Less than 1.00 days!

Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
The problem with judging the movie by the trailers is that the trailers are extremely misleading. We all know that The White Witch, Susan, and Peter only have small cameos, yet the trailers constantly keep showing them and putting them in the posters to mislead the casual fans.

And this whole seven swords defeating the dark island plot really doesnt seem, at least according to the detailed plot sypnopsis I read, like it will takeover the whole movie. The trailer is just overemphasizing it to attract an audience.

Really the changes of VotDT are the opposite of the changes in PC. PC had the same story of the book, but told it with completly different scenes, structure, and additional battles. VotDT has most of the scenes from the book, but they are being used to tell a different story.
The problem with judging the movie by the trailers is that the trailers are extremely misleading. We all know that The White Witch, Susan, and Peter only have small cameos, yet the trailers constantly keep showing them and putting them in the posters to mislead the casual fans.

Probably to lure them into the theaters come Dec. 10th. Marketing; it's all clever marketing. ;) People who've seen the first two films know that 1. The Witch was killed, 2. Peter and Susan were told that they weren't coming back. Those two things will peak the curiosity of somebody who might not otherwise see the movie. They want to know why those 2 things are happening again.

And this whole seven swords defeating the dark island plot really doesnt seem, at least according to the detailed plot sypnopsis I read, like it will takeover the whole movie. The trailer is just overemphasizing it to attract an audience.

I don't really know about that; it seems like that IS the plot, but maybe not. I'm really curious to know how Lilliandil fits into being the Narnian's guide; that ought to make Edmund and Caspian very happy. ;)

Really the changes of VotDT are the opposite of the changes in PC. PC had the same story of the book, but told it with completly different scenes, structure, and additional battles. VotDT has most of the scenes from the book, but they are being used to tell a different story

I don't think they're being used to tell a different story; it's a different story of sorts but not completely alien. Just from the trailers, it seems like the timeline of events have been switched up to different places; i.e. the Sea Serpent/dragon Eustace battle happening near the climax/end of the movie...just have to wait and see, I suppose.
Aha! Come to think of it ... Maybe the movie will be released sooner in America than in Europe :( Haven't checked yet. Don't dare checking!
To see the release date for Norway, highlight what's after this sentence; just in case you didn't want to see it. December 26th
Yes, but without a lot of expectations.

At the beginning of the movie series (LWW) I was optimistic.
After seeing PC, I become quite jaded.

Although LWW the movie changed some things, they were minor and I could really believe it was the book brought to life.

PC didn't instill that same level of credubility.

So, I'm expecting to be disappointed when I eventually see the movie.

Of course, I could be pleasantly surprised and they get it right again.
its coming out in jan? i thought it was out in december?....

Lol, no. ESA was talking about how VDT will be a birthday gift for him since his birthday isn't long after it's released in December. His birthday is in January, so even if he doesn't see it until January, it'd still be a birthday gift. ;)
Voyage of the Dawn Treader contest

Yes, I signed AravisK's pledge, and I plan to go see it with an open mind (though I did just reread Dawn Treader). I even hope to maybe get some free tickets to attend!

Thanks to Copperfox, I found out about this contest courtesy of Focus on the Family, and sent my essay entry in this evening.

If you are at least 18 years old you have a chance to win free movie tickets, or Narnia recordings, or perhaps even a free trip to London for the 11/30 premiere. But be advised, Copperfox had a terrible time with the submission software. (Mine went through first time though.)
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That's the spirit -- go over to the "Less than 100 Days" thread and take the pledge to see the film with an open mind. It will make it so much nicer when you see the film and enjoy it! :)
Yes, I signed AravisK's pledge, and I plan to go see it with an open mind (though I did just reread Dawn Treader). I even hope to maybe get some free tickets to attend!

Thanks to Copperfox, I found out about this contest courtesy of Focus on the Family, and sent my essay entry in this evening.

If you are at least 18 years old you have a chance to win free movie tickets, or Narnia recordings, or perhaps even a free trip to London for the 11/30 premiere. But be advised, Copperfox had a terrible time with the submission software. (Mine went through first time though.)

I had some issues submitting my entry, but did it anyway. I never win that type of stuff, but no harm in trying. :D
52 DAYS until December 10th!!! :D:D:D

Oh and I swore the pledge AravisKenobi made. Maugrim and Zorro did too...ain't that right?

Maugrim: Zzzzzzzzzzz
Zorro: *nudge nudge*
Maugrim: Whwhawher-Oh!Yeah yeah,I swore. *goes back to sleep*
Yep, I'm going to watch it. I'm looking forward to it so much. Probably not going to see it in 3D though.
Excellent. I probably won't see it in 3D either. Since it wasn't filmed for 3D I doubt there will be anything to recommend it, particularly.
Your parents can enter, but if you yourself are under 18, you can write the submission entry. Focus on the Family's contests are almost always only for those 18 and over. Thankfully, I'm almost one year over 18 and thus have the freedom of never having to sign my parents names to a contest entry. :p
Yes, I just turned 18 about a week before so I found this contest to come about right at the perfect timing. So when did you submit your essay Aravis? I entered mine about a day ago. :) Thankfully, I didn't have any trouble submitting my essay, but it's too bad you and Copperfox did. :(