My Chemical Romance Fan Club

Nothin' much, just having a sudden outburst of love for the Way brothers. Seriously, I love Gerard so much I would give anything to hug him right now for one second.
Since the thread is unactive, I'm going to randomly make a tribute to Frank's tattooes.


*gazes in wonder*

My brothers and sisters, we gather here today to aknowledge the tattooes of Frank Anthony Iero, the amazing rhythm guitarist and background vocalist of the amazing My Chemical Romance.

While there are too many tattoes for me to picture them, we must not forget them. The guns, the 'N.J.', and of course the Halloween across his fingers included.

Bow before him.

Since the thread is unactive, I'm going to randomly make a tribute to Frank's tattooes.


*gazes in wonder*

My brothers and sisters, we gather here today to aknowledge the tattooes of Frank Anthony Iero, the amazing rhythm guitarist and background vocalist of the amazing My Chemical Romance.

While there are too many tattoes for me to picture them, we must not forget them. The guns, the 'N.J.', and of course the Halloween across his fingers included.

Bow before him.


I love the N.J one lol- but my fave part of frank is bound to be the snake bites...I have an odd thing for snake bites lol!
Frank is the only decent one.
But don't be hatin' me for saying that.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that's mine.
So, other than frank, I have to ask if anyone's been listening to the B-Side stuff of the Black Parade... =D
The B-Sides rock =D I love Kill All Your Friends and Heaven Help us.

What d'you mean Frankie's the only decent one? I'm not going to shoot you, I'm just curious.
Mikey's married!

God bless his dear little heart, I'm SO happy for him *cries happy joyous tears*
And they're all finally, finally happy...after all those obstacles in their way, they've made it. I'm so proud.

sweet pictures lol
ok I'm just going to double post so that this thread doesn't tomorrow is TOC for me...looks like about 6 hours of standing in 47 degree rain all's all worth it though(3 of which are by myself until my friend gets off work)! So I will return with photos and hopefully some very exciting ones!
Oh yes we all know loverble =D

They're playing here tomorrow and I'm not going. I need ice-cream. And lots of it.

Eve show me your photos as soon as you come on! You'd BETTER have slapped Bert! [joking, you'd probably have gone to jail and been splashed all over the front cover of the news]
Oh yes we all know loverble =D

They're playing here tomorrow and I'm not going. I need ice-cream. And lots of it.

Eve show me your photos as soon as you come on! You'd BETTER have slapped Bert! [joking, you'd probably have gone to jail and been splashed all over the front cover of the news]
i didn't get to meet bert- but i met everyone else in the used...and so many more...
Here is my every long toc story: (best day ever!!!)
ok so early on in the day- i went to go run after two chiodos guys and i went with two girls who were with their friends who i stood with cause my friend didnt come until 3 30 and i got there at 10 30 lol- but two of them went with me and one says "omg the used" so i see dan (the new drummer) walk by, and I nicely say " hey dan can I talk a picture with you?" He was rather flattered since he is new and most people do not know him, but omg what a sweet heart...ok so i take a couple pics with him, talke about how he better stay with the used, etc. then he tells me that jeph (the bassist) is going down the I follow jeph (no i'm not a stalker I promise haha) for about a mile past a far away interescting until im fairly lose to him. I yelled out to him and he stopped. Jeph was mad nice about it, and he enjoyed it. We took a lot of pictures, and then he asked us if we knew where a target was, but none of us were from the area so we couldn't help, we pondered for a minute and let him go...
as time passes the guys are slowly coming in and out - i was about he 15th person there so I saw a lot of the unpacking action with the band's stuff and we saw a few guys from chiodos, wiL, obviously the two from aiden, we saw cove walk in from saosin as well. So the show:
My friend and I were right up in front, but this was the toughest pit ever...we both have been to tons of shows but goodness it was difficult. The battle of the bands winner was cool, evaline- the lead singer was crazy (in a good way lol), chiodos were awesome- craig kept smiling at where we were standing- I felt like I made eye contact with him about 7 times, but who really knows- he was gorgeous and they were amazing...Aiden were tons better than I could have ever expected...the death wall didn't occur in the front, so we were ok- it was awesome when he did start the death wall and he hit his hand mad hard on the microphone to start it- awesome...only issue, he sais" everyone who could crowd surf, if you are able, do it" so we had to duck and we got kicked a lot! The pain is just sinking in now...but overall they rocked so hard, I can't fault them...then it was Saosin- perfection...I sung every word of it...I sang some of what I knew of aiden, and all of chiodos, but they were much shorter sets...Saosin just pulled it off, Cove's voice was loud and clear and the band just pulled it off... then it was time for the first signing so we got out of that pit as fast as we could and booked it out to the lobby...
My friend and I bought some merch...toc shirts, saosin shirts, berts face with theflower in his mouth saying I love the used shirt, etc...WE originally got in the line for aiden, but we heard saosin was already on the upper level so we go...we cut the line a lot- no one caught us, too bad for them...saosin sign for us and I asked beau (harmony guitar and frontman) if they were taking pictures and he said right after the signing so we waited there and just listend to sense fail from the top level until saosin were son with there signing...There were these bleacher that you could just sit in so it was nice, because 3000 people were not meant to fit in that theater and that's how many went...people seriously I heard passed out and got trampled in the pit- It was hard no doubt, so watching sense fail from the bleachers on the upper level of the theater was fine with us...Senses fail- sounds good,so no issues there. So the Saosin pictures...well beau and alex(drummer) left, but chirs, justin and cove stayed, I took my picture with chris and told him "that we were there for them" he joked that "oh you came just ot see me, thanks so much", he was cool...then I booked it over to justin- what a beautiful man...maybe he was extra nice to me because I told him during the signing that he was my favorite guitarist in the world...and that's the truth, if you see him, he's so intense but it was no lie that I told him that...I kept talking to him about the pit because he apologized for being sweaty, but he actually smelled really good so I was happy with that. I told him that there was no need to apologize because we were equally as hot with the intenseness in the pit...he was so sweet, but my friend took a picture when we were talking, so that didn't come out to well and we took another one that I love( I will post pics when I finish my memories hahaha). Then I go over to Cove and he rubbed my back throughout hte whole picture which was so great lol, and yes he was jsut a beautiful, but before the picture is snapped, justin walks over and says "h/o I want to take one more picture with you". It was so sweet of him because he knew how much I loved him as a musician I suppose (but we all know I love him for other reasons on top of that)...the cove justin pictures is now one of my faves...
Senses fail finish up and we decide no reason to go back into the pit to get nearly killed for 30 so we watch happily from teh bleachers...30 were great as usual and they answered my prayers when they played "buddha for mary" which is off their older self titled album- up until this show they were only playing things off A beautiful lie- the newest album, and I love the old matierial so much too, so it was a pleasant we sing every song along with them and then they end with a new song that I was dying to hear...good thing the bassist was pretty good lol but I did miss matt
so at the end of their set, they run up the bleachers into where they do their signing on the top floor (where saosin had theirs)...we were up there so my friend got a video of jared cming up and giving the crowd one last wave before he sat down...
My friend went to get us wristbands for the 30 signing (they sign if you buy stuff lol) whil i waited for the used...but she called me and she had cut hte line so i walked right up and we wnet to sign for 30...I had designed the shirts were were wearing for my friends b-day last year and when 30 saw them- omg amazing...first off...we get there and shannon didn't have anything in front of him but the line was going slow so he looked back and said to me "hey cutie"- well that felt good, he probalby told hundreds at the show if not thousands but for that time I was very happy...then when I was in front of him when he was signing my wrist band, he said " wow I love your shirt". It says on it "yes this is a cult... echelon" and it has theri symbols on it and their mithra emblem on the i turned around for him and he seriously loved it. I got to tomo and he looked kinda sick he smiled and I said hi then I moved to jared...who omg never seen him in a better mood...he reiterated that fact is saying "I lvoe your shirt, it's so nice to see" then he smiled- an actual smile, teeth showing and all, I have never ever seen jared smile liek that before. The feeling was tremednous. So he continues to talk to my friend and I after we had already left the line, still smiling telling us to come back, and he would want to see us two again...with our shirts lol, and how much he appreicated that we did make them and how much we care...I have never heard him say such nice things to a fan, and it truly reinstated why i love him in the first place (on top of the huge blue eyes staring at you omg...)
Lucky for us The Used hadn't started yet and we went to watch them fro mteh bleachers...well I have to say they were the best that night, I loved everyone, but I know why they are so big, because live, they just pull it off completely...dan the drummer could not be fast, bert's voice is clear and you can hear it perfectly, and Quinn and Jeph just hold the melody to perfection. I screamed every song with them and that is definetely why my throat that this moment is killing...I think box full of sharp objects did me in lol...for that song he called wiL from aiden out on stage and after a nice long kiss with him (so hot haha) they did another death wall that was awesome to see from above. Incredible...just everything pulled off...but the night wasn't nearly close to being over...
so after the show, my friend and I do our normal...we hang by the busses and see what happens. Chiodos and Saosin had alreayd left, but everyone else was still there. The two of us went down to aiden's bus, because in a change of heart my friend had a desier to meet wiL, we did not but we looked the guitarists waved to us from inside, and guess who comes out...buddy nielson- lead singer of senses we take a picture and he tell us that his grandfather just died and he was a police officer in this town (they are from new jersey) and ironically, that's the same town my friend lives in and her dad was most definetly at the funeral...too ironic but buddy was very nice. I am not going to post that picture yet because the red eye in all 3 of us is rather terrible...need to get that one fixed we go back to the other busses and we are by 30's bus when I see their manager and ask if they are still here...he said jared and tomo are gone, and tim isn't really hanging out yet but shannon is still here...I got to see tim and he was kinda cute I said hi and people stared at me stragley and he waved back and said hi too...some people don't know who he is because he is the temp or who knows maybe permantent new bassist...The only thing my friend wanted out of this was a picture with her love...shannon...lucky for her was inside that bus I hear a comotion by the used bu and we run over to see jeph come friend wasnt with me the first time I met him so it was good she got to meet him...When I went up to him for yet anotehr picture, he said "hey you were the girl who came down the street...that was nice to see, btw I didn't find that target for two hours". He then goes into detail about how it was off this side road and yes we had a good conversation for quite sometime...people once again looked confused but it was nice to see that he recognized we go back to the 30 bus and then clean/showered shannon comes out of the bus and says "ok picture time". We go up to him, and we had our saosin hoodies on so he couldn't see the shirts andymore, but he remembered! He said oh those hsirt you guys have, I'm really impressed . I absolutley loved them. I unzipped my caot so that he could take another look and he just picture with him, I look so wierd, but omg he holds you so tight, it's the most amazing feelingand he smelt so good from showering too lol, but he always just puts his head on you and is so flirtaciously sweet...after that we go back to the used bus, and who walks over but the man I was pretty much dying to see...Quinn Allman (guitarist of the used)...He is one of those people who is so cute in pictures, but when you meet him in person he is so much more gorgeous and significantly more hot...yes that's quinn... he says to my friend and I when we get to him " oh saosin fan (from our hoodies), I love them" I told him that we loved everyone...but yes he couldn't have been cuter...people were putting ihm on the phone with their friends and he was so cute about it...and majorly sweet. We take our pictures with him and of course...I I wait a while then I go back and ask him if we can have a redo. He said it was his pleasure...and thank goodness I got a redo- best picture of the then Dan (the drummer I had met before) walked out of the bus, but because he is new and quinn was still out there, no one really noticed him so I just run over to say hi again, and once again my friend hadn't met him like I did in the morning so it worked I go over and say hi and he says "hey the girl from this morning...I heard you found jeph...that's so great that you followed him, he loved it." I asked for another picture nad he was more than happy too, and I once again told him never to leave the used because htere isn't a faster drummer than him who does such an amzaing job. He said he never plans on leaving so he will be around...My friend and I would have waited for bert but after 20 minutes of no one there, and the time of 145 it was kind of time to we ended it that way.. It was certainly the best time I had ever had in my life, and the respect I had from the musicians made me feel so wonderful...ok so now that my forever long story is over...I suppose it's time for pictures...
As of right now I do not have that many photos...last night when we got home it was so late and one I showered it was alsmot 3 am and I had to leave at 8 30 to get home (home is 3 hours away lol and I had homework so yeah...sad stuff lol) so I plugged my friends camera in and uploaded all of the pictures (147 with 3 videos on top of that_...but I didn't have time to email them all to my home email address. So I emailed about 15 give or take before just crashing...also the pictures that I took with Dan and Jeph from early on in the day were taken by a girl I met in the line, so as of now she hasn't emailed them to me yet...but I do have a few, and as I get them and they come in. I will post more I promise...I have to say the performance photos, from when we were in the pit being moved around so much, my friend took the most awesome shots! A few of the pictures also have terrible red eye- so forgive me because I haven't had the opportunity to get them fixed but this is what I have thus far, and yes I promise more will be coming, but this is the amazing stuff! Btw I doubt any of you would do something with these pictures, but if you do please give me credit...thank you!

The band Evaline...<<<this guy is crazy he jumps from the rizors to his keyboards to the speakers...he's a crazy man lol
Matt from Chiodos
Craig from Chiodos- love the action shot here, believe me I wish I had gotten to send more pictures of him to myself last night, because we have some amazing ones, but this one is definently amazing...oh and btw he's completely gorgeous!
I can't post the aiden picture...because sure it's an amazing picture of wiL but what is on his shirt is not really appropriate for this forum os pm me if you would like it...
Justin from Saosin- There are tons of good ones on the way for him too!
and the best performance picture...I like ot call it Cove...The God...notice the light coming from behind him lol...oh just making sure you know- cove is from saosin
30 from the bleachers...I'm sorry it's kind of far away...
The used from mad far away too...sorry bleachers...I do have many more though of the used that are better on the way!
Possible best performance moment: after ever other member of the used has left the stage when their set is finished, bert lcimbs up and plays the drums- who knew he could...and oh yes he's so sick at it! Then he trew the sticks into the audience obviously...and one hit the speakers and bounced back on stage...he laughed...we laughed, then he threw it again...good times!
alright me and the men pictures lol- again I will post the ones from the other girls once they email them to me! I want them so bad, and all the rest from my friend!
after the concert was finished: Buddy from senses fail, my friend and I- I have the dark hair btw...I think you know that though haha...I am truly sorry for the massive amount of red's terrible I apologize!
After the Saosin signing: Chris (bassist in saosin) and I- terrible of me oh man...
After the concert: Shannon and I, he looks amazing, I look retarted...oh well what a hug that was!
after the concert: my buddy jeph, the man I "stalked" haha- yeah not the best picture of any of us, but the ones I shoudl recieve from during the day were awesome!
After the concert:my friend Dan and I, If no one else cares about him yet because he is new, I will, seriously the nicest guy there!
After the saosin Signing: Justin and I...I love this photo- his face is so priceless...btw he had liek a very firm and tight body cause at one point when we were talking I hit was alsmost in his stomach lol...oh yes he's amazing...snake bites are the best end of story!
and my fave two pictures:
after the saosin signing: Cove, Justin and I...oh what a good feeling to have cove rubbing your back, and then there comes justins hand under that...yeah I kinda grabbed around justin's back cause I was happy he wanted another picture lol...oh and btw I noticed from this pictures that Cove and my eyes are pretty much the exact same color...random but it makes me happy!
and the finale (for now lol)
After the concert: Quinn and I...can you tell that I love him from this photo lol? oh my gosh another great feeling, he was so sweet and all too not to mention just perfect in every way!
Hopefully more to come soon!
eveeeeeeeeeeeee!! ur soooooooo luckyyyyyyyyy! omg seems like u had an amazing timeeeeeee!!!! and i cant belive u met sooo many of them! saweeettt lol. aww i wish i went. i didnt no they do signing like rite after. ill have 2 keep that in mind :]
i see that my sister has allready told you what i thugh.... it was AMAZING!!!!! i loved it!!!! hehe gerard ruend the drums lol... so they didunt get to do an encore... hehe... it was so awsome with the conffettie and the fire and the moshing... ^^.... yaya! and im going again on friday in london and appartly there is going to be a surprise in london!! so im looking forowrd to that...

but what i did think was a bit sad, was that they played the album black perade in order on teh album...
Eve, I do love you *sighs* I'm SOOO glad you had a great time. Almost brought tears to my eyes.

Atleast you had a better night than I did. MCR were playing and I was quite depressed about it, but not too much cos I'd gotten used to the fact that I wasn't going. But then I was on the computer and one moment I'm looking at the screen, and the next I'm bursting into tears o___________o Wierdest thing EVER.

Oh yes, one more thing- you're unbelievably gorgeous! =O