Less than 1.00 days!

Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
Thanks so much for posting the link, AK! I took all the quizzes, and got 100% on Lucy. I'll have to return to the site in December to read Reep's bio. Reading the bios, I was squealing so loud that my mom came in my room to ask if I was okay. ;) If, in VDT, they capture the essence of Lucy's relationship with Aslan, I will likely forgive them for the changes made to the storyline.
It is almost here!

Lets get pumped! Seriously, even though there are obvious changes, I am so happy that this movie got made. Let us all go out and watch it multiple times to insure that The Silver Chair gets made.
Um, there's already a "Less than 100 Days" thread, and I don't know if the mods would appreciate another countdown-type thread. It tends to clutter up the forum.
I can't wait!!!

I'm excited to see HP DH part 1 this weekend, but can hardly wait for VDT! 22 days! Yippeee!
YES!, Even when I know that the book is probably a lot better ;), but I voted for "the 3rd option" (up to down). I'm a big fan of the actors so thats a +1 for watch it!. The one that I can't wait is the Silver Chair!! :D
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I was let into a preview screening too!

Although I disapproved of some of the changes, all things considered this new film DOES deserve to be seen!

More than anything else.....

...this movie earned my acceptance BECAUSE.....

They did NOT weasel out of indicating Aslan's true identity! Aslan DID say the crucial words to the children about knowing Him by His other name on Earth!! All by itself, this makes up for a cluster of shortcomings!

Yay! I'm glad they're putting that in - they didn't even put it in the BBC version, which was highly disappointing (even though the BBC version did everything almost word-by-word from the book...except that part).
i know especially because everyone who has seen a preview says it is wonderful! Only two weeks, less than two weeks! Wheeeee!