Red Roses Graphics

find let me go find him -sigh- you like the rich dudes gottca

LOL. No, I don't like rich dudes. Just Declan. :p

Alright, here we are:

And I just couldn't resist...:rolleyes:
love the avatar! Go team malfoy!

YEAH! I've always hated Malfoy but by the end of the sixth book I started feeling bad for him and by the end of the seventh book I fell in love with him. :p But it's only recently that I fell in love with Tom Felton.
I love the font & colors you used on that banner! ♥♥ And I also love your signature, Aurora :) It's really creative!
I love the font & colors you used on that banner! ♥♥ And I also love your signature, Aurora :) It's really creative!

Thanks. =)

So, here's another one of Landon Liboiron. I spelled his name wrong when I made it and I didn't realize until later. It was such a pain in the butt fixing it. I didn't want to start over and now you can't even tell where I messed up. =D

I couldn't decide how I liked it better when I first made this...then I thought I liked the second one more...but I'm not sure again... 0.o

I haven't made any new graphics in forever! But I guess it's been because there's so much crap going on in my life and I've just been so depressed lately...

So anyways, a few random icons to help pull me out of depression:
So, last night I couldn't sleep and I couldn't figure out what to write next in the story I was working on, so I made a wallie. Personally, I think this is my best wallie. ;) The wallie can be found here. And if it doesn't let you see it, the guest password is tehbubble. My brother's idea. :rolleyes:
So, last night I couldn't sleep and I couldn't figure out what to write next in the story I was working on, so I made a wallie. Personally, I think this is my best wallie. ;) The wallie can be found here. And if it doesn't let you see it, the guest password is tehbubble. My brother's idea. :rolleyes:
Love the wallie! The style is awesome...The icons are great, as well (as usual! :))
Thanks you guys. Soz, I was bored and it's late... again so I made another wallie. Lately I've been staying waaay late, usually working on my story. I just can't seem to sleep. There's too much on my mind. >.< Soz (I've been saying far too often lately 0.o) enough wallowing in self-pity, here's my Anna Popplewell Banner.