Narnia Merchandise

lions mane said:
no, they're not that much. they're only $9.50 each, unless they change the prices in different locations.

*digs old recipt out of trash can* :eek:

yah the subtotal was $57.00 even, the tax was $4.70, and the total was $61.70!
and out of a $100.00 bill i got $38.30 back! :D

yay, that's lunch money!

Ebay prices vary widely. I think a person really needs to shop around. I've seen huge differences in prices...and what really makes me laugh is when people bid on one item, increasing the price a lot, and then there's the exact same item for a lot cheaper on the next page or a few pages before.
Newest additions to the IceMaiden's Narnia collection:

Set of New Zealand Narnia stamps

Weta Sideshow White Witch and Girls on Aslan Statue

Peter's Sword:

White Witch's Wand replica:

Yes I know, I am lazy. I didn't have time to unbox every item. Peter's Sword and the White Witch's Wand are going up on the wall. I saved an old antique mirror frame and am using that to 'frame' those two Master Replica items so that they will be the centerpieces of the room.
Thats very impressive! Good news i will finally get one of my dream items, the LWW Satyr Statue. Hopefully my sword and shield mini replicas will come soon!.

Just incase someone doesnt know what the LWW Satyr Statue im talking about i'll include a picture of it:)

IceMaiden have you gotten all your merchandise from ebay?Thats a very long and beautiful sword! I cant wait to get my Peter sword replica, but it will be smaller of course [b/c its a smaller replica version]

Cherrio- she-elf.


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IceMaiden said:
Newest additions to the IceMaiden's Narnia collection:

Set of New Zealand Narnia stamps

Weta Sideshow White Witch and Girls on Aslan Statue

Peter's Sword:

White Witch's Wand replica:

Yes I know, I am lazy. I didn't have time to unbox every item. Peter's Sword and the White Witch's Wand are going up on the wall. I saved an old antique mirror frame and am using that to 'frame' those two Master Replica items so that they will be the centerpieces of the room.

that's very impressive I wish I had the stuff you do your lucky
I work very hard to save the $$$ for this stuff :D

Now all I gotta do is find a display cabinet thingie to put those statues on.

That Peter's sword is's heavy. I can't imagine swinging it in battle with one arm!!

I got this stuff ( the sword, wand, and most of the statues) from a toy dealer who was able to secure all my past Lord of the Rings statues and stuff...but everything else came from ebay!!!!! Where you can find awesome deals!!!!
IceMaiden said:
I work very hard to save the $$$ for this stuff :D

Now all I gotta do is find a display cabinet thingie to put those statues on.

That Peter's sword is's heavy. I can't imagine swinging it in battle with one arm!!

I got this stuff ( the sword, wand, and most of the statues) from a toy dealer who was able to secure all my past Lord of the Rings statues and stuff...but everything else came from ebay!!!!! Where you can find awesome deals!!!!
your still lucky
Well, while I am satisfied that I got the White Witch/Ginarrbrik statue (as you also got, IceMaiden), I am thoroughly disappointed to have been deceived on Ebay. They showed me a picture of a statue I thought I was getting (the Witch wearing her ice dress), but it actually turned out to be the WW/Ginarrbrik. :(

I am content; I only hope WETA may make another statue of the White Witch soon.
Whoa...that picture you posted was more like a water color painting of the White Witch in the 'ice dress' rather than the actual statueitself. I was confused at first because I knew that wasn't what the Weta Workshop statue looked like. The White Witch in her ice dress is represented by the Disney statue on the site...was that the statue you really wanted?

Weta's line of Narnia statues did not sell well at all so they won't be making any more of the White Witch. Did you discuss this deception of the item with the person you bought it from?
Aww thats sux, sorry to hear that Curumo, so do you have two of those statues?

My master replica mini version of Peters gifts still havent arrives :mad: :(:(
And hopefully my satyr statue will come soon.
I have the Disney WW statue, and I did discuss this deception with the seller. The service was excellent and I have received the only WETA statue of the WW, so I have what I want. Nevertheless, I did indicate (kindly) that the actual picture of the statue ought to have been shown and not the painting of something I thought I was going to get. The painting gave me a hope that I was getting something much better-looking than the WW/Ginarrbrik statue. *SIGH*

I hope your replicas arrive soon, she-elf! How long ago did you order them? :eek:
she-elfwarrior19 said:
Aww thats sux, sorry to hear that Curumo, so do you have two of those statues?

My master replica mini version of Peters gifts still havent arrives :mad: :(:(
And hopefully my satyr statue will come soon.

Awesome stuff....that is my favorite out of the gifts. The shield is soo cool!! And you got the satyr statue as well...excellent choice :D
Aaron said:
Anyways, I was thinking about Starting a Narnia Action figure collection.

I want Narnia action figures. But there were some problems which made me decide not to buy them:

1: You couldn't get a whole set (of the Pevensie children). You got Peter and Edmund. There were no Susan and Lucy.

2: They seemed as if they didn't have enough joints. I like my action figures to be articulated so I pose them for pictures and stuff.

3: Even if Susan and Lucy were available, they'd probably be in their dresses. And that usually means they have no legs (because the dresses are solid). :confused: And I never understood why they went to battle without armor anyway. Everyone else wore it, how come they got left out? Unfair!!! :mad:

4: You should be able to remove their helmets and accessories (swords, shields, etc). I don't know if this was the case with the two I saw.

So, the best Susan and Lucy action figures should wear their dresses and you should be able to remove the skirts (lower half) and "dress" them in armor (removable pieces).

I don't know if that's will happen though. Usually, with things like these, the first movie has all the mechandise and then they don't bother with the rest.

If they make Prince Caspian action figures, I might get my wish. They all wore armor in that one.

Other than that, I'd like Shasta, Aravis (do you think they should come with Bree and Hwin?) an Eustace and Jill as well.
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I think you never know what can happen. Look at the LOTR. They have merchandising for every movie and what I personally think is ridiculous, they had all the figures in the half moon box and later they re-released the same action figures in new boxes. And now they have many single figures gathered in a boxset. Like elfs of Middle-Earth. I have all of them single and will not buy the box with exactly the same figures.
Maybe after the second movie of Narnia, there might be more figures. I also love figures which you can move and where you can place stuff like helmets or swords etc.
Awesome stuff....that is my favorite out of the gifts. The shield is soo cool!! And you got the satyr statue as well...excellent choice
Thank you i always wanted the satyr one:)

I hope your replicas arrive soon, she-elf! How long ago did you order them?
This is maybe close to or the eighth week of patiently waiting, hopefully it comes soon.
So, the best Susan and Lucy action figures should wear their dresses and you should be able to remove the skirts (lower half) and "dress" them in armor (removable pieces).

But the two girls dont wear armor?:confused: why would they for the action figs if they didnt in the film?!?
She Elf have the sellers kept you updated on why the items are delayed so long??? I love getting things in the mail from ebay, it's like a Narnia present every day LOL esp the little stuff like pins and stickers and bookmarks.

I think that LOTR Line from Toybiz was the best example of bad marketing. There were far too many repackaging of items and they had too many of Frodo, Gollum, etc. How many Gollums could one have? I figured it all out one day and if you collected every Toybiz LOTR figure including every wave and boxed sets, you'd have to spend over 6500 dollars to do so.

The boxed sets were largely so they could tempt you to buy a 'special figure' not made outside that boxed set. I got the Mordor Set because it had the Mouth of Sauron in it and I think the Lothlorien set had Haldor in it. But I had boxes and boxes of other action figures from that Toybiz line. It got confusing and frustrating to keep up with all the waves!!!

Thankfully, the Narnian action figures are somewhat limited. I only have the White Witch, and am not sure how MANY there are in total. If someone could answer that would be many NARNIAN action figures are there, from both the Disney Store and Hasbro or whatever. I know that the Disney store had different figures than the ones sold at Walmart.