Jacen was destroyed by his lust for power, in the end the Dark Side consumed him. Then again I haven't read or checked up on storyline lately so maybe he redeemed himself.
No, he didn't. I read the final book in that arc. The thing that bothered me in it was that Luke Skywalker, the noble and selfless hero of the OT, who held on to the beleif that his father, DARTH VADER, could be redeemed when Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Leia beleived it impossible ( only padme held on to that much faith in him) yet decades later, when his nephew is going down the same path, he dismisses him as a lost cause and doesn't even try to encourge Jaina to save him.
Now the books have made him and his son, along with Han ane Leia fugitives. Again? C"mon that happened in NJO!
I'm excited for the live action Star Wars series ( I mentioned it in the ST vs. SW thread), as it will focus on the "smaller" characters. Some rumblings of which ones whould show up:
Wedge Antilles
Mon Mothma
Bail Organa
Admiral Ackbar
Boba Fett
Grand Moff Tarkin
Sereis finale for it is rumored to be the battle where the rebels steal the Death Star Plans, though I'd love to see Biggs Darklighter show up, and maybe even do an episode that would include the deleted scenes between him and Luke Skywalker on Tatooine, typing the TV show to the films, and apssing it back to them ( the running time for thsoe scens does ammount to nearly a hlaf an hour.)
Actually that Episode III-IV time frame is ripe for plenty of TV shows. You could do the political drama on Couruscant. The "Young Luke Skwyalker" Tv show ( think Smallville except in SW world.) And for the kids, the mad-cap misadventures of C-3P0 and R2D2 in Droids. ( I know it already existed, but it's time to revive it.)