xXx Carmen xXx
New member
ooc: Thank you very much. 

Nicely done, love your bio.
Awesome then... I'll join.
Name: Taria Alina
Race: Half Elven (Immortal)
Age: 26 in human years, 2873 in Elven years
Rank: Knight
Appearance: Slitted eyes like that of a cats, but black, long black hair, alabaster skin, 5'10", very slim, dresses in knights uniform
Personality: Wise beyond her years, kind, peaceful, skilled fighter, favorite weapon- her two Elven long swords, cares for all creatures, soft-spoken
Religion: Elfs don't really have no, but the closest thing would be a Talist or Buddist
Other: Has the power of transportation and the power to call on the elements at her will. Comes from somewhere other than Narnia, but it is not known where. She is skilled in hiding her past.
The Kings and Queens are in Narnia hidden in a hide out. We soon will invade Cair Paraval and Destroy Mizar and his army.