Mutants(like X-Men) II

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Shilo! This is my choice, and the demon and curse will never leave!", he screamed.

"Fine! What would you wish me to do? Watch you die? Is that it? If that's what you want then Ill grant it!" Holding back tears was one of hardest difficulties that Shiloh had. But it was useless now. Her face was already drenched and red. After screaming her head off, she dissappeared into the library, worse then ever. She sat in one of the corners, her shaking body tucked around her knees. "Nightmare...where are you?" she moaned.
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Shiloh crouched in a corner of the library and rocked herself to sleep. When she awoke, everything was pitch black. Slowly she rose and stumbled to the stairs and went to her room. After collapsing on the bed, she focused on Nightmare, but she couldnt. Next she focused on Josh, and tried to see what he was doing.
Josh walked outside, and spotted a potential victim. An evil smile spread across his face. He formed a beam with his middle and index finger, and hid it behind his back, as he walked up to the boy. Taking one looking at Josh; the boy's face was one of horror. "Wh-wh what do you want", said the boy trembling. "I wanna watch you die", he said with an evil smile.

ooc; I gotta eat brb:eek:
Josh walked outside, and spotted a potential victim. An evil smile spread across his face. He formed a beam with his middle and index finger, and hid it behind his back, as he walked up to the boy. Taking one looking at Josh; the boy's face was one of horror. "Wh-wh what do you want", said the boy trembling. "I wanna watch you die", he said with an evil smile.

ooc; I gotta eat brb:eek:

ooc. Ok. See ya in a little bit! :D

ic. Shiloh searched Josh's mind, searching for his thoughts. His intentions were blury, but the vision of an afraid boy in front of him gave Shiloh an answer. She jumped out of bed and raced down the 3 flights of stairs. Bursting through the back doors of the school she saw the boy in Josh's eyes. A light shone behind Josh and after realizing it was a beam, Shiloh raced in front of the boy, just before he was blast by the beam. The beam blasted both her and the boy to the ground, although Shiloh went further, scraping her side on the cement. Gasping for breath Shiloh got on her hands and knees slowly. She curled in a ball, trying to push away the pain in her chest. The boy was already on his feet and racing towards Shiloh. "Are you ok?" he asked, barely able to speak from fright. His body shook with fear even as he spoke. Shiloh nodded and rose, "Go to your room..." she whispered as blood oosed from her mouth. Stunned the boy slowly nodded his head and glanced away from the bloody coming from her mouth; but he obeyed. Shiloh turned towards Josh, her eyes starting to blur. "You have have to stop this Josh."
Josh spit on the ground and shook his head. "I don't want to kill you, now go to YOUR room, and leave me alone", he said glaring at her.
Josh stood there staring at his sister with an expressionless look on his face for a moment. Then he shook his, head. "Then I'll leave", he said as he turned to go.
Josh stood there staring at his sister with an expressionless look on his face for a moment. Then he shook his, head. "Then I'll leave", he said as he turned to go.

Shiloh's head throbbed. She mumbled several words but they didnt come out right. Frowning she said them again, "When will you learn to do what's right, Josh?"
Josh stopped, with his back facing his siter.."What is right? What is good? What is peace? What", he asked her, as wel as himself.
Josh stopped, with his back facing his siter.."What is right? What is good? What is peace? What", he asked her, as wel as himself.

Her mind stopped. Shiloh had often wondered the same thing. She struggled with her answer, then decided it was all she could offer, "What is right, is what is deep down inside, something that makes you the happiest after you've done whatever it is. Peace is where you feel the most comfortable. Wether it be in your mind, or a place." she faltered, "" for a moment she thought, "love not always something you feel for someone softens you, it makes things clear, its something in the world that makes life worth living for...something that shows show's that there actually is some good in the world...." Shiloh stopped, she hadnt understood love at all, and still didnt, but at least she could believe in the answer she had just given. "I know what I just said is only from my'll have differant thoughts Im sure, but at least you can answer what they are for yourself. If you want to do something right, make yourself happy. Because in doing so, you make me the most happiest."she smiled slight then turned, limping towards the door to the school. She had noticed that the marking on his body had faded, and knew there was no point in fighting him now. She would just have to wait.

Okay, I wanted to make sure before I made a character, but now I'm wondering if I should still join.

ooc. YES!!! PLEASE join! We need more characters. This rpg is dying an needs more people to spice it up! But if you really don't want to, its ok. :)
"love not always something you feel for someone softens you, it makes things clear, its something in the world that makes life worth living for...something that shows show's that there actually is some good in the world", repeated Josh to himsefl. "Where do I find love?", he asked with his back still turned.
"love not always something you feel for someone softens you, it makes things clear, its something in the world that makes life worth living for...something that shows show's that there actually is some good in the world", repeated Josh to himsefl. "Where do I find love?", he asked with his back still turned.

Shiloh paused, "It's differant for everyone. You have to figure that out yourself." then walked on.
I think you should, cause it's a pretty sweet rp, plus it's kinda dead:D It's your choice though;)
I think I'll try it out. :D
Name: Nathan Summers
Age: 17
Alias: Prodigy
Powers: Telekinesis, telepathy, ability to enter the astral plane, and reality warping.
Bio: Son of Jean Grey and Scott Summers in an alternate reality. He was brought to this universe through a bend in the reality that he made when he was a baby. He was found abandoned and raised by humans. Ever since his young age he has shown great potential and strength. But his adoptive parents raised him as a normal child trying to hide his powers from him and from everyone else. Destiny having forseen his future, visited the family when Nate was about 4. She told Nate about his past and his future. She told him that his great power is inherited from his mother the Phoenix. She also predicted a shaky future for the young boy, a future clouded in shadow and mystery. It was then that she gave him the name Prodigy, since at his young age he was one of the greatest mutants of all time. His parents were shocked, naturally, but Destiny offered to help them with the raising of the young mutant. Destiny called upon a certain powerful telepath to help her, Prof. Xavier. The Prof. telepathically made Nate's powers dormant. He will not be able to use his powers until his 17th birthday. He forgot everything that happened to him that day. Till now, he was just an ordinary child, now he is more, a mutant capable of almost anything. Having graduated from High School early, he was placed into the Xavier Institute, to further his control on his powers and to get a first-rate education.
Looks: Black hair and blue eyes.
Distinctive traits: His left eye emits a strange lightning like energy when he shows certain emotions and he can do it at will. He usually uses it when fighting as intimidation. He also has a white streak in his hair.
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