Pirates II -- Come on, Be A Pirate (Please do not delete)

*Grins moar* "Silly twilight...Your not the only one who can shoot*

*Pulls out a shiney german rifle* "You like?"

*Twilight's rifle crunches up into pieces*

Shoots pistol while Sean is pulling out his rifle, hitting Sean's hand and making him drop his rifle. "Don't ever call me my sweet again ye big headed self lovin drunken flea." Stated Twilight, pulling out another rifle and shooting again. "Or Silly."
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Aye, before I get shot in the head, I jest wanted to let ye know I'll be retiring to me cabin fer tonight. Hopefully the wizard didn't put a spell on me pillow and I'll wake up with a cutlass in hand tomorrow afternoon. Cuz ye know, the Captain is always the last to wake up :P
And just for good times sake here are the rules:

Twilightdryadhobbit said:
ARRR! Ye have made the wise choice me buckle. I'll be reporting yer oath of fealty to our brave Captain and First Mate on the thread. Is there any job that ye want on the ship that they should know about? (Besides offical Gunner, that's my job ye landlubber!) Ye need to be made aware of the pirates codes that governs this fine vessel, The Black Spot. Follow them, and ye can't go wrong. Here they are:

Ye shall obey the orders of our Captain at all times!
In case the captain is unavailable ye shall follow the commands of those in this hierarchy level:

The Fearless Five:
Captain Queen Aravis48
First Mate- Machiathemarshwiggle
Ship’s Advisor and Carpenter- fish_wwjd_frog
Lieutenant,Chief Gunner and Recruit trainer: Thedryadhobbit, also known as The Twilight Terror
Chief Petty Officer: Is Obsessed With Will

Conditions in which ye shall engage in a battle:

1. No pirate shall fire their weapons until the Captain or whoever is in succession gives the command to do so.

2. No pirate shall leave battle until the captain or whoever is in charge gives the command to do so. If the worst happens we pirates shall stick to the code. And that is any pirates who fall behind stays behind. So be alert at all times!

To our new Pirates:If ye want to be a pirate, ye must report under The Twilight Terror for training. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from “The Black Spot” or worse a walk down the plank

Concerning our Pets:We only have one pet monkey, and his name is Jack the Monkey! He is a highly specialized trained monkey who somehow got its questionable skills thanks to the Bermuda Triangle. We also have an invisible cat, Pierre and a dog.

Concerning us Pirates:
We pirates are originally from Earth. Not from Narnia. Some humans, like the ones we’ve heard about have a wardrobe to enter Narnia, we Pirates entered Narnia through the Bermuda Triangle when we were sailing along the Caribbean. That’s why we have the power of teleportation

Ye shall keep informed of what’s been happening in the pirate thread at all times! This is so that us pirates can avoid in partaking in such stupid decisions like attacking without any back up. Our Ship “The Black Spot” cannot afford such damages!

Every Pirate must clean their arms (muskets, pistols, cutlasses) prior to retiring from their daily duties.

The First Matey will constantly be making rounds aboard the ship to make sure that every pirate is fulfilling their duties. If caught by the First Mate, one will have to wait two hours after everybody on board has finished eating their dinner fer one to finally eat.

One must then report to Twilight fer verification of armor at least once a week. Failure to clean armor will result in immediate removal of all armor fer one day. Meaning if there is an attack the next day ye must either run fer shelter or fend fer yerself.

Every Pirate must be awake before the Captain. That would be 4 hours after sunrise. Pirates will be allowed to stay in bed as long as they want on the weekends.

No stealing medicine from DMC’s Medicine cabinet!

Those who are caught will be subject to some form of mild torture

No Carving on the walls or sides of the ship! If caught, One’s pocket knife will be taken away for two weeks and supper will be denied that evening.
Fish will be making rounds on the ship after sunset.

Every Pirate must be in their cabins at one hour past midnight. At this point there is to be no pirates on the main deck. Except Twilight and whoever’s on watch.

Anyone found, in the galley ('cept fer Apolo), in the weapon or powder rooms ('cept Twilight), in the rum cellar or on deck after midnight will be punished.

Intruders will be held captive immediately. They are to be brought to the Cap’n. If the Cap’n is not available, they are to answer to any member of the FF.

Under any circumstances the members of this crew are not to engage in battle with the machinist. He fights dirty and there’s no way we can afford to have any more pirates wounded and /or even close to death.

Any Mandalorian seen aboard will be shot at first sight! These are people who do not reason.

QueenAravis has put an anti intruder spell on the ship. It works like this: The spell doesn't last forever.
It has to be turned off before we can teleport off the ship. Weapons such as arrows can get through it, but no intruder's hand, or any other part of thier bodies can touch the ship.
*Reloads n' shoots Tiffy in teh head*

Twilight took a large barrel which was now empty of gunpowder and brought it down on Sean's head, finally ending his insane, grog infused dream. "Drag him down to the bilges mateys." Ordered Twilight, reloading her pistols. "But first have his hand bandaged up where I grazed it. And don't let him near grog nor weapons till I hear a civilized apology out of his yellow bellied lizard head!!" She watched him go downstairs with narrowed eyes and a shaking of her many braids of long hair. "Arrrr... if he'd only tried that when I was Evil... We'd be havin dragon stew.... Anyway, nighty night all. I'll be cleanin up this mess, ye can sleep, I'll take the night watch. After all, The Twilight Terror never sleeps, but I let me friends and mateys."

ooc: Sorry, I have to go. So goodnight all and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! God bless ye all, and thanks fer the amazing fun times!
*Quietly steps in* How long have I been apart of this thing?!! It seems like forever, but I've obviously missed ALOT!!!:eek: Poor Rangers!!! I miss them *toasts Rangers* *drinks wine (NOT RUM :p)* *tackles everyone into bonecrushing hugs* Missed ya guys who have abandoned us!!!:(:D
I say - is there a celebration of some sort here? I brought some apples - and my estate-made cider (the good stuff). Here's some honey as well - and some mead!

I'm glad to see the Pirates still sailing, and even more glad to see they're not plundering the coastlands of Narnia! I'd hate to have to go back to war with them...
I say - is there a celebration of some sort here? I brought some apples - and my estate-made cider (the good stuff). Here's some honey as well - and some mead!

I'm glad to see the Pirates still sailing, and even more glad to see they're not plundering the coastlands of Narnia! I'd hate to have to go back to war with them...

"Prince!" Twilight gives him a bone crunching hug. "Arrr... well, thank ye fer the cider and honey and apples, but I hope ye don't mind if I take charge O' the mead? We had a little problem with Sean last night, and much as I'd relish giving him another sound beatin', I think the Capn' might object to having a cripple aboard.

Oh, and about the pillagin and plunderin'... Arrr... well we are pirate Prince. Hope ye don't mind just a bit O' fun, it was our celebration day yesterday after all..." *Tries to hide Dutch chocolate, Vampire teeth and Willianite banner under a cannon with her foot...* :D ;)
I say - is there a celebration of some sort here? I brought some apples - and my estate-made cider (the good stuff). Here's some honey as well - and some mead!

I'm glad to see the Pirates still sailing, and even more glad to see they're not plundering the coastlands of Narnia! I'd hate to have to go back to war with them...

"Arrr... 'cause ye know we'd beat yer sorry Knights up the coast o' Narnia and down with one cannon tied behind our backs!!" Machia said drawing his cutlass.. but a moment later he laughed and gave the Prince a hearty slap on the back... "Arrrr, I jus' be kiddin' with ye matey..."

Anyway onto me morning narrative, 'cause I'm missed doin' 'em...

Machia stepped out of his cabin into the bright morning sunlight and felt the familiar rocking of the Black Spot beneath his feet... A few pirates mingled around the deck, keeping an eye on the sails and riggings, but for the most part a lot of the crew were still in bed recovering from their grog induced dreams... The First Mate pushed his hat up over his eyes and took a reading of the weather... The sky was clear save for a few innocent looking clouds and there was a strong wind at their back.... Perfect day for sailing...

Once glance at the sun's position in the sky told The First Mate that it was time for the crew to be up and about their business... However just as Machia was readying his loudest DV, an uncharacteristic feeling that he should just let the poor crew sleep a little longer came over him.... In the form of the scent of apple pie coming from the galley... Machia decided he would let the crew sleep in... at least until after breakfast... :D
"Arrr... 'cause ye know we'd beat yer sorry Knights up the coast o' Narnia and down with one cannon tied behind our backs!!" Machia said drawing his cutlass.. but a moment later he laughed and gave the Prince a hearty slap on the back... "Arrrr, I jus' be kiddin' with ye matey..."

Anyway onto me morning narrative, 'cause I'm missed doin' 'em...

Machia stepped out of his cabin into the bright morning sunlight and felt the familiar rocking of the Black Spot beneath his feet... A few pirates mingled around the deck, keeping an eye on the sails and riggings, but for the most part a lot of the crew were still in bed recovering from their grog induced dreams... The First Mate pushed his hat up over his eyes and took a reading of the weather... The sky was clear save for a few innocent looking clouds and there was a strong wind at their back.... Perfect day for sailing...

Once glance at the sun's position in the sky told The First Mate that it was time for the crew to be up and about their business... However just as Machia was readying his loudest DV, an uncharacteristic feeling that he should just let the poor crew sleep a little longer came over him.... In the form of the scent of apple pie coming from the galley... Machia decided he would let the crew sleep in... at least until after breakfast... :D

Twilight came up from behind Machia and gave him a hearty slap on the back, looking as fresh as if she'd just woken up, even though she had stayed up all night as usual. "Arrrr, and a hearty breakfast we'll be having First Matey! Apple pie, honey cakes, cider and I might even be able to find us some dragon sausage... Speakin O' that, just how long would I get in the brig fer slayin one O' our allies...? Just wonderin...."
Twilight came up from behind Machia and gave him a hearty slap on the back, looking as fresh as if she'd just woken up, even though she had stayed up all night as usual. "Arrrr, and a hearty breakfast we'll be having First Matey! Apple pie, honey cakes, cider and I might even be able to find us some dragon sausage... Speakin O' that, just how long would I get in the brig fer slayin one O' our allies...? Just wonderin...."

The First Mate held up one finger to tell Twilight to wait for a moment, disappeared from the deck and reappeared a moment later with a large piece of apple pie in his hand.... "Arrrr... longer then ye want ter think 'bout, Matey...." Machia answered with a grin as he took a bite of pie... "Gar, an' I'm afraid ye'd have ter be removed from yer master gunner duties... An' I'd have ter be givin' yer cannons over to someone like... I dunno, Kyn... An' ye can imagine what that'd be like... No one cleanin' their weapons and wastin' power left an' right..." Machia gave a crooked grin as he took another piece of pie from his pocket... "Arrr, although I sympathize with ye 'bout our dragon friend, ye can't do any slayin'... But anythin' else ye can think of, I think I can jus' conveniently look the other way...." :D
Well, those are my apples that I grow on my estate. I retired from errantry some years back after some friends and I roundly defeated these pirates. Of course, then we had to ally with them to defeat some other threats to Narnia, so all ended well. I've been a bit out of touch with the scurvy dogs (they like being called that, if you can believe it) for a while, having retired to tend my orchards and bees. I still send them apples and honey from time to time, though in celebration of their anniversary I've ordered a fine pig to be brought and slaughtered.
I can't believe I missed the entire celebration! :eek: But I've been really busy lately. Can you forgive me? :D

"Arrrr... t'will be difficult, I'm jus' saying, but maybe after ye've swabbed the entire deck an' all o' down below deck, so clean that I can see me face in it, we might be forgivin' ye..." Machia said with a crooked grin, "Gar, although if ye be givin' me that last piece o' apple pie, ye'll be findin' me forgivin' ye sooner..." :D