My Chemical Romance Fan Club

Yeah. I really loved the 'YinYang' idea. It was so beautiful when they kissed o_o

lol yeah a very cool I guess these guys tour until may...wonder if they will be on warped this summer...seeing as once again the conversation flips back to Bert with the loudspeaker at warped...tisk tisk...
Is that when he was telling people not to listen to MCR?

Yeah, and please DO slap Bert for me.

yeah that is when he did that...if I get to him, I'll take a picture and then slap him...who knows he may like it hahaha. Of course that is granted on if I meet him or not, with all of that "the used nation" stuff who knows we shall see! only 2 weeks excited...oh btw there is a new song by the used that is their new intro song called the worm and it sounds amazing so yeah...kind of excited for everything lol!
Aww, glad everything is going well. Wish I could say the same for myself, but I'd be lying.

Hehe Bert probably would like it if he was high enough xD Which he probably will be.
heii i have this friend who showed me some pictures that made me have you know like.. some doubts or something.. you know.. of gerard, frank, bert.... i was kindda wondering if you guys could tell me what you guys think about it....:confused:
heii i have this friend who showed me some pictures that made me have you know like.. some doubts or something.. you know.. of gerard, frank, bert.... i was kindda wondering if you guys could tell me what you guys think about it....:confused:

hahaha welcome to the world of emo/alt rock...end of story...don't worry about it...
heii i have this friend who showed me some pictures that made me have you know like.. some doubts or something.. you know.. of gerard, frank, bert.... i was kindda wondering if you guys could tell me what you guys think about it....:confused:

Don't worry about it.
They have rumours.

And if it's anything to do with relationships, to ease everyone's mind-
Frank is engaged or something like that, and I don't know what else it could be connected to Frankie.
Gerard and Bert now hate each other. Which makes me sad when i watch vids where they're being friends and not stupid.

I'm actually posting here to say...
I'm on an MCR phase at the moment, and I've been listening to everything I have lately. I have to say I forgot how much I loved "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" and the excellente video for it.
I can't believe I've liked these guys two yearsss... wow.
They got less intense and it's coz Gerard grew up mostly, but if you have all three albums and their extra stuff, I urge you to listen to them in order they came out and pull out differences in sounds and feelings. It's actually very fun. :p For me anyway, plus, I'm sitting there thinking, "OH I REMEMBER WHEN WE WERE LISTENING TO THAT WITH ME AND MY FRIENDD..." Nostalgia..
Don't worry about it.
They have rumours.

And if it's anything to do with relationships, to ease everyone's mind-
Frank is engaged or something like that, and I don't know what else it could be connected to Frankie.
Gerard and Bert now hate each other. Which makes me sad when i watch vids where they're being friends and not stupid.

I'm actually posting here to say...
I'm on an MCR phase at the moment, and I've been listening to everything I have lately. I have to say I forgot how much I loved "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" and the excellente video for it.
I can't believe I've liked these guys two yearsss... wow.
They got less intense and it's coz Gerard grew up mostly, but if you have all three albums and their extra stuff, I urge you to listen to them in order they came out and pull out differences in sounds and feelings. It's actually very fun. :p For me anyway, plus, I'm sitting there thinking, "OH I REMEMBER WHEN WE WERE LISTENING TO THAT WITH ME AND MY FRIENDD..." Nostalgia..

oh got to love the frank screams...way back when...memories...

oh the Bert Gerard conversation...sad story...I may just cry when I see Bert in less than two weeks, because lately yeah...not so good...if you wish to see updated looks pm me because the videos I have aren't quite for this board!
i didnt go to taste of chaosssssssssss!!! :mad: :( grrr and i heard it was amazinggggggggggggg!! aww eve take pics!!!! jus dont get caught! lol and i love the "i dont love you" heart wrenching.i love how gerard expresses the song :]
i didnt go to taste of chaosssssssssss!!! :mad: :( grrr and i heard it was amazinggggggggggggg!! aww eve take pics!!!! jus dont get caught! lol and i love the "i dont love you" heart wrenching.i love how gerard expresses the song :]

you can take pictures at was MCR you can't...well at my venue you can take pictures...I'm sorry you couldn't go ^^^. That's sad, but venues have been canceled, bands are getting sick etc. It's not turning out to be the most successful far as band member health is concerned because jacksonville was completely canceled due to mass band illness....hope they stay healthy for my venue!
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My life is good =] Except for the fact that MCR are playing here in a week and I'm not going =(

But I've started a pic of Gee and it's good so far.
My life is good =] Except for the fact that MCR are playing here in a week and I'm not going =(

But I've started a pic of Gee and it's good so far.

aww that's sad you can't will see them don't worry...

btw the link in the top of my sig, brand new song released today by The Used (it's their opening song on TOC)...the full CD comes out on May 22nd I believe, but this is the first single, and it will be on itunes tomorrow (tues 3-20-07)...I'm rather addicted to it hehe...usually their songs are either Bert singing beautifully (I Caught Fire, etc.) of very sreamo (box full of sharp objects ,etc)...both are really good, but this song is very much like Take it Away- kind of a mix between the two, but this song is actually less intense than Take it Away because it doesn't really have any screaming in it, he is actually using his voice...but I'm not joking when I say it is oddly addicting!