Less than 1.00 days!

Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
I actually had a dream once of watching VOTDT. I remember clearly the scene when it's snowing after Lucy looks at the book. :D
I actually had a dream once of watching VOTDT. I remember clearly the scene when it's snowing after Lucy looks at the book. :D

Oh my goodness! :eek: That is so strange! I had a dream about going to see VDT too! However, it was an awful dream, because I ended up not liking it. Definitely a nightmare. Ha Ha. In my dream I found out that my theater was showing it early, but when I went to see the movie, not all of the special effects were finished or polished yet so it was really bad. And for some reason Caspian and Edmund weren't in it at all. Ha Ha. Also, they didn't even go to Ramandu's island. I just remember seeing the sea serpent and the Dawn Treader just sitting on calm water.
On another note, 37 days until the real movie comes out! He He. :D Thank goodness it's not the one in my dream.
Oh my goodness! :eek: That is so strange! I had a dream about going to see VDT too! However, it was an awful dream, because I ended up not liking it. Definitely a nightmare. Ha Ha. In my dream I found out that my theater was showing it early, but when I went to see the movie, not all of the special effects were finished or polished yet so it was really bad. And for some reason Caspian and Edmund weren't in it at all. Ha Ha. Also, they didn't even go to Ramandu's island. I just remember seeing the sea serpent and the Dawn Treader just sitting on calm water.
On another note, 37 days until the real movie comes out! He He. :D Thank goodness it's not the one in my dream.
ROFL! That is hilarious!

I can't wait, so excited. I hope I get to see it on December 10 -- my husband is an artist, and his work may be on display at a holiday festival (where he will also be selling his work) and if so ... then I will have to work at his booth on December 10 and 11!!!! I will be so upset if I can't see the film until three days later!!!
Once I dreamed that someone was about to kill me. He said, "Any last words before you die?" And I said, "My only regrets in dying are the people I leave behind... and the fact that I never got to see VDT before my death!' :D It turned out that he liked Narnia too, so he decided not to kill me. xD
I plan to see half of it, since it's halfway faithful to the original. The only thing I haven't decided is whether to shut the left eye or the right eye. ;)
I will watch it. I think my friends and I are going opening day. I will then wait about a day and then post my thoughts after giving myself time to mull it around in my head for a little bit. I will give my honest opinion. I am hopeful that my friends who are not really book fans (well, not to the degree that I am will help in not biasing my opinion for or against. I know that the experience I had watching Percy Jackson was kind of marred by watching it with a fellow book purist and we both had less than positive feeling of the movie. It should not be a problem here.
I will give the new movie a fair chance. If it's good, I'll even go again. As I've said, there can be changes that DON'T ruin a story. The problem with "Prince NON-Caspian" was that Andrew Adamson CONSCIOUSLY DESIRED to contradict the very SPIRIT of what Mr. Lewis had written, and his success at doing what he wanted to do, made the movie a failure.
*pushes imaginary like button*

Same here. I can't wait to see it. But I just found out that my dad will be out of town on the 10th and 11th. And the 12th is Sunday. My mom can't take my older sister and me because my little siblings aren't allowed to see it, so I'll have to wait at least until the 13th. :( Well, at least we don't have to wait until it's out on DVD to rent. That's what we usually do.
The trailer was epic. I'm actually starting to get excited! I am a little concerned about this additional plotline of returning Rhindron to Aslan's Table. The idea isn't terrible, for a video game or RPG its quite compelling. However for the film it seems unecessary to me. I am pleased with how Eustace's dragon form turned out and I think some of the liberties they are taking with adapting the book to film are quite honestly appealing.

I love the fallowing scene:

Lilliandil: Travelers of Narnia. I am your guide.
Caspian: You are most beautiful.
Lilliandil: If it is a distraction for you, I can change forms.
Caspian and Edmund: No!

Caspian and Edmund look at each other. Lucy looks at them both and rolls her eyes. XD
I just watched the new trailer too, and I'm...ugh, I can't really describe how I feel. I feel like this will be the best one yet, and that the fans will be in full support of it once they see it.

Back to the topic though, has anyone noticed that it's November 9th? This means that the release of the movie is only 31 DAYS AWAY!!!!! :D
I saw a teaser today on cable. It was awesome.:D
Timmy! Good to see you here! I saw the trailer online, it looks awesome!
The trailer was epic. I'm actually starting to get excited! I am a little concerned about this additional plotline of returning Rhindron to Aslan's Table. The idea isn't terrible, for a video game or RPG its quite compelling. However for the film it seems unecessary to me. I am pleased with how Eustace's dragon form turned out and I think some of the liberties they are taking with adapting the book to film are quite honestly appealing.
Agree with all of the above.
I just watched the new trailer too, and I'm...ugh, I can't really describe how I feel. I feel like this will be the best one yet, and that the fans will be in full support of it once they see it.

Back to the topic though, has anyone noticed that it's November 9th? This means that the release of the movie is only 31 DAYS AWAY!!!!! :D
Holy cow! Less than a month away -- the counter on the home page says 30 days and ever how many hours and minutes ... can't wait!
Sorry Miss Reep! Will you come here in the meantime and read all the fan reviews, or will you wait and not have any spoilers?

I sort of had the same problem when HP DH book came out because I have to work full-time and have a family and could not read it as fast as everyone here did, so I would get into the HP thread and post real quick without reading what anyone else had said so I didn't run into spoilers -- it was kind of fun.
Yep, today marks 30 DAYS until the release!!!!!!!!!

And Friday my parents, a friend and I are gong to the ice palace ceremony in Texas, so I will bring back pictures. :D