Soooo, what'd'ya get?

My daughter and son-in-law gave me a sturdy new hiking staff to replace the cherished old one of mine which unaccountably disappeared during my season with the Renaissance Festival.
Several movies on DVD, a macro flash, and a light tent for photography.

For those of you who don't know what a light tent is, here's a photo:

wow!!! :eek: u got really good stuffs

well I got
some clothes
a new scarf wich I love it
and a new pair of boots!!! :D love those too no one will take them off of me :p
yep that's it ;)
Several movies on DVD, a macro flash, and a light tent for photography.

For those of you who don't know what a light tent is, here's a photo:


Nice, my camera mysteriously dissapeared, so my photography has ceased for a little while.

I got $100 total, a space pen (you know, the one that cost 6 million or so to design), and a black Laguna Electric Guitar (<3)
Apparently I've been very good this year, I ended up getting around 30 books, a movie (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince), gloves and some t-shirts.
Heres something thats unique; I got a real sword for Christmas. It needs a handle and some sharpening but its Awsomeatic anyway!:D
Other than that I got both the LWW and PC soundtracks AND the ROTK soundtrack, plus 60 dollars (I blew 42 today on a book [Eragon's guide to Alagaesia] a movie [the Aristocats] and a breakable kitten thingy [from the APL place at our mall] :D) I also got my very first real hoodie and I love it (its sooooooo soft!) and some fuzzy socks (also remarkably soft).:D
The Prince Caspian and LOTR soundtracks; "God in the Dock" by C. S. Lewis; "Blink of an Eye" by Ted Dekker; and "The Conservative Mind" by Russell Kirk, among other things. I'm happy!
this year i got some real cool gifts

this year i got some really cool gifts

a make up travel bag with 2 little ones inside

russel stover candy the assorted creams ones

miracle on 34th street on DVD

sesame street's 40th anversary on DVD featureing clips from episdoes i grew up with when i was a little girl very retro
Oh gosh! I got a lot of stuff! Here are some that I know:

Phantom of the Opera
August Rush
Miss Congeniality
New TV
Laptop desk
Lip Balm
Wicked Soundtrack
Scrubs season 1
Clothes for my school
iTunes Gift cards
$20 mall card(I used it up in one day :p)
Bathroom scale(hey, I needed one! :p)

That's as much as I can think of for now. ;)
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Heres something thats unique; I got a real sword for Christmas. It needs a handle and some sharpening but its Awsomeatic anyway!:D
Other than that I got both the LWW and PC soundtracks AND the ROTK soundtrack, plus 60 dollars (I blew 42 today on a book [Eragon's guide to Alagaesia] a movie [the Aristocats] and a breakable kitten thingy [from the APL place at our mall] :D) I also got my very first real hoodie and I love it (its sooooooo soft!) and some fuzzy socks (also remarkably soft).:D

lol, like, real as in it's made-of-metal sword, or real as in slice-peoples-heads-off sword?

I have a made-of-metal sword (it's a scimitar, but not just any scimitar, it's Aragorn's scimitar, from Lord of the Rings)
Wow, Mewsie! What a gift!

You guys seem to get so much for Christmas, I'm almost jealous. :p

I got three books:
Chronicles of Chinese Emperors (English reference-like book, with lots of pictures)
Dream of the Red Mansion (Chinese novel written sometime in the Qing Dynasty, pocket size edition, in Chinese. I like pocket-sizes)
A book about Chinese and Western zombies and vampires (now I can finally know what the deal with Chinese zombies is. this book looks interesting)

I also got a toy from my borther. I don't know what it's called, but it's these little wooden peices that fit together in a certain way. There's like a trick to putting them together or taking them apart. I spent the whole afternoon wiggling this piece and jiggling that piece and playing with it. :D

I also got a coat, and someone gave me a pen.

My uncle will bring my sister and I to watch Avatar sometime next week, so I guess that counts as a gift too.

That's it. :D
lol, like, real as in it's made-of-metal sword, or real as in slice-peoples-heads-off sword?

um, both. When I get it sharpened leastways, now I can only impale people with the tip.:p
And I'd excpect that its a real "slice-peoples-heads-off sword" because my grandpa who gave it to me said it was really old.
And its a simitar btw.
I got:
An Italian Bible (La Sacra Bibbia). I can understand about a third of it in passages I'm familiar with.:p
Two other books.
Some fuzzy socks.
A Borders gift card.
A pair of slightly dangly horse earrings that get caught in my hair but I love anyway.
A CD of church songs sung by the Harding choir.
A Celtic Thunder CD that has an extra song on it that's not listed or on the library copy.:eek: Not that I'm complaining.:D
My family doesn't do Christmas gifts (and I'm too old for them anyway.;)) but my grandfather always gets me something.:D
From him I got a CD burner to convert my old cassette tapes to CD. I'm very happy about that because some of my music I've had for a decade or more and the tapes are nearly worn out,plus I can also transfer my tapes of 1940s radio shows and listen to them as much as I want.:D
And a bar of Martizpan.:p
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