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Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
Have any of you seen the new trailer? I'm now thinking that I will not see VOTDT at the cinemas because it looks even worse than I imagined. But that is just the trailer. I don't know!! I feel like boycotting, that how bad it is! :mad:
After watching the new trailer, I have decided that I will not be going to see it.

That's a shame, because the changes are minuscule (although they seem drastic from the short clips in the trailer) and not overpowering to the rest of the story in the book.
Be happy! It's going to be a swashbuckling high seas adventure with great acting and no cheesy accents. What could be better?!
A funny thing about changes: they can be big from one viewpoint, and small from another viewpoint.

Some years ago, Tom Selleck starred in a film adaptation of the Louis L'Amour Western novel Crossfire Trail. I saw the movie before ever reading the book. In the movie, Tom Selleck's dying friend begs him to find and help his (the friend's) wife/widow. So the hero, picking up some friends for support, undertakes the mission. Meeting the heroine, he has occasion to make an impression by showing his knowledge of classical music and poetry. The villains turn out to be after an oil well which belongs to the heroine. In the end, the bad guys lose and Selleck wins the widow's heart.

Now I'm reading the book, and I'm surprised to find that the movie made quite a few changes. My not expecting this to be so bears witness that the movie WAS made in the SPIRIT of Louis L'Amour's writing; I would know, I'm a big Louis L'Amour fan. In the original story, it's a daughter, not wife, of the dead friend, whom the hero goes to protect. The part about the hero being more refined than an average cowboy was not so much emphasized in the book. And apart from the main hero and the main villain, MANY changes were made for the film in the names and personalities of both good-guy and bad-guy characters. In what you might call a "material" sense, Crossfire Trail underwent as much alteration in the transition from book to movie as The Voyage of the Dawn Treader seems to have done. But the Western film retained the SPIRIT of the author intact and unsoiled. So I will dare to hope that, having removed a certain treacherous, vandalous director who rhymes with Andrew Adamson, the "Dawn Treader" movie will also prove to have retained the spirit of Mr. Lewis' work.
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With all due respect, the changes that you call minuscule are not minuscule in my opinion and I will not be wasting my money on a ticket.

The undragoning scene isn't a waste of money. However, it is your choice to see it or not. I'll probably end up seeing the movie enough to make up for your ticket though. (If it lives up to my expectations.)
A funny thing about changes: they can be big from one viewpoint, and small from another viewpoint.

So I will dare to hope that the "Dawn Treader" movie will also prove to have retained the spirit of Mr. Lewis' work.

That's the spirit. :) The Lord of the Rings also went through a great many changes and omissions, and maintained the spirit of the work.
Cool - you should friend me on FB
Just tell me in your friend request that you're AK so I remember who you are.

I am very excited for the film to come out, and in the meantime we have HP Part 1 to look forward to also. :)
Cool - you should friend me on FB
Just tell me in your friend request that you're AK so I remember who you are.

I am very excited for the film to come out, and in the meantime we have HP Part 1 to look forward to also. :)

Ugh, I gagged when I saw the HP preview at "Secretariat" on Friday. Not to mention, I got shivers down my spine...from pure disgust and creepiness. Sorry, anything related to HP revolts me, just like Twilight.

I will do that! :) (And yeah, I don't accept requests from TDL people unless they tell me who they are, lol)

Doffen, *most* all movies in the U.S. are released on Fridays. Dec. 10th is a friday.
That's the spirit. :) The Lord of the Rings also went through a great many changes and omissions, and maintained the spirit of the work.

yes,but i hope that like the lord of the rings movies this does retain the spirt of the authors book otherwise....will end up in a 100 year winter here....
It will end up dead if people don't start giving the movie a chance BEFORE it's released. Now if it were already out, I can see their points. But the movie isn't even out and they're not willing to give it a chance.

Now, if I can give Pirates 3 a chance knowing what I did about the movie (I knew about the whole Will-becoming-like-Jones thing, and Will was one of my favorite characters), then I think people here can and should give Dawn Treader a chance. Should I mention that I pretty much decided before the movie to hate what the writers did to Will, but I ended up liking AWE for a short while? (That was before I let the full realization of how Disney had chopped up the story of PotC; haven't seen AWE or DMC since). Now I don't plan on seeing the 4th Pirates when it comes out (mainly because each movie gets dirtier and dirtier), but I probably will see it on dvd just to find out what happens. I'm willing to give it a [very] small chance. That's all I ask for of the folks here: give the movie a chance, write down your thoughts, cool off if you're mad, then make sure you weren't jumping to conclusions (i.e., review your written thoughts). That's all.
Speaking of Pirates 4, I'm excited for it. New director, new characters, the return of my favorite characters, and a fresh storyline.
Nice to see Doffen here! I hope I can go to the movie on Friday, opening day! :)

Is it your birthday in December Doffen? Mine too! Yippeee!