Homeschoolers in Highschool, Part Two

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Jumping ahead in time to Trigonometry class

The following letter appeared on Kim's desk. Alipang did not look at her once during the time it took her to find safe moments to read it....

Deer Kim,

Befor I sey what I wannt to say, heare is what I fisrt MUST say: nothing Im tellig you needs to have any efect on you wokring at the retsaurunt, or you coming to Redmeption Church. But before you tel me to be pasive and let thigns just happn, you need to know about my brith sister Espranza. She died at age five, becuase NO ONE intrevened.

My birth mohter in the Phillipins named Yollanda died when I was seven and Espernza was four. Never mind for now how she died, I cant take telling you abuot her AND Mama at the same time. But once Mama was gone, the man who was my father in body olny began beeting us both up. He mostly beat me up becaus I wuld stay in betwen him and my sistr and I would beg him to stop. For monhts I did this and no one cared, we wer in a poor neigborhood. Finaly one niht he was having so much fun beating me up that I coulnt keep in between him and Esperaza anymor because he beat me unconsious. Then he wanted mor fun so he beat my sister to death. If someone with the stength to stop him had stoped him, Esperanza would be alve now, on Earth I mean I know shes in Heven with my first Mama but I miss her even though I love the sistrs God gave me insted.

My papa in body only was sentenced to death and he desreved it, but I wish somone had stoppd him sooner. Yuo may think this maks YOUR case because his being excuted didnt help Esperana, but if he had been shot betwen the eys BEFORE he killed her that would hav helpd her a LOT. You see it is not revenje I want but I do want some power to stop evil poeple BEFORE they kil the innosent. And I am not ashamed of that.

Jesus told us to lov our emenies but He did NOT say to giv our ennmies FIRST PLACE ahead of our own lovd ones. When I have to choose if people I care about get hurt or the bad gys get hurt, the bad guys lose that toss. Kim I like you more than any girl I ever saw wich isnt saying much becuse I have no social lif, but you cant make me ashamed of defending weaker people from bullies. It was part of the recrod of Job's rightousness in the Bible that he brok the fangs of the wicked and recsued the victims. And if I ever see YOU bieng attacked by punks their blood is on their own heads.

Alipang Havnes
The following letter appeared on Kim's desk. Alipang did not look at her once during the time it took her to find safe moments to read it....

Kim read the note with vivid consentration. She had to, though, edit it for personal ocd reasons. But when she was done she wrote back:

Al Im sorry about your family. I can't begin to think I can empathsize with you and how all that felt. I do agree that the death sentance should be taken out on those who have killed. And I do agree someone should have stopped your father from the violence. Lord knows I wish someone had done that for me when...well nevermind, that's not important.

Anyways, I didn't want you to get involved with that bully becaise one, you and that other kid (Jason right?) could have gotten in trouble. Violence from words is, and I dont mean to slight you (but im gonna be honest) is illogical and senseless. I mean all he did was insult. Yes it was your sister, but retaliation is NEVER a good solution that will have a positive outcome. Dont you see? Grant Jesus didn't just stand back and watch someone get persecuted, he tried to stop it. By words of wisdom. Now also I dont think that bully today would have listened, but maybe someone around us might have, if you had confronted that bully in a better manner and handled it better.

Unless that bully was going to physically hurt your sister and (I believe) her boyfriend, then walking away would not have been a cowardly thing to do. In fact it would have proven to that bully that he couldn't get to you or your sister's boyfriend.

Trust me when I say, fighting is worthless unless your protecting yourself or someone else from physical harm. Otherwise it just isn't worth the drama that follows.
ooc: this is quite inconvenient, I have no idea what time of day it is, or what day it is for that matter. Also what's all going on?

ooc: its lunch, fifth period... im pretty sure its wednsday... jen and brendan are eating lunch in the cafeteria... kim just read the letter from al and wrote back.
Jen shrugged and took a sip of her Coke, then coughed. "Ow," she said. "Bubbles got up my nose."

Hearing this, Brendan couldn't help but smil and laugh. He didn't mean to, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry for laughing, I couldn't help it, some things just catch me off guard. Are you alright?"
Hearing this, Brendan couldn't help but smil and laugh. He didn't mean to, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry for laughing, I couldn't help it, some things just catch me off guard. Are you alright?"

"It's alright," Jen smiled. "I hate it when that happens, though. I look like an idiot with my face all scrunched up."
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