Roleplay By Monologues

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Grey Eagle put in some more flying time with his banners asking why the supposedly compassionate figurehead of the Change Party would let his brother suffer poverty in Kenya. As he left the big city most recently overflown, his banners became visible to several 13-year-old girls riding horses.

These girls were much less self-absorbed and more well-intentioned than the bulk of their counterparts. When they realized what the banners meant, they all formed a sincere desire to help the neglected brother somehow. Unfortunately, as products of modern public education, they didn't know Geography from Jingle Bells; thus they thought that Kenya would be directly reachable on land from the United States. Their well-meaning new quest only wearied their horses and wasted their time.
A Girl sat in front of her computer chewing her sweatshirt string, wondering, if her favorite actor had replied to her fan email yet.
he hadn't.
She lost all hope and went to find CW
Landing at another university, Grey Eagle noticed a warning sensation as he walked along the campus: the sensation that he was near a boundary of Monologues-dimension reality. A little farther, and he would have to revert to the NON-super-powered form of middle-aged retired U.S. Navy veteran Joseph Ravitts, a.k.a. Copperfox. But he proceeded; he couldn't let himself always be afraid of being vulnerable. And he wanted to see what nexus, what manifestation of especially strong primary-world reality was holding back the Monologues reality on this campus.

Then he saw three newspaper-vending boxes beside a campus sidewalk, and he knew _exactly_ what it was: a very genuine objective reality, neither made up in his head nor even exaggerated by him in the slightest degree. A true and well-documented fact of life on countless campuses in the _actual_ United States.

One of the boxes was labelled for a conservative student-written newspaper. This box had been vandalized, and all the papers were gone except for some ripped pieces. The other two boxes were for hardcore-leftwing papers, and they had not been molested at all. That was of course the consistent pattern in reality, not made up but actually happening just this way. With all his Grey Eagle powers suspended by the presence of 100 percent reality, Joe stood looking at the three boxes, remembering his times at the suffocatingly politically-correct University of Maryland, working on a Master's degree in Russian, before the cancer had taken his first wife....

Suddenly a voice interrupted his reverie from close behind: a voice that sounded too inhuman, too horror-movie-like, to be here in pure primary reality. But the voice _was_ here, saying:

"Well, Grey Eagle, we meet at last! What a shame the dialogue won't be very long. You bitter people clinging to your weapons and religion, and hating everyone who's different from you, can't be left running around loose."

The speaker's wording, changing the word "guns" in the stock phrase to "weapons," abruptly reminded Copperfox that one item of his Grey Eagle guise was _still_ with him: his authentic Roman legion-style sword, bought in the real world at the Maryland Renaissance Festival. But he left it hanging at his side as he turned to face the evil-sounding stranger.

It was no one he recognized: a man looking a little younger than himself, and much _taller_ than himself, with his face in the kind of smirk that makes you want to smash that face--unless, of course, you agree with what lies behind the smirk. "No, you haven't heard of me," said the stranger. "But I've heard of your 'Empowered For Freedom' resistance messages. Well written; too bad you won't be able to write your own obituary."

A stabbing pain ran like a rapier through Joseph's chest, bringing with it the sensations of his blood pressure skyrocketing--the worst it had been since his hospitalization less than two months after Janalee had been called to Aslan's Country. His legs almost gave out under him.

"I suppose I owe you my name," said the stranger affably. "It won't mean much to you, but I'm called Skoltos."

"Greek for darkness!" gasped the bearded man, meanwhile reaching for his nitroglycerin tablets and managing to get one under his tongue.

"Very good!" the stranger laughed. "My specialty is the very thing you have long fought against--calling evil good, and good evil. So you should be honored that I felt the need to eliminate you myself. Here's what happened to poor old senile raving Ravitts: while wearing a sword in keeping with his ridiculous middle-aged fantasies of youth and strength, he came onto this campus on a mission of hate, to destroy all the _progressive_ newspapers; but when confronted with his violation of campus weapons regulations, he had a heart attack and died--the victim of his own fascist hatred for everyone different from him. I called an ambulance, of course, but it was too late to help him."

Joseph summoned his will, rebuked the instinctive animal fear of dying, and began staggering back toward the reality-boundary he had crossed. It wasn't far. He remembered all the times, as his own ordinary self, that he had _willed_ himself to relax during chest-pain incidents. Perfect love casts out fear...Greater is He Who is in me, than he who is in the world.... You _must_ be calm, Joe...You can't lose: if you die, you get to be with Mary and Janalee, and if you live, you get to keep serving God on Earth...Breathe slowly, deeply...Just a little farther now...

Only when it was too late to stop his victim did Skoltos realize what Joseph was doing. The boundary was crossed--and suddenly, The Grey Eagle stood upright and healthy, not in ANY peril of a heart attack. Now he swept his Roman gladius out of its scabbard, and called out challengingly, "Care to step over _this_ way a bit, and make my day?"
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Trinity greeted the lovely newcomer, telling her about some of the more colorful characters in Horse-With-No-Name-Ville. "It's a shame you can't see Copperfox; he's the one whose restaurant got stolen and turned into a so-called 'People's Collective.' He's out of town, doing something against the general movement responsible...."


One of the persons promoting that general social movement, the man of dubious humanity calling himself Skoltos, was just then accepting Grey Eagle's challenge. Roaring like a Gwa'uld from "Stargate," he made a thirty-foot leap at the superhero; and with him came an expanding dark blur, as when an octopus or squid squirts its ink in the water. Grey Eagle flew straight up as a defensive move--and thus was not struck by the bullets from the machine-pistol the villain drew. As usual with his faction, Skoltos considered rules as only binding _other_ people, never himself.

Grey Eagle tried to dissipate the dark smudge in the air telekinetically; but it was not any material substance. The old scholar, even in the midst of action, involuntarily recalled a phrase from John Milton's Paradise Lost, describing the bad place: "In which no light, but darkness visible, / Served only to discover sights of woe." So he probed with his super-senses, and was able to locate the gun and make it fly out of his enemy's hand. But he found that both his telekinesis and his temperature control were unable to affect Skoltos directly.

Now the dark blur lifted into the air, to the same low altitude as Grey Eagle. Out of it leaped something like a cowboy's lariat. It began to encircle his body; but his superior speed enabled him to cut through it before his sword-arm could be pinned.

Grey Eagle resorted to a tactical retreat--not from fear, but because his foe probably _wanted_ this fight to attract attention. He probably could cause the networks to report it as an unprovoked assault by a crazed neo-Nazi survivalist ultra-patriot nutcase. So Grey Eagle made Skoltos follow his flight, in vast leaps, to a less populated location. And even as they went, Grey Eagle telekinetically pulled up the contents of dumpsters along the way, setting this trash on fire in midair....until his enemy's haze of darkness was weakened by the flying flames.

Coming into view again, Skoltos looked rather less human. Like a computerized visual effect in a movie, both his clothing and his skin seemed now like a view of an overcast sky, with the image of boiling clouds rushing across his body.

"Just what do you creeps want," Grey Eagle demanded, "that's worth all this trouble? Among you, you've already got crowds of billionaires, so it can't be about getting material comfort!"

"Didn't Valteesha tell you when you had your little make-out session with her?" jeered the fiend. (The name Valteesha was meaningless to Grey Eagle, but the reference to making out reminded him painfully of how far he had let the Shapechanger get with him.) "We want to _redefine_ things, like freedom. We offer people the freedom of selfish carnal pleasures, so that they won't notice how we're taking away their freedoms of property ownership, self-defense, right to work, and so on--the things which determine a society's character." He drew a sword of his own, an ugly wavy-bladed weapon. "Why am I telling you this? It's exactly what _you've_ been trying to warn the gullible sheep about for years. But you won't be writing any more warnings, OLD man!" And Skoltos charged.

Irony flickered through the superhero's mind. So many Change Party members wanted to believe he was an oppressor of women just because he believed in a Biblical complementarian view of male-female relations; that he wanted to hold women down and keep them artificially powerless. Yet the reality was that he had never balked at obeying orders from female officers in his Navy career; AND he had quite happily accepted swordplay instruction from...his _sister_ the actress. What Ricki had taught him, combined with his super-speed, was more than enough to outweigh his enemy's longer blade and fearsome strength.

The swords clashed most dramatically, cutting, thrusting and parrying; but Skoltos was driven steadily back. His every super-leap to try to gain a position of advantage was countered by his flying antagonist. The smug self-confidence on the villain's face was gradually changing into fear. Both duellists could hear a sound of approaching police sirens; each man thought fleetingly of how he might get the police on his side. But with Skoltos outmaneuvered at every turn, it now seemed that Grey Eagle would be in command of the situation when the law did show up. And it would be the fingerprints of Skoltos--if indeed he _had_ any--that would show up on that machine-pistol.

When defeat looked certain, the inhuman being resorted to his last tactic to save himself.

What this was, Grey Eagle beheld when he made a thrust at Skoltos--and HIS OWN sword seemed to be impossibly bending back to stab at its owner. For a terrifying moment, it seemed that _both_ swords in the fight were only attacking _one_ fighter.

Scrambling frantically backwards, Grey Eagle suddenly remembered Skoltos' boast, mockingly citing Isaiah 5:20 about calling evil good......This must be a power of _reversal!_ With Skoltos on the attack again, there was no time to ponder. Gambling that he was right, Grey Eagle whirled _away_ from his foe...and thrust his sword into empty air _while_ facing away.

A scream of mortal agony rewarded the superhero's gamble. Turning back, he saw Skoltos crumple and fall as if run through; and as the villain fell, he looked even less human. Like what Mr. Lewis wrote in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, that you wouldn't be allowed to read the book if he described some of the monsters.

The police cars pulled up. Grey Eagle was preparing to tell them everything, since (as Beauregard T. Beauregard had remarked lately to Lady Sarah) you have to try to get along with the society you live in. But then he heard the approaching cops mindlessly chanting, "Bitter people--hate who's different! Bitter people--hate who's different! Bitter people--hate who's different!"

So he took off and flew out of reach.
Queenie was aware of her new guest who arrived and she was amused to see how Abby was doing. Abby found a lot of friends and she seemed to enjoy being in the Horse_with_no_name village.
Queenie walked up to her bridesmaids and thought it was time to make plans because the wedding was so nearby now.

" Okay...let me many bridesmaids do I have now? Nessa is 1, Abby is 2, Trinity is 3 and Alice is 4. 4 Bridesmaids so far. Then we have tghe little girls. 5 local girls around the age of 4 till 10. Alright! Now we must pick up some clothes! The ladies all need to be dressed up. So I'm going to take them to the store a bit further".

Emmett was still thinking about his talk with Ki-Rin. And then he heard a voice he never could hear enough. It was his bride_to_be Queenie.

" Emmett, I'm going to take the ladies with me to find them dresses for our wedding. I don't know if you like to come with me or if you are still waiting about some news of our dear beloved Navy veteran".

Emmett didn't mind Queenie going out with all the bridesmaids_to_be. He knew he could trust her and he knew she was very capable to back off the reporters. Emmett had taught her a lot during the time she was with him. And he saw his Queenie grow. At first she was a very insecure woman who just found the Lord and she didn't know all the answers. Emmett couldn't give all the answers in the world but he taught her a huge lot about the bible and about the love of God. Then Queenie started to learn more and more and slowly she changed into a very happy young woman. Emmett still didn't know Queenie's real age. But she must have been a lot older than he thought.

" Hey Queenie my darling, it's fine with me if you go out with the girls. You can always call me if you need help. I don't expect you to get into trouble but if you me".

Emmett kissed his fiancee and then he looked into her eyes and whispered.

" There is one thing you never told me Queenie....what is your true age?"

Queenie smiled and blushed.

" If I reveal my true age you will find out I could hold the record of oldest woman in the world and would you still love me?"

" I have gone through a lot and Aslan brought us together. So do you really think I would go against His wishes when I found out you are older than the oldest person alive right now? I wouldn't care any less about you and I wouldn't cancel the wedding. So....tell me sweet lass".

" danish creator brought me to live in 1844 at Kopenhague. My exact date of Birth is not known but it must be around late Spring or early Summer."

Suddenly Queenie turned pale as if she remembered something. She looked at Emmett.

" I forgot to tell you about the mirror! The mirror made by the evil Hobgoblin..... He created a mirror in which everything beautiful and good shrinked into nothing and everything bad and mean looked increased in size and more powerful. I remember it again..... the mirror felt and broke into pieces and landed on the earth. So this might have been the reason why this evil wizard turned so evil."

Emmett looked at his Queenie who still was thinking about the thing she just remembered.

" Why didn't I remember it before? Why so suddenly?"
"Aslan may be promptin' you, darlin'," said Emmett. "Have ya got a feelin' like this mirror's gonna have some immediate effect on us an' our plans?"
Bat-Bat came in just then. His super-hearing had overheard the whole conversation between the lovers, but he tactfully gave no sign of having heard the admission of Queenie's age.

"What's that about a mirror distorting the nature of things?" asked the superhero. "We already know that the Evil Cultural Corruption Conspiracy puts a big emphasis on confusing people about the truth; and I just received a transmission from Grey Eagle, telling me that he had tangled with a super-villain who was into the same thing."

"Is Joe all right?" Emmett and Queenie asked together.

Bat-Bat allowed himself a smile. "Yes, he's all right. The other guy isn't!"
Queenie was still thinking.

" I don't know Emmett. It certainly will not effect us because true love will never be undone. especially when Aslan Himself brought us together but it might have some effects on our plans. What happened to the other fragments of the mirror? Did they stuck in people's heart and turn evil wizards into even more evil wizards? I don't know Emmett. I wish I knew".
Bat-Bat, still standing near, said, "Well, I'll program my surveillance network to search for any possible clues to this mirror. Not that the world hasn't got plenty of deception even without it. Meanwhile, Emmett, how about if I run that errand for you, so you can be on call if Queenie needs you for anything?"

"I need him for EVERYTHING," Queenie interjected with a smile.

Emmett passionately--er, um, shook hands with Queenie, then replied to Bat-Bat, "Sure, thanks."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So into the newly-named Octopus Collective went the winged superhero: the first time he had set foot in this restaurant since eminent-domain abuse had stolen it from its founder Copperfox. An assistant manager met him, saying, "Christians are Nazis, how are you today? Christians are Nazis, are you eating alone? Christians are Nazis, do you prefer a booth or a table?"

Bat-Bat recognized this man as one who had worked for Copperfox; the fellow showed no shame about working for those who had robbed the rightful owner of this establishment. The hero held up a pre-emptive hand. "Demagogues are scum; thanks, but I'll do my eating at some cleaner place, like a sewage-treatment plant. Demagogues are scum; I've just come to present this." He handed an envelope to the man. "Demagogues are scum, have a nice day."

Bat-Bat left a little parting gift: a slight vocal interference, causing all of the traitor's attempts to say "Christians are Nazis" to come out as "Crickets are naughty."

The envelope contained an official letter from Emmett, stating that the restaurant owners' association which he and Copperfox had started, was dissolved.
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Lonny sighed. "Alyosha, I told you to go and take a nap. You'll be very cranky if you don't."
"I know that you don't like naps, but you need to take one."
Alyosha waddled over to his little bed in the corner and curled up to go to sleep. "Quack?"
"You just had a drink of water, Lyosha."
"If you take your nap, you can have a cookie after dinner tonight."
Alyosha quacked excitedly and then Lonny said, "But, you HAVE to take a nap first, Alyosha."
Alyosha quacked again and then went to sleep. Lonny picked her book back up and started to read again.
If there had been any doubt about the cultural corrupters being tightly networked, it was dispelled for Emmett while Queenie was out with her bridesmaids. Bat-Bat had confirmed delivering Emmett's letter, then headed off to program the search for the cursed mirror--also to prevent rumors of a new Indiana Jones movie about it. Then, scarcely four minutes after Bat-Bat's departure, ten or more protestors, not one of them a local resident, were in front of the Gunslinger Steakhouse, waving signs that all read either "Meat Is Murder" or "Carnivores Are Criminals." What they were shouting was far less printable than the content of the signs; and for emphasis, one of them threw a rock through a window.

Emmett stepped out the door to meet them, with Jake hurrying to join his brother. Jake had Inkling's shotgun, loaded with rock salt; but Emmett gestured for him to be patient.

One protester made a snowball and hurled it at Emmett's face; but Emmett caught it on the fly, his hand yielding some so the snowball wouldn't be utterly squashed--and flung it right back in the protester's face. The others were startled enough to stop cursing for a moment. Using this moment, Emmett boomed out, "Am I to understand that y'all are concerned for the rights of animals? What about sperm whales, killer whales, dolphins, seals, walruses, bears, lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, cheetahs, cougars, ocelots, lynxes, bobcats, wolverines, wolves, hyenas, foxes, otters, weasels, ferrets, shrews, eagles, hawks, owls, chaparalls, herons, cormorants, penguins, kingfishers, crocodiles, alligators, gavials, snappin' turtles, monitor lizards, and every species of snake there is? All of _them_ critters eats other critters; I don't see y'all protestin' an' cussin' at them!"

As he said this, he had brought a lariat into view and started it twirling, almost with a hypnotic effect on the small crowd. "Now, folks, I happen to know somethin' that maybe you yourselves don't know. More'n likely, some of your protestin' gets done against rich folks....but you yourselves _got_ some rich folks really callin' the shots for _your_ activities! They don't care that much about who eats what; they care about bein' able to boss folks around. That includes bossin' _y'all_ around. They talk slick, but in the end they want to do the same to _you_ as they wanna do to the rest of us. That, metaphorically talkin', would be THIS--!" And he flung his lasso's wide loop around three of the protestors, tightening it and yanking hard in one motion. The three astonished vegan fanatics had scarcely hit the snow before Emmett had a _second_ lariat in hand, with which he snared and felled two more.

For a split second, those who were still mobile appeared bent on assaulting Emmett and Jake--until Jake stepped forward, letting the shotgun in his hands be clearly seen. So the protesters turned tail and fled, with cries of "Sexists! Racists! Neo-Nazis!" Not one of them found the courage to stay long enough to help their lasso-trapped friends; so Emmett and Jake stooped to untie these.

"Any of y'all play chess?" Emmett asked, getting no answer from the sullen, resentful, but intimidated protesters. "I say that, 'cause all of you are pawns. You think it's okay to try to force us to be vegetarians, because you think no one's going to restrict _your_ tastes and likings. But they _will;_ sooner or later, the same politicians you think are so compassionate, will get around to prohibitin' somethin' YOU like to do. And by then, you'll find that the 'hate speech' laws will have widened their loop, to take _your_ speech in as 'hate speech' if'n you dare to complain. Y'all wanted 'change;' but you ain't even started to see how _much_ change you're gonna get."

As the freed protesters rose to their feet, Emmett suddenly realized that, inside the no-animal-products winter coat, one of them was a woman. In fact, she was the same woman who had kicked him in the shins in New York, that day he had held a door open for her. His recognition came just barely in time--for him to dodge her attempt to kick him again. Enough being enough, he seized her in a stony grip (while her friends left her to her fate like the cowards they were). Then he sat on one of the customer benches outside the steakhouse entrance, and took the unruly woman over his knee, her struggles availing her nothing.

"Stay right here, Jake," said Emmett. "I need you as my witness, for the law, that she tried to kick me first; and for Queenie, that this here's nothin' personal--or, nothin' personal in any way my sweetheart needs to be jealous about." Yanking the heavy coat up out of the way, the gunslinger proceeded to administer a grand spanking to the woman, who spewed out the foulest obscenities either man had ever heard in his life.

Gladys, the bed-and-breakfast owner, came by just then. She did not need to be told that Emmett would never do such a thing as he was doing without great provocation. So she joked, "Does this mean you're marrying this gal instead?"--also knowing that Emmett would never touch Queenie in a rough way.
While Jake saw to getting the broken window replaced, Emmett and Luigi made ready for the lunchtime crowd. Gladys, meanwhile, deciding to exercise an ounce of prevention on her friend Emmett's behalf, sought out Queenie where she was shopping, drew her aside, and said:

"Listen, honey, I have decades of experience in gos--ahem, I mean in _resisting_ the urge to gossip; and I know just what wild stories can spread by chance, let alone when there's folk lying on purpose. You might hear some idiotic talk before today's out, about your man behaving improperly with another woman; but don't let it fool you. Jake and I both saw what really happened, and Emmett IS true to you. He'll tell you more later, and I promise you it _will_ be the truth. Go on with your shopping for now."
Queenie was in no way intimidated by the thought her Emmett would cheat on her and she was more curious what was the cause of this behavior. And like Gladys said rumours spreaded around like fire. In this case the woman who just got spanked by Emmett appeared and happened to face Queenie. Queenie and her compagnons would never understand how a woman could curse that much as she did. Her mouth was filled with dirty words and she cursed when she looked at Queenie. The mod-cam just filtered the bad words.

" Your so called man is nothing than a coward. While you were away he was trying to approach me and treated me in a disrespectful way. He said he wanted to get to know me better. Now is this the man you want to marry? Someone who watches other women and promise to stay faithful?!"

Queenie already knew the woman was lying and if she wouldn't have been warned by Gladys she would have known by all the cursing this so called lady did.

" I like to have a word with Emmett. I think a good laugh before the weding is a good sign".

The woman was so angry with Queenie her reply she wanted to kick her but then she was brutally kicked aside by two small and happy plumbers.

" Hey! Hey! There is our fan Nessa! Hello Nessa!!! For this story we have deccided to come by!"

Mario and Luigi (the two famous game characters) hugged Nessa who was one of their biggest fans. The woman walked away angry. There was no way she could get back on Queenie because everybody looked at these two funny plush figures always sitting on Nessa's couch. Queenie took her cell phone and called Emmett. Not because she was angry or suspicious but she couldn't stop laughing at the scene just happened
"Gunslinger Steakhouse, Emmett speakin', how can I help you? --- Queenie? Hey there, darlin', I hope didn't none of them animal-rights wackos give you no trouble today. They gave us a callin' card over here, a rock through a window. Jake an' me had to reason with 'em a bit."

There was no tone of guilt in Emmett's voice, because in fact he had done no wrong--except perhaps in the opinion of abrasive celebrities like Rosie O'Donnell.
Queenie never had any doubts about Emmett and told him everything which just happened. She couldn't stop laughing when she heard what Emmett did.

" Okay love, I'm almost done shopping and will return home to you".

Queenie checked her bridesmaids and she was satisfied.

" You girls all look wonderful and I'm satisfied. But are you satisfied because that's more important. Tell me if you want anything to be changed so I can do this before we are going home and have dinner."

Everybody was satisfied. Queenie checked all her bridesmaids again and talked with them individually.

" So we are all satisfied! I love you girls! You are going to make our special day even more special. And now it's time to go home. I'm impatient to see my love again and I guess a certain hockeyplayer is impatient to see his wife again as well. So let's go home before it gets dark".

The whole group went home and Emmett never felt any regrets about the heavy and long kiss his Queenie gave him when she came home. This was something he looked forward at. The mod-cam zoomed in but zoomed out as soon as Emmett sticked out his tongue at it.
As Emmett walked Queenie back to the bed-and-breakfast, each with an arm around the other, the former sorceress asked, "Where exactly ARE we going to live once we're married?"

"Why, in separate houses five miles apart, of course," replied Emmett, with such an expressionless poker face that Queenie laughed--then kissed some expression back into his face. When speaking was possible again, which was not terribly soon, he told her, "I've been workin' on that on the sly. What they call an undisclosed location, but near enough to town. We'll have our horses there too."

Queenie assumed a playfully coy look. "Keeping secrets? I guess I can't criticize you, since I've kept putting off telling you the name of the sorceror who corrupted me. But now"--her voice turned serious--"Aslan protect us from harm, the sorceror's name is ________________ ."

{OOC: That blank to be filled in by MGG-Took.}

In Gladys' parlor--this time _without_ Gladys watching, since Emmett would be reluctantly leaving in a moment--the two lovers poured themselves into as close and fervent an embrace as was possible standing up with all their clothes on. Their single goodnight kiss lasted almost four minutes, with each one's hair well-mussed by the other one's fingers.

Emmett went to the door, as Queenie said once more, "I love you, Emmett Frankl, I love you with all my warmed-up heart."

"And I you. Come Saturday night--well, darlin', you figure it out."

COMING UP: action with Bat-Bat!
Ooc: This post happened before the post above but at the same time in which Copperfox asked to fill in a name

Queenie looked at her beloved Emmett.

"The sorceror's name is Ardwin. It's a name I never hope to hear again and I know we are protected by Aslan."

Emmett looked up and repeated the name Queenie just revealed. Long had it been hidden but finally the name was revealed. Queenie had banned the name out of her memory since she turned back to good and now when things were changing she couldn't hide it any longer and had to speak it out so she could finally close this chapter of her past.
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The church-bashing hatchet-job column by Bob Stutz made it online even before appearing in print newspapers. Establishment broadcast networks put comments about it on the teleprompters of their talking heads, urging the talking heads to look wisely concerned about this threat of theocracy. Stutz was able to keep the stir going with a followup story, claiming that rumors of giant Japanese monsters appearing in the same Colorado town suggested that the outgoing administration was plotting a Neo-Nazi coup to retain power, using the monsters to terrorize "everyone who was different."

But there were some _listening_ heads who soon figured out that Caricature Baptist Church was not part of _any_ Baptist conference. No establishment media outlet would allow these people to be heard; so they went on talk radio to reveal what they knew--which, of course, caused them to be accused of "hate speech," and led to increased calls from Change Party stooges for talk radio to be muzzled by the "Fairness Doctrine."

But the nationwide exploits of Grey Eagle in fighting back against lies inspired the truth-tellers to keep trying. Thus, on the Wednesday morning after Thanksgiving, a fact-finding group came to Horse-With-No-Name-Ville, Colorado. They represented the Southern Baptists, the General Baptists, the Missionary Baptists, the American Baptists, the Freewill Baptists, and the Primitive Baptists (who were sick and tired of hearing "clever" jokes that their denominational title was redundant). They had gotten in touch with Bat-Bat for assistance; he met them at the train station, along with Jake and Trinity.

The Missionary Baptist representative, the eldest man in the delegation and the only African-American, was named Ron Birmingham. He had been chosen as the leader of the group, in an effort to prevent fabricated accusations that the visit was a white-supremacist activity. Everybody shook hands, and then Birmingham said to Bat-Bat, "Would you please show us to Caricature Church? We didn't come here for amusement."
The hockeycouple knew the name of Ki-rin all too well. He helped them back at the Dragon Kingdom in Wonderland. They felt nothing but respect for this mythical creature as the radio called him. Nobody knew if the dragons had gone back to Wonderland but they weren't seen or heard of so everybody assumed they did.

Mr Stutz seemed to enjoy the latest developments. The angry people calling the studio to complain made it even more fun for him. So he was one of the reporters travelling to Horse_with_no_name village and record the event as he would call it.
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