New Narnia

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Sir Godfrey said:
Since my last post Mizar Invades the Lone Islands Final Part : Felimath in Flames was very dark and very disturbing I wish to reveal a spoiler to give all who read that post hope and some peace.

After Aslan destroys Mizar, Aslan restores everything back to perfection. Aslan restores all the lands Mizar destroyed and ravaged back to there formal beauty. Aslan also brings back to life all the beings Mizar killed. He then erases there memories of there horrible deaths and gives them a new life.
nnnn!! n mr splrs!! N!! Y mk m sd! whhh! stp, r 'll cll y kt!!
Sir Godfrey said:
Since my last post Mizar Invades the Lone Islands Final Part : Felimath in Flames was very dark and very disturbing I wish to reveal a spoiler to give all who read that post hope and some peace.

After Aslan destroys Mizar, Aslan restores everything back to perfection. Aslan restores all the lands Mizar destroyed and ravaged back to there formal beauty. Aslan also brings back to life all the beings Mizar killed. He then erases there memories of there horrible deaths and gives them a new life.

Much better SG Thank you
i am going to start coming on more, who would like to join me?? when ever i get on here(i DO get on everyday!), the only person on here is SG! so i get off again, cause no one is posting!
Sure, I'm just trying to work out some plans. I'm orchratating a story, while another one is still going on. So far the Battle with Crystal is abotu to begin, and after Chloe kills Crystal, a villan named Mizar will comei n and take all of Narnia. He will kill many Narnians and become the greatest evil Narnia has ever faced. Note; he is using Crystla as peon to keep Narnia busy while he and his troops sweep through and take over. Yuo can read about Mizar in previous psots, three of them arn't to far back.
I'm going to try and come on more often, but probably not until next year. I've got a lot going on this month. Not that I don't love you all to death, it's just... Life... Yeah...

I'll post more on Eringuard and Chloe.....
Sir Godfrey said:
Go ahead Gentle Susan, we've all made new characters.

Aweomse....thank you very much! Here she is....

Name: Idalia
Gender: Girl
Bio: She's lived in the woods all her life, and has learned to livei n them, like one of the trees. She met Fury, and now they are friends...
Creature: Elf
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
Aweomse....thank you very much! Here she is....

Name: Idalia
Gender: Girl
Bio: She's lived in the woods all her life, and has learned to livei n them, like one of the trees. She met Fury, and now they are friends...
Creature: Elf
where is Fury right now? (and Idalia)
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
fur yis bringing Idalia to the others, I guess, for they have allready met and everything while Fury was hunting so....:D
Ty :D

LOL when was the last time people were actually rping here together.
Right now the story I guess is on pause, since niether chloe or Brightlywood have continued the battle. I won't be playing much tell Mizar takes Archenland.
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