Mutants(like X-Men) II

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He shrugged. "Doesn't matter anyways. It's all over now. We'll just forget what happened between us."

"Agreed." Marissa said, folding her arms over her chest once again. Not that she had anyone to tell. There was no one to hide it from, except her own conscience. And that was impossible.
"The choice to let the drakness that I've been battling with inside me all these years to take control", he said looking at the curse marking on his hands.
"The choice to let the drakness that I've been battling with inside me all these years to take control", he said looking at the curse marking on his hands.

Shiloh gripped his wrist, and the marks faded. "You can't do that Josh. Not after we've both battled against it. You can overcome it...we'll do it together."a small smile curved her lips. "I know we can."
"It's too late Shiloh", he said in a whisper. "I'm tired of going through pain, grief, isolation, and fear", he added. "If you love me......then you would have to respect my choice.
"It's too late Shiloh", he said in a whisper. "I'm tired of going through pain, grief, isolation, and fear", he added. "If you love me......then you would have to respect my choice.

The tight grip on Josh's wrist relaxed and Shiloh drew her hand back. The smile drifted into a perplexed and sad gaze. For a moment they were both silent. "But why?....Can't you get through this? I know the pain, Josh, Ive had to deal with it too...why can't you hold on longer?" A slipped from her eye, "...please." she whispered.
"I'm sorry Shiloh, but like I's too late", he whispered back.

"No! Dont talk like that Josh!" she stood and backed away from him, noticing the red lines creeping over his body once more. "If i truly loved you, I'd save you from this!" she half screamed, tears bluring her vision.
"Shiloh........there is nothing you can much as I wish there was", he said with a frown planted on his face. "I tried searching for a brighter purpose to live for, brighter days, but only found darkness", he added.
"Shiloh........there is nothing you can much as I wish there was", he said with a frown planted on his face. "I tried searching for a brighter purpose to live for, brighter days, but only found darkness", he added.

Shiloh's head ached from her previous disscusion with her masters but she stood firm. If she concentrated on her strength, she could try to budge the spirit within Josh. She had to, otherwise he would be helpless....but she would have to sacrifice her sanity. Her powers overtook her sometimes; she had to try though. "Josh, you leave me no choice then." She moved her hand in a circle in front of her. Acting as if there was an invisible object in front of her. She brought both arms in front of her and then pushed them forward, sending invisible rays through Josh. "Atempath Neirus." she stated and the beams appeared as shards of steal.
"I already made my choice!", He screamed in agonizing pain.

"No you havent!" Shiloh yelled. She breathed out and the shards disappeared. "You have to fight me Josh. If you do, I might be able destroy the demon. Its worth a try....please?" The light went out of her eyes and was replaced with sadness.
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