Less than 1.00 days!

Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
I would if I could...but unfortunately I'm out of town then, and I won't even get to see it until a few days after it's released.
It's good that they faught for it because it would have for sure been something not worth seeing if Disney kept it...we know that much.

However, that doesn't mean it will be good enough anyway now. It's not an "if"/"then" sort of thing. I would hope it to be good. But, with every spoiler I hear I'm more and more and more disappointed. I expect more. Granted I grew up on both the books and the BBC films. I'd seen one group get the scripts right with an almost non-existant budget. Thus, I always thought the people with the big budget would have it as a slam dunk. I was soooo wrong! They don't. The BBC is still winning the the adaptation area in my mind. I'll take all the horrible casting, production, and effects if the script is right, over a good production messed up one. Sorry, most Lewis lovers have much higher expectations. I'm almost afraid to hear Dr. Carter's reviews...if you ever thought me to be harsh, don't underestimate a British Lewis seminary professor. Compared to him, my reviews will undoubtedly be kind.
I would want to, but I doubt my Dad would be up to taking me at midnight... and I doubt my older sister would want to see the movie at night, either. :p
That's why I never read other peoples' reviews. Not even those of people that I trust. Because even people that I trust have differing views on film than I do. Not to mention that even the great filmmakers have strange taste in movies (Christopher Nolan loves Michael Bay movies, for instance). I do know what you're saying, though, about the whole "good enough" now, thing.. but to be very frank about it - we're getting something that was fought for, and to not be thankful for that regardless of what we *feel* is right for the series, is kind of a slap in the face, when someone wants to do what is right.
I'm glad people tried to fight but that's where we disagree. If they tried to fight and we still end up with something bad, which I believe we have based on all I've heard, I won't be thankful. So they fought for it...that's good. But in the end if they didn't end up "getting what they were trying to fight for" then their fight was futile. What we seem to be getting doesn't seem like the banquet hoped for, but rather a spoiled one. I'm not inclined to eat stuff that has bugs all over it. You choose to be thankful for anything we get. If that's what you want, then that's good for you. I prefer much much higher FDA regulations. These stories deserve that much. Lewis deserves that much.

Many people don't seem to get that the filmmmakers are big boys and girls. Me saying this doesn't hurt them. Their skins are much thicker. I appreciate Doug. He tried, and I get his position. I know many others meant well. That's all well and good. But if they didn't get what they wanted, then they didn't get it. The filmmakers don't want us to hand them all positive feedback unless it's what we really feel. Mark made that abundantly clear to me and thensome. He reminded me that it doesn't help them do better if we tell them it's good if it isn't what we hoped for or wanted. So I'm saying it loud and clear. I do appreciate the effort but from all I can tell their efforts were in vain. Doug knows I think highly of him. If I don't like what the end result is, then he won't mind at all. He may even agree to an extent, but never be able to say so out loud. Don't worry so much about what they'll think of what is said here. They want the truth and that's ok.
So they fought for it...that's good. But in the end if they didn't end up "getting what they were trying to fight for" then their fight was futile.

They won many battles and lost a few. Anyway, rather than beat a dead horse and continue to argue in circles, I'm going to step away from this argument before I say something that I'll regret. In the end, I'll just say this: a movie is a movie, a book is a book and the two can never be one and the same. You have your first experience with something in one form or the other, and to you, that is the world that you'll love, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying other people's visions for that same world. It's been that way since Shakespeare plays, and it's never going to be different.
They won many battles and lost a few. Anyway, rather than beat a dead horse and continue to argue in circles, I'm going to step away from this argument before I say something that I'll regret. In the end, I'll just say this: a movie is a movie, a book is a book and the two can never be one and the same. You have your first experience with something in one form or the other, and to you, that is the world that you'll love, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying other people's visions for that same world. It's been that way since Shakespeare plays, and it's never going to be different.

Yeah, and not to mention the fact, people interpret the books differently. The themes that may be Christian to one person may not be as Christian to another. One person may not read anything into Eustace as a dragon/turning back while another person sees that as 2 Corinthians 5:17 (the old man has passed away, the new man has come). Even Christians don't agree on interpretation, so to create a film to please all interpretations is downright impossible. If you please one group, you'll upset another because it wasn't "the way they wanted." It's not so much offending people as it is pleasing different peoples' interpretations of one novel.

Anyways, back to the topic of the thread: Yes I will definitely be watching it, and I'm hoping to somehow go to a midnight showing. If I don't have school the next day, that is. :p
Of course I am going. I honestly cannot understand why a true Narnia fan wouldn't, unless of course for personal reasons.

"Are you even going to see it?"
No one can prove that there is going to be changes until we actually see the movie.

Yes, there is proof that there are changes. You don't have to see it for yourself to find the proof.

There are also some of us who are not going because of philosophical disagreements with the movie. We are also true Narnia fans, but not movie fans so there's a difference. And yes, I am going to see it, but not pay full price for it. Wait until it's on dvd or the $!1 theater like I've been saying.
Tonight, over dinner, my mom randomly asked when VDT is coming out.
"December 10th, 2010," I said.
"December 10th?!" she said.
"Yes," I answered.
"I thought it was sooner than that!"
"I wish it was!"

In two days, we'll only have two months left!