Mutants(like X-Men) II

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OOC: Let see Josh and his sister is talk and my girl is just walking around mostly we have no story we just doing our own thing.
OOC: Let see Josh and his sister is talk and my girl is just walking around mostly we have no story we just doing our own thing.

ooc. Sorry about that Hannah! It is kinda hard to interact with another character when you've been posting with someone else for awhile, but please jump in wherever! I'd love to post with...and concidering you are my character's sister.:p

Ok, Sounds great NoG! Ummm...I don't know when you want to start RPGing, but same to you too. Jump in wherever and whenever you like. Also, if you want to know more about the characters you can find their profile's on the first Mutants thread...Im not quite sure what pages the discriptions are on, but Ill check it out.


ic. Shiloh stared at her brother, wondering what was going on in his mind. She was tempted more than once to read his thought's, but decided he should keep his thought's to himself. "Is she still here then?" she wanted to ask him more personal questions but the look on his face and the fact that he wouldnt even look her in the face gave her the notion to wait.
ooc: EDIT: Nevermind, I already know some of the characters. :D

ic: Nate looked up at the stone building called Xavier Institute. He had just recently discovered his powers in a fight with a guy at school. He shut his eyes remembering the scene. It was in the guys bathroom, the other guy had been irritating Nate. Calling him names and different things. The next thing he knew, the bully was thrown into the wall and the sink started to crack. Nate felt a sudden pain in his head, unlike a headache, but a piercing pain in his mind.
Nate opened his eyes again, not realizing that he was lifting the two big potted plants in front of the door of the school. Sighing, he lifted his bags and walked into the door.
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Carmen was sitting on the Stair when a young boy walk into the building.
" Why hello there," She said whipping away her treas.
Carmen was sitting on the Stair when a young boy walk into the building.
" Why hello there," She said whipping away her treas.
"Oh! Hey, could you tell me where the Professor Charles Xavier is?" Nate asked.

ooc:BTW, here's what my character looks like:
She shook her head.
" No he is not I don't beleave," She said.
She open the door of Prof.X then turn to look at the boy.
" Here you go if you need anything I'll be right here," She told him.
She shook her head.
" No he is not I don't beleave," She said.
She open the door of Prof.X then turn to look at the boy.
" Here you go if you need anything I'll be right here," She told him.
Nate nodded, "Thanks for your help, I guess I'll be seeing you around."
Nate walked into the office.

ooc: Is there someone playing the professor? If not I'll sub for him.
OOC: NOpe everyone plays him

ic: She smiled.
" Any time like I said I'll be right over there," She told him,
She walk over to a chair and sat down in it.
ooc. Sorry about that Hannah! It is kinda hard to interact with another character when you've been posting with someone else for awhile, but please jump in wherever! I'd love to post with...and concidering you are my character's sister.:p

Ok, Sounds great NoG! Ummm...I don't know when you want to start RPGing, but same to you too. Jump in wherever and whenever you like. Also, if you want to know more about the characters you can find their profile's on the first Mutants thread...Im not quite sure what pages the discriptions are on, but Ill check it out.


ic. Shiloh stared at her brother, wondering what was going on in his mind. She was tempted more than once to read his thought's, but decided he should keep his thought's to himself. "Is she still here then?" she wanted to ask him more personal questions but the look on his face and the fact that he wouldnt even look her in the face gave her the notion to wait.

Josh didn't answer, because he didn't want to. His mind was now focused on Victoria.
Josh didn't answer, because he didn't want to. His mind was now focused on Victoria.

ooc. Happy New Years everyone!! :D Or....belated if you will. ;)

ic. Keeping her gaze on Josh, Shiloh reached down to her leg and gripped her ankle. She grimaced and tugged, pulling out a large shard of metal smothered in blood. "Ummm...Josh?" she healed up the shard, then suddenly realized how much pain she was in. "Danget!" She glanced out the window, noticing the change of the wind patterns. "Some ones coming!"
Josh's gazed turned on her. "What's up Shiloh", he said curiously.

"I don't know,"she answered cautiously, "but I think my boss is here." Moving closer to the window she peeped out the window, bewildered at what she saw. The wind was moving south-west, moving the leaves so as to create the figure of a man. The Man was enormous, and was heading towards the school. Shiloh cocked her head, "Josh?" she had no idea what was going on, but had a clue as to who was behind it. Backing away from the window she grabbed Josh's arm and lead him to the front door of the school. Josh's look of puzzlement told Shiloh she should give him a heads up. "You know my boss, right? The one who took me to Russia? Ok well, I missed one of the meetings with him, and he got a little cranky. Thats why his son warned me a couple months ago that I need to meet him tonight, supposedly. I don't what this..Thing...out there is, but Im guessing it's from him, and isnt going to give a very good reminder about tonights meeting. I think I might need to take a rain check on you for a sec, ok?" A large bang on the door startled both of them. Another hit and the door would be open.
"I'm still not getting all this", he said looking at her.

"Nevermind! Just stay inside!" Shiloh burst through the door, just as the Man was taking his next strike. Just as the large wooden door's had closed, Josh heard a gasp and then watched as Shiloh flew through the air, smashing into the wall. She arose, shaking the pain off. "Thats it!" she closed her eyes, meditating for a moment, then opened. Her eyes exfoliating light, searched for the target. She jumped into the air and created a forcefield around her.

Six minutes later....

Within a matter of minutes the leaves fluttered away and Shiloh's eyes became normal again. She walked back into the school, as if nothing had happened. "Hi Carmen. How are you." She glanced at Josh, who was still confused. "Forget about it. Ill tell you later."
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