Mrs. Tisdale, however, was detained outside the door by Rafael and Carmen Imada, who wanted to speak only to her. After some good words for Kim's performance as a waitress, which would enable Elizabeth to say truthfully that the Imadas had spoken to her, the one who _really_ wanted to speak to Mrs. Tisdale emerged from hiding. The Imadas withdrew out of hearing--but to preserve Mrs. Tisdale's alibi (if she even chose to use it), they did not go inside immediately.
"Mrs. Tisdale," said Alipang, "I apologize for the sneakiness. I didn't want Kim to know I was talking to you--at least, not to know it AT the time I'm doing it. I'm terribly inexperienced in some areas of dealing with people; but I'm _very_ experienced in speaking the truth. For what it's worth, what I'm going to tell you is both true, and intended only for good.
"First of all, in case you haven't already been told, Mr. Imada, and our customers, are hugely pleased with Kim's quality as a waitress. She can think of herself as absolutely _deserving_ to have that job. At the same time, though, it is a fact that she _has_ the job because of me. I was the first one even to have the idea of her applying at the Pansit. Because she knows that I know that she knows that I made it possible, I'm worried that she will _think_ I expect gratitude...and I don't want her to feel as if I would, um, as if I'd expect any....
"I'm cutting my own throat by telling you this, ma'am, but it wouldn't be fair to Kim to let her suffer any needless discomfort that I could prevent. So I'm telling you that...that the reason _why_ this issue is important to because I'm....well, 'in love' is too much to say after only one week, but I'm crazy about Kim. I never met anyone quite like her. I don't expect you to approve of that, with our age difference, but I'm telling you the truth. And I won't bother her about it, not at work or anyplace. It isn't her fault that a kid....that I...Please, just accept my word, Mrs. Tisdale, that I don't expect _anything_ in return for anything I ever did for her. And if you do tell her what I said, she doesn't need to make the standard speech to me about how much better it is to be only friends. I have a downright _harem_ of only-friends female friends."