Red Roses Graphics


So, I start school tomorrow so I decided to make a few more avvies because once school starts I'm probably going to be really busy and won't get too much time to make graphics.

I know summer is almost over but making these avvies made me not as sad about school tomorrow. I also found out that my locker is right next to my friend Sarah's and we have Bio first period together, so... I'm happy... the day before school starts. Never thought I'd say that... =p

:eek: Those icons are breathtaking!! I was in awe of them the moment I saw them. Amazing job! And good luck at school!! :)
Thank you! and btw, my first day was awesome! I get the feeling this is going to be a good year! :):D

Alright, so I'm a huge fan of Halo. (This is what happens when you have two brothers and no sisters; you start playing video games with them. :rolleyes:) So Halo Reach comes out on Tuesday (WOOT!) and I'm totally excited. I bought The Fall of Reach Today (Halo book) and I just watched the Reach trailer (again) so I love the ending of the trailer. It gives me chills. So i had to make a wallie.


So since something tells me most people won't be interested in my Reach wallie, here's a few cupcake avvies since it's friends birthday. ^.^

Oh my goodness!!! I absolutely love your work, RR! :D
It's been awhile since I've been back on TDL and I'm really in need of a new sig. Do you think you could make me one? That would be so wonderful! :)
Thanks you guys! Sorry I haven't posted anything new in a while. I've been busy with school and grades since this is my last year of High school and I need some amazing marks to get scholarships. And I've got a job now so my life is really busy. I'll make tons more avvies tonight if I get the chance though. =)

Oh my goodness!!! I absolutely love your work, RR! :D
It's been awhile since I've been back on TDL and I'm really in need of a new sig. Do you think you could make me one? That would be so wonderful! :)

Thank you! And I'd love to make something for you. What would you like? And what do you want it to say?
So it's almost 2am here but I don't wanna go to sleep so here's a few things I made today.





I don't really like the "An urge to dance one," but I love the way the "I'll dream another dream" turned out. =)

So anyways, on another note, my brother was showing me this video earlier and you guys have to watch it. Trust me. It's hilarious.
Thank you! And I'd love to make something for you. What would you like? And what do you want it to say?

Thank you so much, RR! :D I really appreciate that. I know you're really busy, so please don't feel too pressured.

Here are some graphics I really like:
Peter, Edmund, and Lucy(This is my first favorite, so I would love to have this one on it most of all) -
Peter and Edmund(This is my 2nd favorite, so this would be great too)-
Edmund 2-

As far as text, I'm not quite sure yet. Would you let me know when you get to that point, so I can get back to you on that? I definitely need to think for a bit.
Again, thank you SOOOO much!!! *Hugs* :D
Thank you so much, RR! :D I really appreciate that. I know you're really busy, so please don't feel too pressured.

Here are some graphics I really like:
Peter, Edmund, and Lucy(This is my first favorite, so I would love to have this one on it most of all) -
Peter and Edmund(This is my 2nd favorite, so this would be great too)-
Edmund 2-

As far as text, I'm not quite sure yet. Would you let me know when you get to that point, so I can get back to you on that? I definitely need to think for a bit.
Again, thank you SOOOO much!!! *Hugs* :D
Oooh, I like the first two pictures. ;) Anyways, I'll see what I can do . I'll try to be quick about it; shouldn't take me more than a week.

oh, Rose I love the dancing one may I use it?
Sure, go ahead.
Oh my gosh, your latest stuff is AWESOME!!! =O And the video you linked to was really cute =D
Thanks! And I'm glad you liked the video. I thought it was cute too. =D

Btw, I love your siggy. So simple and cute. =)
Awww... thank you so much, dearie! Take as much time as you need. I'm just so happy you are going to make me one!
So, I finished it tonight because I knew I wouldn't have time during the school days. I made 4 different types. The first one has only one picture and it was mostly just for me to "warm up." So pick one that you'd like text on (or all of them; it doesn't matter to me because text is the easy part =p).





Oh, also, if you don't like anything lemme know and I'll try to fix it. =)
oh, yay thankies I just put it up - hugs-

No prob. =)