Homeschoolers in Highschool, Part Two

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ooc: I'm curious as to how long we can expect this thread to continue. I mean what, until they are married and have moved away, I'm joking of course, but is there a set time? What about we end at the Labor Day Picnic? or something to that degree
Smoky Lake normally had four officers on patrol--in twelve-hour alternate-day shifts--at any given time. It was supposed to be a very low-crime community. But those few police officers were themselves residents of the town, like everyone else; and the word had been quick to spread about the attempted attack on Alipang Havens Tuesday night. Alipang didn't want to have to talk about it unless absolutely necessary; with no other witnesses, he was afraid kids would assume he made up the whole thing to enhance his tough-guy aura.

But adults had to take it seriously. Little Melody, and littler Harmony, were already accustomed to the modern custom of "play dates," a thing that came naturally among homeschooling families; from now on, they were barred from ANY outdoor play without adult supervision.

And both high schools in town announced spontaneous morning assemblies. The one at West High, as East kids would later learn, talked about combatting gang violence; but Mrs. Lewiston's assembly in first period at East was devoted to telling everyone that loving themselves more would solve everything.
Summer woke up feeling better than the night before but not entirely well. She coughed as she got dressed then grabbed her bag. She had decided to wear jeans and an oversized t-shirt since she wanted to feel comfortable. She grabbed some breakfast then walked outside breathing in the fresh air.
Chilena woke up the next day getting ready for school " Al do y-ou think we be all right?," she asked, while she walked out her room.
* * This being a slight backward hop in time, before school started:

"Trust in Jesus, but use good sense too," Mom told Chilena.
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Alipang had managed to convince his parents that the cowardly amateurs from last night were not likely to try anything in daylight the very morning after their failure. Thus he still was allowed to jog to school--having gotten up early to finish the homework he had been forced to postpone. He detoured by Summer's house just in time to join her.

"Good morning, Summer! I was worried about you. Are you feeling better yet? Do you want me to carry anything for you?" He did not say a word to her about his nocturnal adventure; she would find out soon enough at school.
" All right I just wish this didn't happen," she told her, kissing her mum on the cheek " Bye Mum and dad," she told them, walking out the door.
OOC: Dan, or somebody, presumably accompanies Chilena--which would be why Alipang felt okay to go see about his friend Summer.

Alipang replied to Summer, "Yeah, I'll see Kim, but I don't know if she'll see me. I expect she'll sort of look through me. When she thanked me for getting her the job, it was like no more than thanking me for passing the salt. Or maybe it just seemed that way to me, compared to how I _wished_ she would thank me."
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OOC: Dan, or somebody, presumably accompanies Chilena--which would be why Alipang felt okay to go see about his friend Summer.

Alipang replied to Summer, "Yeah, I'll see Kim, but I don't know if she'll see me. I expect she'll sort of look through me. When she thanked me for getting her the job, it was like no more than thanking me for passing the salt. Or maybe it just seemed that way to me, compared to how I _wished_ she would thank me."

Summer laid her hand on her friends shoulder. "Give it time. It may not be what God has planned but if it is everything will come together when he decides at not before. And when it happens it will be perfect timing." She smiled and squeezed his shoulder.
ooc: sure where did we leave off?

ooc: the restraunt but it's now Wednesday, so we are heading to school.

Brendan yawned as he stretched, getting up from bed. Sauntering over to his desk, he slid all his work into his backpack in one push. He then made his way downstairs to grab some chow. Hot oatmeal, not a personal favorite, but good enough for a fast breakfast. Afterwards he washed up, REMEMBERING to grab his lunch this time. He ran outside, but was early, so he chilled on his stoop for a few minutes.
ooc: erm okay.

Jen woke up later than usual. She rushed to get ready and make her lunch. Forgetting about breakfast, she ran to catch the bus.
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