers and cds and books were piled on the floor. "Sorry it's such a mess." Summer said. "I'm trying to sort through some stuff." She went over to her bed and shuffled through some papers. "Here they are." She said taking her notes out and handing them to Alipang.
G.V., pardon a little character-borrowing

Only Alipang really took any interest in the notes. While he was reading them, Chilena said softly to Summer, "Do you know anything about Dan's Dad? When I saw him, he didn't seem friendly at all. I know he's divorced, but I don't know much else. Dan doesn't say much about his home life."
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