Pirates II -- Come on, Be A Pirate (Please do not delete)

IOWW walked around, checking what little supplies they had to see if they were damaged.
"We need to commandeer a new ship..." IOWW said as she tallied the last bag of flour; That made two, "perhaps new supplies, too..."

ooc- Grr...I've been so distracted, I've been neglecting my pirate duties. :(
ooc: I don't think the pirates are gonna get a chance to restock. It adds spice to the game. Anybody mind if I plow on ahead?

ooc: Nay, the pirates don't have to restock, but it would help if they got themselves another ship...
1. Because the Dauntless in all reality shouldn't be sailing at all... and
2. The pirates are headed to Narnia and Machia and Fish shouldn't be able to recognize the ship they're sailing in... Our plan is that the Group Machia and Fish have started... (Link Here in case you didn't know...) will be enemies of the Pirates when they get to Narnia.... In Narnia time It's been 450 years since the pirates left Narnia and 5 years since Fish and Machia arrived there...

But by all means you have my full permission to plow on ahead in the story!!! Go for it!! Post like the wind!! :D
ooc: Hmmm... how are the pirates going to get another ship, though? Maybe we could just have the Dauntless so shot to bits that Fish and Machia can't even see her name.
ooc: Oh, fine...

(I hope you guys don't mind if I give Aravis and Twilight a few lines and have them do a couple things.)

ic: The Dauntless ran before a stiff breeze, going somehwat slowly time. Her orderliness, however, was just an illusion.
"It's no good, mate," Tom said, throwing down the hammer and nails with which he had been trying to patch a hole beneath the ship's waterline. "I wish Fish were here. I'm the second-best carpenter in the crew, but I'm nothing like her." He looked hopefully at Azgar. "Could you..."
Azgar shook his head. "Trying to patch all the holes in this ship with wizardry would destroy me. I can't fight the sea."
"Well then, we've no choice but to find another ship," Tom stated. "I'll go tell the Cap'n."
Aravis listened to Tom's report with a grim face. "Tell the crew that I want to be alerted as soon as we see a ship flying British colors," she ordered. "Since we're already enemies of the Crown, we might as well make use of that fact."
The Dauntless wallowed onward, her pumps continually going.
ooc: Jump overboard quick, then, since we're going soon... :p

ic: The lookout in the crosstrees shaded his eyes. Yes, there it was; there could be no mistaking that speck of white on a blue sea. "Sail ho!" came the call.
"Can you make out her colors?" Aravis asked the lookout.
"Not yet," the lookout replied. He continued to watch as the sail got bigger, and finally, through his spyglass, he saw the Union Jack. "English!" He shouted to the deck.
Aravis smiled grimly. "Head toward her," she told the helmsman.
As the hours wore on, they were able to discern that their quarry was a large sloop, apparently heavily laden. Slowly, they overhauled her, catching up at sunset.
A hail drifted across the water to them. "What ship is that?" the other ship asked. A broadside from the Dauntless was their only answer.
It soon appeared that the other ship had not been ready for action. Without any opposing fire, the Dauntless was able to draw up alongside the other ship and board. Her crew put up a desperate fight, but they were not many and the Dauntless had the advantage of numbers. The fight was soon over.
Betancourt (Hope ya don't mind if I use your character, Machia) walked up to Aravis. "What should we do with them?" he asked her, indicating the prisoners they had taken during the fight. "We can't bring them with us."
Aravis considered for a moment. "Put them on board the Dauntless," she told Betancourt, "tell them to man the pumps, provide them with whatever we can spare, and let them find their own way to land." Betancourt saluted and hurried off.
The stars glittered in a cloudless sky as the pirates sailed away from their old ship. Below decks, however, the news was less cheerful. Norrington had been taking an inventory, and now he hurried to the captain with a gloomy face. "She had little more provision on board than we did," he said, "and whatever extra we had we put on board the Dauntless for the prisoners. We'll have to make port soon."

ooc: Alright, we have a new ship. Now can we go to Narnia?
ooc: I see.

Well, I guess we might as well get on with the plot...

A council had been called in the Captain’s cabin. The purpose of the council was to determine what should be their next port of call, since the ship was rather low on provisions.
“Bermuda’s out,” Aravis said, looking at the map. “It’s a Crown territory and we can’t show our faces there.
“What do we do, then?” Twilight asked. “Turn around and sail toward the Caribbean? A good many islands there are Crown territories as well, and the place is simply swarming with Brits.”
“We could go to America,” Azgar suggested, also staring at the map. “It’s not too far away. We aren’t wanted there, too, are we?”
“Not to the best of my knowledge,” Aravis said. “We don’t have much to buy provisions with, though.”
“We can all pool our money,” Azgar said. “I’m sure we’ll be able to come up with enough to see us through for a few weeks worth of—“ he broke of suddenly as a huge wave rocked the ship from side to side. The lantern slid off the table and smashed. A moment later an eerie shriek arose as the wind picked up outside. A wild-eyed crewmember burst through the cabin door.
“It’s a gale, Cap’n!” he shouted, his voice half lost in the din of the storm. “It just came out of nowhere!” Aravis rushed up the stairs, followed closely by Twilight, IOWW and Azgar.
On deck, the scene was one of indescribable chaos. The sea was a dark, angry gray, and it heaved incessantly as if it were some giant in unspeakable pain. Rain tore down savagely from the whirling clouds above. Worst of all, however, was the wind, whipping through the sails and rigging with the howl of a thousand wolves. Aravis rushed to the wheel, where two panting crewmen were attempting to control the ship.
“It’s no good, Cap’n,” one of them shouted as she approached. “She won’t answer.”
“I’ll see about that,” Aravis said grimly, taking a firm grip on the wheel. A moment later, however, a baffled expression appeared on her face. “It’s like the rudder’s gone,” she said. “Nothing happens when I spin the wheel.”
“Maybe the rudder is gone,” Azgar said. Battling the wind, they made their way to the stern of the ship, where the source of their trouble was soon discovered. The ship was riding on the top of a huge wave, the rudder mostly out of the water.
“Well, I’ve never seen THAT happen before,” IOWW stated, “And I’ve been on a few ships.”
“There’s no way we can control the ship,” Aravis said hopelessly. “We’ll just have to trust to Aslan and ride it out.”
The only thing they could do was to try and get their sea-anchor out. Unfortunately, when they lifted the canvas covering it had been resting under, they made a distressing discovery.
“The moths ‘ave been at it!” Tom cried, holding on to the rail as the ship bucked violently in the storm-tossed sea. “It’ll fall apart the minute we drop it over!”
“Can you make a new one?” Aravis asked Tom.
“Not a chance,” he shouted back. “I’m not much o’ a carpenter, an’ tryin’ to do anything in this sort o’ wind would be completely beyond me.”
“Well then,” Aravis said, “I guess we’d best get below decks.”
Battling screaming winds, the crew fought their way below decks and lashed the hatches down above them. Then they waited.
As the hours wore on, the storm seemed to abate. At last, the wind and waves had died down enough for them to go above decks and take stock of their surroundings.
The ship rocked on a gentle swell, and the stars glittered overhead, but soon they began to fade, as the grey light of dawn spread across the sea. As the sun burst over the horizon, however, they all gave an involuntary gasp, for stretched before them was a coastline that none of them had ever seen before!
ooc: I see.

Well, I guess we might as well get on with the plot...

A council had been called in the Captain’s cabin. The purpose of the council was to determine what should be their next port of call, since the ship was rather low on provisions.
“Bermuda’s out,” Aravis said, looking at the map. “It’s a Crown territory and we can’t show our faces there.
“What do we do, then?” Twilight asked. “Turn around and sail toward the Caribbean? A good many islands there are Crown territories as well, and the place is simply swarming with Brits.”
“We could go to America,” Azgar suggested, also staring at the map. “It’s not too far away. We aren’t wanted there, too, are we?”
“Not to the best of my knowledge,” Aravis said. “We don’t have much to buy provisions with, though.”
“We can all pool our money,” Azgar said. “I’m sure we’ll be able to come up with enough to see us through for a few weeks worth of—“ he broke of suddenly as a huge wave rocked the ship from side to side. The lantern slid off the table and smashed. A moment later an eerie shriek arose as the wind picked up outside. A wild-eyed crewmember burst through the cabin door.
“It’s a gale, Cap’n!” he shouted, his voice half lost in the din of the storm. “It just came out of nowhere!” Aravis rushed up the stairs, followed closely by Twilight, IOWW and Azgar.
On deck, the scene was one of indescribable chaos. The sea was a dark, angry gray, and it heaved incessantly as if it were some giant in unspeakable pain. Rain tore down savagely from the whirling clouds above. Worst of all, however, was the wind, whipping through the sails and rigging with the howl of a thousand wolves. Aravis rushed to the wheel, where two panting crewmen were attempting to control the ship.
“It’s no good, Cap’n,” one of them shouted as she approached. “She won’t answer.”
“I’ll see about that,” Aravis said grimly, taking a firm grip on the wheel. A moment later, however, a baffled expression appeared on her face. “It’s like the rudder’s gone,” she said. “Nothing happens when I spin the wheel.”
“Maybe the rudder is gone,” Azgar said. Battling the wind, they made their way to the stern of the ship, where the source of their trouble was soon discovered. The ship was riding on the top of a huge wave, the rudder mostly out of the water.
“Well, I’ve never seen THAT happen before,” IOWW stated, “And I’ve been on a few ships.”
“There’s no way we can control the ship,” Aravis said hopelessly. “We’ll just have to trust to Aslan and ride it out.”
The only thing they could do was to try and get their sea-anchor out. Unfortunately, when they lifted the canvas covering it had been resting under, they made a distressing discovery.
“The moths ‘ave been at it!” Tom cried, holding on to the rail as the ship bucked violently in the storm-tossed sea. “It’ll fall apart the minute we drop it over!”
“Can you make a new one?” Aravis asked Tom.
“Not a chance,” he shouted back. “I’m not much o’ a carpenter, an’ tryin’ to do anything in this sort o’ wind would be completely beyond me.”
“Well then,” Aravis said, “I guess we’d best get below decks.”
Battling screaming winds, the crew fought their way below decks and lashed the hatches down above them. Then they waited.
As the hours wore on, the storm seemed to abate. At last, the wind and waves had died down enough for them to go above decks and take stock of their surroundings.
The ship rocked on a gentle swell, and the stars glittered overhead, but soon they began to fade, as the grey light of dawn spread across the sea. As the sun burst over the horizon, however, they all gave an involuntary gasp, for stretched before them was a coastline that none of them had ever seen before!

Norrington stumbled to the side railing and stared in despair at the uncivilized looking land.... He gave a soft moan... They really had ended up in what had the look of being an entirely different world! The fading stars were like none Norrington had seen before...

"Where are we?" He finally managed to gasp weakly...

ooc: Hey, this may be a completely unnecessary question, but did we land in Narnia?
ooc: No, we're in Charn, after it's gone... :rolleyes: Of course we're in Narnia. ;)

ooc- YES! I missed Narnia. :D

ic- IOWW stared at the unfamiliar coast, puzzled.
"Where on earth are we?
She pulled out one of her many maps and layed it on deck, trying to find a strip of land similar to what she stared at now.
After a few minutes, she gave up.
"Cap'n, there be no land on me maps that matches what we're looking at now." She DV'd Aravis, "As o' matter of fact, "it doesn't even feel like earth...anyone else feel...different?" She glanced around at the others who all stood on the deck in about the same manner as IOWW.
IOWW reached up and grabbed the cross hanging from her neck,
"I don't recognize this land at all..." She said alloud," yet...I can't help but feel like, I've been here before..."