New Narnia

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Mizar Invades the Lone Islands Part II: Doorn's Doom

After departing Avra, the black ships sailed to the island of Doorn. Unlike Avra, Doorn was prepared and at once two ships came out of the port and began to attack. Mizar's shisp was ahead of the fleet, thus it engaged the two ships first. Mizar stood up on the main deck with his arms crossed and vile smile on his face. As the two ships approached, Mizar lifted his hands and moved the, in a foward motion. The two ships went into a dead stop, Mizar then raise his hands above his head causing the ships to float into the air. Mizar then closed his hand into fist causing the ships to crush and splinter. the men aborad the shisp screamed as the where crushed for inside out. Mizar then lowered his hands and his ship procceded foward. The rest of the fleet surrouded the island and then invaded. It didn't ake very long for Doorn to be overthorwn, sicne there where very few settlements on it. After burning most of villages nad killnig everyone, the fordes of Mizar's troops headed back to the ships. Mizar however stayed a while longer. Mizar looking at lush green forests and fields cringed, he then moved his hand foward and spoke a terrible and vile word that urned all the green trees, grass, and even the rocks into ash. Doorn now looked like a black barren wastland. Mizar the walked back to the port and ordered the fleet to head for Felimath.
♥Ms.*Forgetmenot*♥ said:
WOAH! :D Didn't know!! Who is gonna be Crystal since Lucy_QueenofNarnia is not in this rpg anymore?
I'm going to play her.... seeing as I'm the one who is going to kill her... o.O
Sora needs mental help

squirmy squirmy

*I watch* Chloe, I dunno if you are even near Crystal, and you are violent!

Squirmy squirmy
Lady Chloe said:
LOL What? LOL Actually I made it to- Ah but I'm going to leave the ending for a suprised... :eek:
For a minute I thought you say "Ah but I'm going to leave the ending for a squirrel" O.o

I wish I was funny, like Ariagni

*watching* You are still violent, Chloe!
Lady Chloe said:
How am I violent? **Just curious**
Every post you have has a vowel
♥Ms.*Forgetmenot*♥ said:
Every post you have has a vowel
Jadie you are insane! LOL LMBO
Mizar Invades the Lone Islands Final Part : Felimath in Flames (Version 1)

Finally the black ships arrived at Felimath, there to meet them was an entire armada. There was over twenty ships all prepared to engage. Mizar then orded his fleet full ahead. The black ships increased speed ramming the enemy fleet. Mizar began using his more powerful spells, he began creating waves of darkness that consumed the ships. After defeating the fleet, Mizar's fleet took the port and began masscering the city. Arrows flew in the sky as blades clashed on the ground. One after another fell before the dark hordes of Mizar's army. What was left of the soldiers and kngihts headed to the mian courtyard, wehre the barracded the door and windows. Inside they would make there finally stand. Outside the loud screechs and screams echoed into the courtyard. The Knight's and soldier trembled as the tried to stay focused on the gate. behind all the soldiers and knights where wemon and childern who at moment where shaking with fear. The gate then began to shake, and the men holding it fell backward. "There using a badeering ram" said a soldier. "Whatever you do, hold that gate!" barked a Knight. The troops then got u padn attepted to hold the gate as it shook. But after several lnog shakes, it stopped. Then a unsound silence filled the room, all that could be heard was the shaking of men in armor. Then as they all focusedo nthe door, it turned into splinters. The men holding the gate where thrown back into the the rest of the troops. Then entered a dark figure, who's eyes where a red as fire. The being lifted his hands causing several of the knights to turn into ash. The second wave of troops engaged the being only to be lifted into the air and be crushed form the inside out. The weom and children screamed as they watched the terrible masscere. Mizar then lifted the last few men into the air and began choaking them and throwing them into the pavement. After all the men where dead, Mizar looked at the wemon and children and smiled. (I won't post about this part, because it is to vile, wicked, and horrible to describe). Afterwards Felimath was in flames and Mizar walkedo ut of the main city and stood before hsi army. "We have taken the Lone Islands"-"Now lute us take Narnia!" shouted Mizar. The army shouted, cheered and screeached. Mizar then walked over to hsi Commander and said "Take you ships and port near Cair Paraval, when I've taken Archendland I'll send the signal to attack". "Very good, my lord" replied the Commander. Mizar then baorded his ships and lead half of the fleet ot Achendland, while his Commander headed for Narnia...
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**Trembles** WOJOWNIK!!!! YOU ARE SCARING ME!!!!

What are you going to do when I have nightmares tonight? I'll be cranky tomorrow!!!!
Lady Chloe said:
**Trembles** WOJOWNIK!!!! YOU ARE SCARING ME!!!!

What are you going to do when I have nightmares tonight? I'll be cranky tomorrow!!!!

Sorry, I was jsut trying to show you what Mizar can do and how poerful he is. I don't want you to have nightmares :(
Lady Chloe said:
**Trembles** WOJOWNIK!!!! YOU ARE SCARING ME!!!!

What are you going to do when I have nightmares tonight? I'll be cranky tomorrow!!!!
hn, m hv nghtmrs vry nght. T scks. 'm strtng t ht lf
Happly Everafter: Spolier

Since my last post Mizar Invades the Lone Islands Final Part : Felimath in Flames was very dark and very disturbing I wish to reveal a spoiler to give all who read that post hope and some peace.

After Aslan destroys Mizar, Aslan restores everything back to perfection. Aslan restores all the lands Mizar destroyed and ravaged back to there formal beauty. Aslan also brings back to life all the beings Mizar killed. He then erases there memories of there horrible deaths and gives them a new life.
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